Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 735: The disease

After several trials, Song Qingxiao has accumulated a lot of good things. In the Nv Wa Sky Patching mission alone, there is nothing in the Universe Pouch grabbed from the hands of trialists such as the Purple Eyed Boy and the Five-Tailed Fox Girl. Fewer items they collect.

It was only because of later casting magic weapons, cultivating god-destroying techniques, and improving cultivation level that Song Qingxiao hadn't had time to count his trophies in detail.

With such treasures as the Chaos Blue Lantern, the Heaven-Paling Sword, and the Star Array, plus this time Song Qingxiao has won the “Eight Treasures Through the Mind Order” from Fan Wu this time. Difficult to get into her eyes, just took it out to redeem points at this time.

Thinking of this, Song Qingxiao immediately scanned her universe with divine consciousness.

The first thing she took out was the mustard space that she had snatched from Fan Jianghe. The contents had already been classified by her. Except for the Shennongding, the things in the mustard space of Fan Jianghe didn't seem to be of much value at this time.

Song Qingxiao tried to exchange points with Mustard Seed Space, and a response from Trial Space: Xumijie (lower grade), 500 points can be exchanged, should I redeem it?

The value of this mustard space surprised Song Qing Snacks.

She remembered that the first time she sold trophies in the trial space, it was a magic pen Ruyi that she had seized on Alcatraz Island, and she had exchanged 500 points at the time.

Because it was the first time in her life that she'selled' trophies, she was still very impressed after a long time.

At the time of the trial, she hadn't stepped into the door of practice, her strength was low, and the items held by those who participated in the trial were not worth much.

Fan Jianghe’s space ring cannot be worth less than that, but the points exchanged by the two are the same. Could it be that as her strength increases, the rewards for the exchange of items for points may be due to The huge difference in level makes the value of the item itself seriously devalued by the trial space?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that her guess should be close to the truth, just as the exchange of the nine-character secret order was more expensive each time.

In order to verify his own ideas, Song Qingxiao immediately took out the Ding Dan Ding, and after scanning with his spiritual sense, he sensed: Ding Ding Ding, a middle-grade alchemy artifact, from the Shennong clan, can be exchanged for 10,000 points, whether to redeem it ?

Sure enough!

Song Qing sighed a long sigh, and took the tripod back into the Universe Pouch.

When she got Ding Danding, it was still worth 20,000 points. Now, in just over two years, the value has dropped by half.

It's just that Song Qingxiao could figure this out, but when she thought that this hard-won mustard space could only be exchanged for 500 points, she still couldn't help but frowned.

After hesitating for a while, she was still a little reluctant to sell the mustard space for 500 points, and finally chose to refuse.

"Sneer." Within the soul, Su Wu let out a sneer, as if laughing at her stingy behavior.

Song Qingxiao was so smiled by him, as if he was prying through his heart, and it was rare to feel a bit embarrassed, so he could not help but reach out and touch the tip of his nose, as if explaining:

"I'm not reluctant, I just want to estimate the value of other things first."

"I understand." Su Wuxiang agreed with her, and a lazy voice sounded: "This is how poor people are."

After his voice fell, Song Qingxiao was silent for a moment, then suddenly thought about it and felt something was wrong:

"Senior can understand, does it mean that he has lived such a careful planning life?"

As soon as he said this, Su Wu stopped speaking.

Song Qing reacted as soon as he was young, he might have said part of the facts.

Although Su Wu was born in a large family when he was young, he betrayed the Taikang clan for some reason.

Without the support of the family, maybe he will be like himself, after a period of poverty, becoming a seller...

Thinking about it this way, Su Wu's originally extremely mysterious image in her mind seemed to become extremely real because of poverty.

"What does it matter to you?" Su Wu raised his voice, but this way, Song Qingxiao seemed to be a little bit more irritated and angry.

"I didn't want to control it, just follow the predecessor's words and ask, if you don't want to say it, forget it." She said lightly: "Not to mention that the difficulty is only temporary. After entering the **** prison, there will always be other people with treasures. Take the initiative to give away property."

When she said this, she couldn't help but took out an item from Qiankun's bag, "Look at senior, isn't it?"

What Song Qingxiao took out was a lavender bead. The bead had a powerful aura, and it was covered with faint lightning patterns. It was a collection of things in the Universe Pouch snatched from the Purple Eyed Boy.

She said the act of robbery so frankly, her tone was so natural that it was just a natural behavior to get oil and water from others, which made Su Wu dumb.

While Su Wu was silent, Song Qing swept away his little consciousness, and the trial space showed: Thunder Spirit Orb, a medium-grade magic weapon, which can be exchanged for 5000 points, is it redeemable?

This time she didn't hesitate anymore and chose to confirm.

Although the boy said that he was arrogant that day, he did have arrogant capital.

His wealth is extremely rich, and he has a lot of items in his collection, such as medicines, equipment, and some low-level magic weapons, but Song Qingxiao is cheaper now.

Now she didn't look at these things, so she simply took out all of them and exchanged them out. After the final liquidation, a total of 27,500 points were exchanged.

Adding the points awarded by her own mission, Song Qingxiao now has 37,500 points in total.

After she had collected enough points, when she was about to return to the exchange interface of the trial space again, she exchanged the ‘soldier’ order.

The points were deducted 20000, and at the same time, a golden shadow of the word "Bing" appeared in the soul.

The three characters "Lin", "Zhe", and "Front" at the moment when the word command "Bing" appeared, the light of the word command flashed together, bursting out powerful spiritual power, connected to each other, forming a whole body, bringing Song Qing The word'Bing' collected by Xiaogang made it sucked in.

The word "Bing" entered into that word order, and the spiritual energy above the word order was great, and the power above the four words impacted her sea of ​​consciousness, causing the resonance of the spirit power she had previously inhaled in her body.

The power transformed by the souls of Yichang and others poured into her body at the last juncture, but because the power was so huge, she couldn't absorb it in the first place and kept suppressing it forcibly.

At this time, inspired by the nine-character secret order, the spirit power accumulated in the body suddenly began to surge, impacting her veins, and dispelling her original plan to try this new achievement after exchanging the'bing' order. The word Lingwei's plan.

Song Qingxiao immediately hugged his mind, carefully leading this pure and extremely energy to begin to wander around the veins.

The power of this soul is so powerful that it was difficult to detect when it was temporarily suppressed. At this time, after Song Qing's movement, it was as if it were all activated.

That mighty force like the sea, the veins that cannot be contained, were gradually introduced into the flesh, merged into the blood, and tempered her flesh.

The extra power hits the veins and brings a burst of pain.

But fortunately, Song Qingxiao has now touched the magical effect of the God Destruction Technique. Since the muscles and veins cannot fully accommodate the power, they can completely use the power of the God Destruction Technique to temporarily send out the excess spiritual power to form a huge one. Circulation, disperse the damage of this power to the muscles, while expanding your muscles and improving your cultivation.

Spiritual power gushed from her palm, and then returned to her body from the other palm.

I saw that the spiritual power formed a huge eggshell-like halo outside Song Qing's small body, and every week he walked, the veins and muscles were repaired after they were broken.

Although this process caused a lot of pain, after several repairs, the veins and veins were widened and stronger, and gradually they were able to withstand the impact of these spiritual forces.

In the process of this practice, Song Qingxiao's spiritual power turned into ice crystals, gradually sealing the cave where she temporarily lived, and "seal" Song Qingxiao in disguise.

She quietly broke through the middle-level restriction of the Huaying realm and entered the top level of the Huaying realm.

In a flash, half a year passed, and after she was closed for half a year, she hadn't left for half a year, which made some monster beasts who were afraid of her coercion and avoided returning to the area where they had escaped that day.

There is even a Tier 4 daring monster. It seems to sense that the spiritual power here is particularly abundant. He is extremely happy to build a lair not far from her, regard himself as her own territory, and drive away those who stray into the territory every day. Low-level monsters.

On this day, this Tier 4 demon fox had just foraged for a meal, and was about to absorb the spiritual power here as usual. When she fell asleep beautifully, she suddenly heard the sound of ‘rumbling’.

Then its cave began to sway, and this violent noise made the Tier 4 monster fox, who had not closed its eyes, jumped up and grinned, revealing the threatening roar after being disturbed:


It grinned open, revealing extremely sharp canine teeth.

This place is full of spiritual power, and for some reason, it has never encountered a stronger natural enemy since it lived in the past six months, as if a higher-level monster beast had cleared the place before, so it lived in this six months. It's extremely comfortable.

Suddenly I heard a noise, and the monster beast's fierce appearance was revealed, and it just uttered two roars, and then I heard the cave above its head being torn apart by an incomparable force——

‘Crack! ’

Amid the sound of cracking rocks, a large amount of gravel and mud couldn't help falling down.

Under the shock of the terrifying spiritual power, the cave that it dug out unexpectedly began to'boom' and shake.

Immediately after that, the strong spiritual power that used to dissipate outwards, at this time, they started to gather in the same place.

As if not far from it, there was a whirlpool of spiritual power, and all nearby spiritual power began to **** in frantically at that point.

This power came suddenly and swiftly and violently. Before the Tier 4 monster could react, its body was ‘grabbed’ by this spiritual power volley.

When it panicked, it let out a stern scream. In the midair, the beast's petite body expanded several times. Its claws protruded, and it slammed into the surrounding area. Under this spiritual power, the fragile rock wall smashed into pieces.

In the sound of the rolling rocks of the ‘Rumbling Rumble’, with this change and impact, the monster beast’s volleyed body finally fell to the ground.

At this moment, Song Qingxiao didn’t know what happened to his neighbors. Yichang and others had lived for thousands of years, and they fought against the demonic energy of the evil dragon’s ghost. The power of the soul was extraordinary, and it was far more powerful than her Initial estimate.

With this power, she not only easily broke through the top step of the Infant Transformation Realm, but at the same time rushed to the top of the Infant Transformation Realm.

As soon as the rank is upgraded, the Zhoutian cycle that has been expanded by the god-killing technique becomes larger. Even in addition to the original spiritual power, the external spiritual power is also attracted, endlessly flooding into this cycle. Among them, follow the God Destruction Technique into Song Qing's body.

These forces were twisted into one, extremely tyrannical, impacting her muscles and veins all over her body.

Song Qingxiao felt very clearly that there seemed to be a kind of restraint in her body at this time, restricting her advancement.

This is the shackles between the Infant Transformation Realm and the Distraction Realm. She was not qualified to sense it in the past. At this moment, as her strength progressed, she clearly felt the suppression.

It exists in every place of her veins, restricting the expansion of her veins and the flow of spiritual power, making her strength limited.

Every impact of spiritual power can weaken it a bit, but when Song Qingxiao thought it could be broken through, it made a comeback after the impact of spiritual power, firmly holding her veins. , Restricting her spiritual power to converge in her dantian.

At the thought of this, Song Qingxiao couldn't help but draw the spiritual energy of the surroundings into the body, while reducing the cardiopulmonary circulation.

I saw that the halo that enveloped her body quickly shrank by half as she collected her spiritual power ~ Once the already peaceful spiritual power was restricted, it suddenly became fierce by several points.

The spiritual power around the territory rushed into her body frantically, and merged with her original spiritual power to form a terrifying force, merged into a surge, and rushed into the veins in one fell swoop!

Wherever she went, she broke open the shackles that bound her.

Spiritual power flowed back from all around her body and poured into her dantian to gather.

When the whole body's spiritual power hits the dantian, the restriction that has been restraining the dantian seems to be unable to withstand the impact of this force anymore, and it bursts into pieces!

All the surging spiritual power poured into the dantian, surrounded the purple infant at once!

Spiritual power washes Ziying's body, transforms it into heavy light and shadow, and refines Yuanying.

Song Qingxiao felt that her consciousness was divided into two strands at this time, half of which was calmly hidden in her dantian, allowing spiritual power to wash through her body, and half of it was still paying attention to the pulsation of her own body.

With a movement of her mind, half of her spiritual consciousness was used to palm the Yuan Ying.

She only saw that the Nascent Soul, who had been subjected to spiritual impact and tempering, stood up from the spiritual impact and sat up under the control of her consciousness.

Such as the smaller version of Song Qingxiao, with fat palms held on both sides of the knees.

Under the guidance of Yuanying, those disordered spiritual powers that rushed into the dantian were guided by moments, and they were slowly introduced into Yuanying's body in an orderly manner, forming a new week-day cycle of God Destruction Technique.

The spiritual power in the dantian was transformed into a light blue lotus light shadow under the Yuan Ying's fingers, enclosing the fat Yuan Ying in the lotus platform, echoing the spiritual power in the Yuan Ying.

At the same time, the excess spiritual power, under the guidance of her other distracting mind, began to return from her dantian to the whole body, and then to the sea of ​​consciousness to gather.

After breaking through the shackles of the Sea of ​​Consciousness with a ‘boom’, the two forces began to reunite again, and the moment they met each other, the fetters that had stuck her realm suddenly broke.

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