Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 802: out of control

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The powerful shield's energy was unstable under the power of the Buddha's palm, and slight fluctuations began to appear.

A little spiritual power poured in from the restriction, and was actively sucked into the nose by the young man holding the wheelchair with his palms.

"It shouldn't be like this." The frail young man was pursing the corners of his mouth. His original intention was not to cause such a result.

If all the reasons are due to him, then should it also end up with him?

Spiritual power poured into his body, instantly breaking the originally balanced power in his body.

The restraint in his body is like a balance that is properly maintained, even a slight disturbance is enough to cause extremely terrible consequences.

At this moment, he took the initiative to draw this spiritual power into the body, and the calm restraint was instantly activated.

Over the years, in order to balance the power in his body, countless people from the Shi family have paid a lot for this, making his body like a huge black hole that can swallow the void, and the power contained in him is unfathomable.

Once the balance was broken, the forcibly forbidden spiritual power in Shiyue's body was instantly'invigorated'.

The storm began to form, and the ‘live’ power began to turn passive into active, greedily sucking the spiritual power that overflowed into Shiyue’s body into Shiyue’s body.

These spiritual surges caused him great pain, making his face pale instantly, but he still gritted his teeth to endure the severe pain, holding his breath, and preventing himself from making a half-minute sound, causing Shi Qi. Attention, and then pressed down the riot.

With the inhalation of a trace of spiritual power, the power in his body began to not satisfy the absorption of this little spiritual power.

The balance that had been forcibly suppressed by the parents was broken, and the ‘black hole’ awakened. From the trickle that it absorbed at the beginning, it later absorbed all the nearby spiritual power fiercely and abnormally.

The restraint guarding him shook, and under the impact of the powerful force, Shi Qi finally noticed the abnormal movement on his side.

He turned his head in horror, and his handsome face was distorted in horror.

Even when Song Qingxiao appeared to accuse Pei Hongyin and took out the Xuantian-level spirit treasure, he didn't have a face that changed a lot, and he was full of panic right now.

Shi Yue's spiritual power began to surge, and a large stream of air flow drilled in his body.

Like a pair of finger-wide sharp blades, from head to toe, they shuttled across a layer of flesh and skin.

Wherever the spiritual power flow went, his pale skin was so pale that no trace of blood was visible, arching a terrifying arc similar to a water pipe, squeezing his face and hands into deformation, which was extremely terrifying.

Under spiritual pressure, his bones made a sound of ‘kaka’, his eyes were strangely pitch-black, and his head leaning forward, like a dying fish, couldn’t even make a sound.

One can imagine the tremendous pain he has endured at this moment!

"Ayue!" Shi Qiyi exclaimed in a cold breath when seeing this scene.

The prohibition has been broken, and the turbulent air around him is like a violent flood, and he has found a gate where he can go, and they all rush into his body madly.

He has no way to control this power at all. If this situation is allowed to go on, his body cannot hold these powers for long.

If you can't deal with it in time, he will die!

Shi Qi made a decisive decision, trying to cut off the flow of spiritual power that was sucked into his body.

But the opportunity has already taken shape, even with his cultivation in the distracting state, it is almost impossible to cut off this resistance.

The hand he stretched out was scorched by spiritual power, and the moment he touched it, his flesh and blood made a ‘wheezing’ sound, swept away the flesh and blood of his palm, and instantly made his five fingers appear white bones.

"Hmm--" Shi Qi let out a painful snort, and when he wanted to catch it, Shi Qi's body seemed to be blocked by him, making him even more irritated and absorbing more ferociously.

Not only was the turbulent air current around him swept away for a while, the attraction was still not satisfied.

I saw that the palm of the Buddha that was about to be suppressed to the ground at this time, shed a stream of white light.

Looking at it in a daze, it is like a spiritual fog lingering around the edge of a Buddha's palm, rising into the air, turning into strands, and rushing in the direction of time and time.


The change here quickly attracted Siye Pei's attention.

The white light on the Buddha's palm turned into a stream of light, which was sucked away by the body of the past, as if it had received a powerful appeal.

In the blink of an eye, most of the aura on the palm escaped, making the close-solid palm print appear a little faint.

As the spiritual power of the Buddha's palm was sucked away, the light dimmed and the power weakened.

The figure of the compassionate Buddha sitting in mid-air seemed to be pulled by a force, and it swayed involuntarily, and then leaned in the direction of Shiyue.

"What the hell!" Pei Siye exclaimed when he saw this scene.

Shiyue and the Buddha's shadow were connected by a powerful flow of spiritual power, and his body was as if being pulled by the light beam.

"Recall the Buddha statue!" Shiqi shouted in horror.

For the aristocracy, Shiyue is a special existence.

He was the only "survivor" in the collaboration between the clan and Tian Waitian. The clan did not completely give up his ambition to conquer the gods. He still has many secrets worthy of the study of the time.

Time cannot die!

As soon as Shi Qi's words fell, Fourth Master Pei's flustered expression was certain, his hands were running spiritual power, and he hit the Buddha's shadow.


The swaying Buddha shadow's mouth issued a Sanskrit secret spell, and as soon as Pei Siye's spiritual power entered, it was quickly absorbed by the Buddha shadow.

It's like a drop in the bucket, completely useless!

"No..." He said out in a flustered manner, looking a little embarrassed.

The moment the Sanskrit Orb was released, the seal was released, and the power inside would lose control, and the palm would not be recovered if it didn't fall.

The Buddha shadow summoned by this string of sacred beads has reached the strength of the Void Realm, and with the cultivation base of the Fourth Master Pei who is not excessively God Realm, it is simply unable to control it.

In addition, the spiritual power in Shiyue's body was induced, like adding fuel to the fire, making the situation at this time even worse.

Fourth Master Pei played several spiritual powers one after another, but he couldn't take it back at all.

Even as the spiritual power of the Buddha's shadow was sucked away, Fourth Master Pei was shocked to find that the power in the several Sanskrit sacred beads was being overdrawn!

The power in the holy pearl is not endless, but it is because of the blessing of the spirits of the eminent monks of the Sanskrit family that such a terrifying attack power can erupt.

And the more this power is consumed, the weaker the mana after the holy pearl will be until it is finally exhausted.

It is not easy for the Pei family to get such a treasure. If it is exhausted at this time, the blow to Fourth Master Pei can be imagined.

At this moment, he has swept away the complacency when he took out this treasure earlier, with a trace of pain in his expression.

The spiritual power was penetrated into the bead one after another by him, and he wanted to prevent the use of this bead even more than Shiqi.

Although the Buddha's palm seal hadn't completely fallen down, under such spiritual pressure, Song Qingxiao, who was covered in the Buddha's palm seal, would undoubtedly die.

She was also in the realm of distraction, with the physical body of the clone realm, there was no way to withstand such a big lethality.

"You will separate him!" he shouted at Shi Qi.

The spiritual power he played was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and it couldn't shake the smiling Buddha's shadow.

Shi Qi was sweating profusely, if he could stop it, he would have done his best.

At this moment, the spiritual power forms a ‘spiritual bridge’ that connects Shiyue with the Buddha’s shadow. Unless it is also the supreme cultivation level of the Void Realm, he can only be helpless in such a situation.


The figure of the Buddha in the midair began to tremble. The more Pei Siye anxiously wanted to control the body of the Sanskrit Sacred Orb, the more spiritual power he could play.

But these spiritual powers of his obviously can no longer control the situation, and he was very horrified to find that as his spiritual power was connected to the Buddha's shadow, the Buddha's shadow seemed to have spiritual power.

From the beginning, he actively injected spiritual power into it, but later he started to absorb the spiritual power in his veins.

As soon as he realized this, Fourth Master Pei was frightened.

The veins and veins are like an hourglass, and the spiritual power in the body flows away frantically, and is absorbed by the Buddha's shadow. The speed is so fast that it has been sucked away by as much as 40% in the blink of an eye.

As a result, Si Ye didn't even bother to take back the Buddha beads, but was anxious to cut the connection between himself and the Buddha's shadow.

But something that frightened him happened!

Once the Sanskrit Sacred Orb got out of control, the suction power of the Buddha shadow that was summoned with the strength of the Void Realm was much higher than his cultivation base.

His ability to do this has no effect at all in front of this Buddha image!


At this moment, Fourth Master Pei felt that the power in his body was quickly sucked away, and the whole person was panicked.

He didn't have any resistance under this suction force, and the attraction was getting bigger and bigger, and his spiritual power seemed to gush out from the veins of his body and be led into the Buddha's light.

He was miserable now, and he couldn't even shout.

The spiritual power in the body has been completely out of control, and the secret method of operation can't overwhelm the power of the Buddha's shadow.

The Buddha's light has gradually become dissatisfied with absorbing it, but has turned into countless tiny golden glows, penetrated into his body, and actively began to'claim'.

At this time, Fourth Master Pei lost not only his spiritual power, but also felt that his longevity and essence were also madly passing by.

"...Help..." He was so horrified that he opened his mouth and wanted to call for help, but the sound was not heard yet, and then he was overwhelmed by the loud and long Buddha shadow:

"...Nah... Hum..."

The Sanskrit sound spread, and the golden light enveloped him, as if it had sealed his five senses, spiritual consciousness and spiritual power.

Across the brilliant golden light, the faces of Shi Qi, Mrs. Hexiang, Mr. Zhixing and others gradually became unclear. Fourth Master Pei felt that he could not hold on to this situation for a while.

At this time, he can only hope that Shi Qi and others will find him strange and save him from the fire and water.

In fact, Shi Qi had indeed found something wrong.

The light of the Buddha's shadow expanded and expanded, but the figure became looser than before.

Wherever Jin Mang went, Si Ye's figure was included, as if he was about to be swallowed by the Buddha's light.

This is really ridiculous! But in this situation, Shi Qi couldn't laugh at all.

There is a weird connection between the situation, Si Ye is about to be swallowed by the Buddha's light, and the Buddha's shadow is swallowed by the ‘black hole’ in Shi Yue’s body.

As the source of the turmoil, his face was pale, and there was a faint golden light surging above his skin, and his spiritual power scurried away in his body, causing him severe pain.

"Kacha", the wheelchair made of special materials under Shi Yue's body was scratched under his palms.

The Spirit Pressure spread out, forcing the Ranger standing behind him to retreat about seven or eight meters in an instant.


The wind flow of spiritual power blew Shiqi's clothes, the power was so strong that he almost tore his body, so that he had to impose spiritual power to stabilize himself.

Shi Yue's eyes widened, and he was tortured by the ‘poison’ of spiritual power all the year round, making his will reach a level that even monks could hardly reach.

At this moment he was barely awake, but under such circumstances, the more awake he was, the more painful he was.

"Quickly smash the Buddha shadow!"


Under the Sanskrit sound, Shi Qi's volume seemed inaudible, and he could only see his lips moving rapidly.

But everyone present knows that the situation is serious.

The lessons of Pei Siye's lessons are still in front of them, and they already feel the threat of the Buddha's light.

Where the light was shrouded, the Buddha image, which was about to collapse due to being absorbed by Shi Yue, seemed to want to incorporate everything that could be absorbed into his body, and resist the ‘black hole’ in Shi Yue’s body.

Once these Buddha images get out of control, everyone present will turn into nutrients and be indirectly absorbed into Shiyue's body.

The spiritual storm will spread quickly, and it is impossible to control it without adults.

Under the covering of the nest, there are no eggs!

At this moment, the joy of how to distribute the Xuantian-level spirit treasure after killing Song Qingxiao has been replaced by panic. Under the threat of the shadow of death, everyone dared not delay any longer.

Headed by several monks in the realm of distraction, they all took out their own means and began to attack the Buddha's shadow.

Shi Qi suffered the most severe loss. He slashed the spiritual power flow with a green sword. This treasure that had accompanied him for many years was involved in that spiritual power flow, and his'clangor' was broken by the storm.

A layer of light haunted Shi Yue's body, preventing others from coming closer.

The palm of the Buddha's shadow is getting lighter and lighter, and it is only a few meters away from the ground.

Seeing that it was about to fall to the ground, when Shijia was slapped and the ground was cracked--

'boom--! ’

A loud noise when the two forces collided broke through the all-pervasive Sanskrit!

Immediately after hearing a long and clear sound like a sword blaring and a dragon chanting, the face of the benevolent Buddha figure trembled.

In the huge palm of ‘him’, the ‘swish’ was penetrated by an overbearing force.

A brilliant white light pierced from the penetrating palm, with a fierce sword aura, occupying a position in a golden glow.

Wherever he went, the golden light escaped, and the chill turned into frost and snow in the sky, drifting down from around the Buddha shadow Shiqi turned his head with great difficulty and stared at this scene with her eyes widened.

Under the rush of cold air, Fourth Master Pei, who had been sucked into his lungs by countless Buddha's shadows, was agitated, and his consciousness became much more sober.

He rolled his eyes and saw a crack in the huge golden palm below.

Among the white light, a shadow ‘swishes’ out of it quickly!

‘Boom boom boom——’

Beneath the Sanskrit sound, the air current scrolled frantically, and the shadow seemed to be pushed by the rapid current. In the blink of an eye, it jumped into the air and rushed to the nearest Pei Si Ye.

"What is this?" This thought came to him, and immediately saw the shadow in front of him flash, a long blue tail turned into a long afterimage, and a blue rainbow was pulled out in front of him.

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