Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 876: emblem

"According to the legend, which end of the Dark River Forest is the Abyssal Territory?" Song Qingxiao did not pay attention to No. 4's childish behavior. She grabbed the flame of the lamp and played with it, and asked the monk.

The monk's gaze was involuntarily attracted by her fingers playing with flames. Hearing Song Qingxiao's question, it took two or three seconds before he came back to his senses:

"Oh, according to the rumors, there is a pool in the Abyss Territory, which is not bottomed." The water in the pool sinks and overflows, forming an underground river, surrounding the forest of the underground river:

"But we didn't find the location of the waterhole."

It's just that since the rumors of the dark rivers have already appeared, then the water pools in the abyssal territory are estimated to also exist. she was

"In other words, no matter which direction you go from, you can reach the abyssal territory."

No. 4's gaze was also spinning between Song Qing's little fingers, and when she saw her fingers move, Zi Yan slid around between her fingers, looking harmless and beautiful, like a little elf, it made his eyes hot. Incomparable.

"Then go up from the downstream." Young General Song Qing flicked his fingertips, and the group of extremely bright purple flames was bounced into the air by her.

The sparks flew away, like a celestial woman scattered flowers, evenly distributed over everyone's heads, flashing like stars, illuminating the dark river.

Under the stars, the long dark river seemed to be connected to the sky, as if it had fallen from the sky, with no end in sight.

In the purple flames, the river was a coquettish lavender, which looked peaceful and beautiful.

Although it is said that the underground river is surrounded by underground grottoes, you can go in any direction.

But since there is a legend that the dark river is gushing out of the deep pool water in the abyss territory, it proves that the abyss territory is upstream of the dark river forest, as long as you walk up the river course, you can always find the abyss territory.

No. 4 had no objection to her decision, and the monks and others respected her as gods, so naturally they all nodded in response.

After deciding the direction to go, Song Qingxiao spread his hand and looked at the monk:

"Rodno." She called the monk's name, and during the time she spoke, the scattered purple flames reunited into a ball of flames, flew into the blue light, and the light was on fire, as soon as it fell to her. Palm.

"Your badge seems to have changed."

From the village of Oge to the present, the monks and others have been tense, and have not noticed the change of the badge.

At this moment, hearing Song Qingxiao say this, the monk was stunned for a moment, and then stretched out his hand to pull his neckline.

When he was on the train, he was quite evasive about the existence of the badge and kept covering it carefully.

But at this moment, everyone has shared joys and sorrows and experienced a lot of risks. When Song Qingxiao mentioned the badge again, the cultivator's attitude was obviously more calm.

"The badge? This was made by two great sages with powerful magic power after fighting against the dragon."

This represents the will of the gods, the shield symbolizes protection, and the crossed double swords represent the courage to fight for the mainland, the Federation and the people of all ethnic groups.

He opened the collar and revealed the little badge:

"There are 13 badges in total. Except for Lucifer, each badge incorporates our own magical breath, and also imposes the unique blood souls of two great sages, representing their respective disciples and identities."

From the day the badge was cast to the present, the Thirteen Saints have never left it.

In addition to representing the status symbols of the thirteen saints, they also have the power of the blood and soul of the great sages to provide them with the inheritance of faith.

"The place where the badge goes is like the presence of a sage..." The monk lowered his head when he said this, and then let out a frightened cry:

"Ah-how is this possible?"

The badge was originally a black sword on a red background, and the two swords intersected to form an'X' shape with the sword pointed upward.

But at this time, the crossed black swords on the badge seemed to leak ink, and the black energy spread from the swords, and the entire badge had been dyed black.

The surface of the entire badge was completely black, and it was illuminated by the flame of a lamp. From the protruding traces, the rudiment of the two thin swords that were handed over could be faintly seen.

I saw that the sword body was still crossing, but it was no longer the point of the sword facing upwards, but the sword body had been slanted.

As if in the process of fleeing this way, under the influence of the evil power of darkness, the badge had a strange melting.

The monk now understood the reason for the "badge changes" in Song Qing's novel. He panicked and pulled the badge off his body and caught it in the palm of his hand.

The badges of the Thirteen Saints all contain the blood souls of the two great sages and the power of dominating faith, which makes the relationship between the saints and the great sages close.

At this time, there was an accident with the monk's badge, and the other people didn't know if anything happened.

There was a bad hunch in the hearts of the elves and others, and they all showed their own badges.

Something weird happened!

It is not only the monk's badge that has changed, but also the badges of every saint of the ‘light’ faction who owns this holy badge. The same situation has appeared at this moment.

The six badges have been densely covered by black air, and the sword body has been tilted.

The badges of monks and swordsmen are similar, and they seem to be the most dense and the most serious.

The elves and Edward followed, and Raphael and the saint were slightly weaker. The black air had not yet filled the entire surface of the badge, but the sword body had also shifted.

"God is on top, is this affected by the evil dark air?" The most calm monk couldn't maintain his composure right now, shaking his hands, and using his fingers to wipe the black air on the badge.

It's just that the black air seems to linger in the badge, no matter how he wipes it, he can't remove it. On the contrary, when he touches the black air inside, it seems to be alive, slightly rotating around the small shield body. .

The strangeness of the badge made everyone panic.

Since more than three hundred years ago, two great sages worked together to forge this badge to be awarded to the thirteen saints, this badge symbolizing identity, inheritance, and connection with the great sages has never happened before.

"You said that the existence of the badge represents the will of the great sage. With the badge on the body, it is like the great sage's presence." Song Qing's eyes turned around on the six almost black badges, looking at the six sages. The disciple said calmly like a bereaved concubine:

"Now that such a change occurs, does it mean that the will of the great sage is weakening?"

"No—impossible." The monk's words should have been more categorical. After all, the ‘Japanese’ sage in his heart is like the **** of light, brilliant, and even the slightest offensive thought can't arise.

If someone else said this, he might still feel offended and insulted.

But at this moment it was Song Qingxiao who had said this, and coupled with the alteration of the badge, his tone was a little hesitant and not so firm when he rebutted.

"The great sage is like a god, with firm will, it is impossible for such a change to happen."

The monk had noticed that it was not good for the first time.

After entering the foggy forest, his mentality has already begun to change.

In the midst of crises, Song Qingxiao rises strongly, and the power displayed has caused a great impact on the saints, subverting their previous cognition.

In the darkness, the power of ‘light’ is weakened. When faced with the attack of dark creatures, the saints can’t give much leeway, so that their beliefs do not begin to appear suspicious.

"Oops!" This thought flashed through the monks' hearts. The weakening of their strength may not necessarily be due to the influence of darkness and the injury of the ‘Japanese’ sage.

There is another possibility-their faith is no longer as firm as before, so the power that faith brings to them has diminished.

The reason for the black aura pervading the badges of monks and swordsmen is most likely because the belief of the two is already the weakest among the six.

In other words, these two people have shown the potential of being a ‘traitor’!

If the change in the badge comes from the two people's inconsistent beliefs, then the problem is big.

"Oh my god." The monk didn't know what he thought of, and his face was blue and white in an instant, pain, anxiety, self-blame and other emotions flashed through his gray and blue eyes.

This old monk, who has been loyal to the gods after more than three hundred years, did not expect such a crisis of faith when he was old, which is tantamount to an old horse stumbled.

Facing the gaze of his companions, he felt an unstoppable panic taking roots from deep in his heart and growing vigorously.

There was also the swordsman who was also flustered, and even because he lost the long sword, he was even less confident and frightened than the monk.

He hardly dared to look directly at the little badge, but clenched his palms tightly, his face improved a lot after a stance of covering his ears and stealing the bell.

"The light is above, forgive your sinful believers--"

The saint had begun to repent. Although the others did not speak, their expressions were very solemn.

"It may not be related to you." Song Qingxiao saw the saints who had obviously lost their square inch, and took the topic elsewhere without a trace:

"This is the forest of the dark river, the dark territory."

At this time, the saints were panicked and frightened. Song Qing's words were undoubtedly a great comfort to them.

"'Sun' sages are injured, their magic power is blocked, and the power of darkness spreads, all of which may bring about such a change."

Before this mission, she knew nothing about the mainland and the gods.

If Song Qing's novel made such a statement while on the train, it would surely attract disapproval of the saints' rebuttal.

But at this moment, I don’t know if you don’t want to admit that your beliefs are no longer firm, causing the badge to undergo such a change, and you don’t want to think about the consequences of the badge change. After Song Qing’s novel made such a statement, everyone "Believe" in my heart.

Her attitude was too calm, as if the change in the badge seemed to her to be just a trivial ‘trivial matter’.

Compared with her, the attitude of the monks and others seemed too exaggerated.

When the believers heard what they said and began to see the badges change, they were also infected by the saints' demeanor, and some of them had no idea.

But after seeing Song Qing Xiaoruo doing nothing, everyone felt that the problem was not big.

"This place is near the abyssal territory. If the sage'Moon''s consciousness of being sealed has been awakened, such a change may also be normal."

Everyone was quickly persuaded by Song Qingxiao's reasons, and they nodded in relief.

"Let's rest for a while, and then hurry, there will always be a solution at that time."

After she said this, the tense-looking monks and swordsmen all smiled fortunately and nodded:

"It's all up to you."

At this time, the monk was even a little lucky to have made the decision to obey her instructions. After she took the lead, the heavy responsibility that seemed to be placed on the Six Saints was instantly assigned most of them.

The dignified atmosphere loosened a little. Everyone was lying or sitting, and at this time they stopped talking, and concentrated on resting and regaining their strength.

No. 4 watched this scene coldly, and transmitted the voice to Song Qingxiao with divine consciousness:

"Do you really think the problem is not big?"

This matter may not be so easy. The sage of the sealed "Moon" has a badge of abnormality, and he feels that there is something strange in it.

"How can it be?"

Song Qing's small voice spread into the Sea of ​​Consciousness No. 4. She sat down cross-legged, holding the palm of her hand, and the blue light had been taken back into her body.

Darkness fell, and her cold face disappeared into the dark night.

"There is definitely a problem with the badge." Her voice slowly passed through the consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness on the 4th:

"I noticed Hayas and their badge."

Both have the same shield shape and the same but the two crossed swords of the ‘dark’ faction’s badge are red.

Different from the upward-pointing shape of the ‘light’ faction emblem, in the emblem of the ‘dark’ faction headed by Hayas and others, the two crossed rapiers have the hilt up and the point down.

Now the badges of the monks and others have changed. In addition to the change in the color of the badge, the sword body is also tilting. This situation seems to be moving closer to the ‘dark’ faction.

It is estimated that the six saints have realized this, so the saint will speak prayers and repentance after her complexion has changed a lot, probably because she wants to ask for forgiveness.

The soothing words in Song Qing's novels afterwards may not be true, and the saints know this well.

But they were desperate at this time, and they had to put all their hopes on her, so at this time they were willing to believe that what she said was true.

They should also think that the change of the badge should be related to the dark power here.

In addition, their own magic power is blocked, their power cannot be displayed, darkness covers the earth, and the ‘sunrise’ cannot be seen at all, and their faith will be shaken in despair.

Therefore, they hope that the ‘Moon’ sage who is awakened by the seal will drive the darkness out, return the light to the earth, put everything back on track, and bring back the abnormality of the badge, as the big prophecy said.

"Are we really going to help seal the "Moon" sage?" When the fourth said this, she felt a little dazed.

It may be that he has done too many things in peace, and Leng might as well do a good thing that is grateful for. On the 4th, he can't believe it.

Up to now, he and Song Qingxiao's mission hadn't been clear, only guessing that the pure heart should be related to the heart of the sage'Moon' that had been hidden by him.


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