Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 880: hope

It was an animal in the shape of a small calf, with no breath, but when God Sense No. 4 was swept away, it was taken aback:

"Rank Six Monster Beast!"

He recognized that the corpse that Song Qingxiao mentioned in his hand was clearly a monster, and it had reached the strength of Tier 6 or above:

"Where did you get it?"

As everyone knows, since the battle of the sea of ​​stars, the monster group has been trapped in the sea of ​​stars, even if it is necessary, it can always be obtained by some means, but in general this thing is definitely a rare thing.

With the current strength of No. 4, if you want to get a Tier 6 monster, you may not be unable to get it by combining your wealth, connections, and means.

But Song Qing turned around and took out a monster beast, and from the fact that she let herself light a fire, and the saints and believers who collapsed around, it is not difficult to guess on the fourth that she should cook the monster beast and share it with everyone. Edible.

"Give them to eat?" No. 4's voice increased a lot in an instant. He was shocked by Song Qingxiao's big hand, but also felt that it would be too wasteful to eat the meat of Tier 6 monster beasts for such a group of people.

"Well, make a fire."

Song Qingxiao didn't talk nonsense, nodded, and signaled No.4 to light the fire.

In her Universe Pouch, there are many monsters' corpses, inner alchemy, etc., all of which she has collected during her several years in the sea of ​​stars.

These things that are rare and unusual to the outside world are many to her.

The corpse of the sixth-order monster beast is already the lowest among the monster beasts she has collected, but there is no need to take it out at this time.

No. 4's gaze changed instantly, and her calm attitude made No. 4 know whether she knew the value of the Tier 6 monster beast's corpse.

Such a corpse of a Tier 6 monster beast that has matured, even if it is outside the sky, at least it can sell a large amount.

Most of them are harvested for alchemy and refining. The skins, minions and bones of monsters above the sixth level are all good for alchemy and equipment. At this time, they are used to feed ordinary people in these trial scenes. It is too much. wasted.

Number Four felt that she had to remind her. She hadn't spoken yet, but saw that Song Qingxiao had already grasped her hand and turned into an ice blade, and quickly opened the body of the monster beast.

The blood mingled with the rich spiritual power dissipated. Seeing her like this on the 4th, she closed her mouth with interest.

His spiritual power surged, and a fire appeared in front of the two ‘booming’.

Young General Song Qing wrapped up the monster beast with spiritual power, causing it to float above the flames.

With the cooperation of the two, the aroma of the barbecue escaped, stimulating the monk and others to sit up.

The flames of No. 4 were so powerful that the meat was half-cooked quickly. Song Qingxiao grasped the ice blade and quickly divided the half-cooked meat into twenty parts, flying into the hands of everyone. .

After she finished all this, she threw the dagger, and the frost spread in the sound of ‘belch’, quickly forming a simple ice shelf.

The skeleton floating in the air that had been culled fell down, and was firmly caught by the ice shelf with a ‘pop’.

"Eat it."

After she said this, she took two steps to wash her hands by the dark river.


The monks and the others were holding the food in their hands, as if they were in a dream, they didn't even feel that the oily barbecue in their hands was hot.

It wasn't until the sound of water ‘crashing’ reached everyone’s ears that the monk regained his senses.

Under the light of the fire, Song Qingxiao squatted on the side of the dark river, cleaning up the blood stains on his hands when handling the monster's meat.

Number Four walked in her direction, seeming to sense the monk's line of sight, and turned her head very vigilantly.

"The old man is spying on you." He whispered to Song Qingxiao, "I think he might have some conspiracy."

"Have you felt the change?" Song Qingxiao ignored his words and asked him instead.

No. 4 looked back at the monk again, with murderous look in his eyes, as if to warn him to be honest.

But I don't know if this old man is getting older and has bad eyesight. He stared in the direction of the two in a daze. He was so hungry that he was thunderous, but he didn't eat anything. He didn't even react to No.4's stare at all.

"Yin Qi is stronger than before."

No. 4 couldn't force the monk to turn his head with murderous intent, so he had to temporarily endure the unhappiness of being spied on, and turned his head and barely made a sound.

"It's demonic energy." Song Qingxiao corrected him.

At first, the dark power lingering in the Dark River Forest was indeed mixed with faint yin air, but the more you went upstream, a trace of devil qi was brewing in that yin air.

This devil energy is very weak, mixed in the power of darkness and Yin energy. If she hadn't had the Qing Ming Ling in her hand, she had been in contact with the Devil Energy in the Yulun Void Realm. She was very familiar with this, I am afraid that she hadn't been so. It is easy to sense.

"Devilish?" No.4 was taken aback, and Song Qingxiao responded:

"This road looks right."

The place where the devilish energy is located should be near the abyssal territory, or in other words, near the sage of the ‘Moon’.

The monk and others have already started to eat the meat in their hands, and they have been hungry for a long time.

The meat that Song Qingxiao randomly roasted didn't have any seasoning, but the meat quality of the sixth-order monster beast did not have a strong smell of blood even if it was not seasoned.

The meat is half-cooked, and the **** water locked in the meat makes the meat extremely tender. The original taste of the meat itself is mixed with plump juice and a light burnt aroma. is very delicious.

The monks originally expected that the nausea of ​​eating half-raw meat did not come. On the contrary, the abundant spiritual power contained in the flesh and blood made them feel uncomfortable with every bite, that power poured into their limbs and limbs.

The corpse of a Tier 6 monster beast was quickly eaten up by them, but unfortunately these people could not use spiritual power, so that they could not use the spiritual power contained in this Tier 6 monster beast for their own use in time.

But the abundant spiritual power in these flesh and blood nourished everyone's tired body and divine consciousness, and after a full meal, everyone's previous accumulation of fatigue was wiped out.

The saints feel the most obvious. The swordsman feels that his body is full of'qi'. This'qi' is different from his own fighting aura. It does not come from the superposition of beliefs, but seems to come from his body. , So that his originally heavy body has become a lot lighter.

"She is a god." The monk whispered, she brought light, led everyone out of the grotto of death, and brought food to everyone in despair.

When he said this, he didn't notice that the two crossed swords on the badge he wore on his chest, like a moving hour hand, turned again.

The tips of the two crossed swords were almost facing downwards, and several strands of red silk were entangled in the black air, as if they were still stubbornly resisting.

After eating and drinking, everyone’s energy was replenished, and there was almost no need to rest, so they hurried again.

This feast brought everyone not only physical satisfaction, but also spiritual comfort, which made the effect of everyone on the road much better.

I don't know how long it took before Song Qingxiao heard the sound of water.

This is the first time they have heard an unusual movement along the dark river.


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