Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 896: Rebellious

The purple streamer is about one foot long, but exudes an extremely powerful spirit.

There are six slender purple cloths hanging around the flag body, on which a simple dragon-teng picture is drawn with red to black ink.

"Escape Dragon Banner?" When the Taoist saw the purple-haired girl take out the small banner, he seemed to recognize it, his face changed, and he let out an exclamation.

"It turned out to be the Dragon Banner?" When No. 4 heard the name, she seemed to have heard it, her expression changed slightly, and she turned her head to explain to Song Qingxiao quickly:

"This escape dragon banner is also a famous Xuantian-level treasure on the list of gods."

Although it was not as good as the long sword in Song Qingxiao's hand, it had reached the real spirit treasure level, but it was not weak.

This flag has quite a history. At the end of the Chaos, most of the ancient great monsters have been extinct in the Scourge.

After the spiritual technique was weak, it was said that there was a monster beast that inherited half of the blood of the ancient true dragon and was in the shape of a true dragon. In order to avoid the catastrophe, it hid in a deep valley.

The place is mysterious and unpredictable, and because of seeing the dragon, it is also called the valley of escaped dragons by the people outside the sky.

The Dragon Valley was originally just a legend, but ten thousand years ago, a man who claimed to be "Fulong" was overhauled in the holy state, and due to fate, he found the entrance of the Dragon Valley.

"He made preparations for many years, and finally sneaked into the valley and captured six dragons with the blood of ancient true dragons."

This person used six dragons to refine treasures, and eventually spent a great price and effort to refine a purple streamer.

Naban itself is made from all kinds of rare heavenly materials, and made from the blood bones of six dragons. It is infinitely powerful.

On the day when the banners are completed, they have reached the rank of the Heavenly Treasure.

Relying on the power of this flag, that overhaul soon relied on this flag to become famous and invincible in the realm of heaven and earth.

Within a millennium, they continued to feed the purple banners with materials, eventually evolving to the stage of a mysterious treasure.

It's just that this treasure is too powerful. After more than a thousand years, the Fulong monk did not know whether it was because of the influence of the tribulation when he was promoted or he died by the hand of his opponent.

Eventually disappeared, and no one knew of this person again.

And the fame of the escape dragon banner that year was also missing with Fulong's disappearance.

But because this banner was so prestigious that year, even if it disappeared like Fulong, such a treasure is still on the list of the gods of the Xuandu family.

"There are souls of six dragons trapped in this flag, so it is also called the Dragon Flag, and it has at least reached the rank of Xuantian Treasure."

The expression on No. 4 is a bit heavy. Song Qingxiao has the advantage of the Heavenly Slaying Sword, and when the purple-haired girl also has the Xuantian treasure, it does not appear to have the upper hand.

What's more, the six true dragon souls are trapped inside the rumored dragon flag, which is far more fierce than the general tool spirit.

The reason why this flag's rank is limited to the mysterious heaven treasures, not the mysterious heavenly spirit treasure, is because the flag six dragons are restricted within the flag.

But once detained in the flag, the power of the dragon flag is not weaker than that of the Xuantian Lingbao.

"You have to be careful, don't be trapped in the flag by this little lady—"

As a grasshopper on a rope, No. 4 rarely showed concern, and uttered a rare reminder.

He knows best about Song Qingxiao.

She was only about to break through when she was in Org Village, and the purple-haired girl was half-step along.

Compared with her, Song Qingxiao later broke through the realm, regardless of the cultivation base and the use of spiritual power, he would suffer a lot.

The only thing Song Qingxiao had an advantage was that she also had a transformable Xuantian-level spirit treasure, but after the purple-haired girl took out the dragon flag, this only advantage was cancelled out.

"—If you are trapped in the flag, you will be entangled by the six dragons until you **** the soul and eat meat—"

No. 4 hurriedly reminded, but before he could say anything, he only heard the sound of the electric current of ‘嗞嗞’, and the spiritual power in the air was burned by the powerful lightning energy to give a scorched smell.

A purple shadow came fiercely and drew towards No.4's body.

Before the purple whip arrived, the thunderstorm formed under the heavy pressure had already arrived first.

Fragmented arcs flew around, hitting No. 4, breaking his defenses, and burning his skin.

In the swift sound of ‘swish-’, the busy figure of No. 4 flashed, without the slightest enthusiasm of his teammates jumping wildly.

After Song Qingxiao figured out the origin of the small streamer in the hands of the purple-haired girl, his expression became more cautious.

Seeing the purple whip pull, she dodges the previous word.

'boom! ’

The long whip was drawn from mid-air, leaving behind a huge whip shadow about several feet long.

Thunder and lightning attached to the whip shadow, the long whip was like a ghost, and with a force of lightning speed, it fell again in the direction where she had just stopped!

‘Wow! Whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! ’

The purple-haired woman is holding a long whip and whipping, the shadow of the whip is intertwined wherever she goes.

The sky is full of electric currents, and wherever these lightning spirit powers go, they form the eyes and ears of the purple-haired girl, allowing her to clearly distinguish where Song Qingxiao has settled.

Every time Song Qingxiao dodges, the purple-haired girl also dodges with the dragon.

You come and I go with each other, and the purple-haired girl has already drawn a hundred whips in a while!

‘Ohhhhhhhhh! ’

Under the violent sound of electric current, No.4 and others felt that even if they were not within the range of the purple-haired girl's attack, the residual electric arc power still made their bodies numb.

The monk and others couldn't make any move at all, and the giant dragon hunched over Lucifer saw that it was about to bite the sage of the Moon.

The power of thunder and lightning crushed the silver light beads floating in the air. This place was like the battlefield of individual number six, and everything was under her control.

In the black mist, the figure of the purple-haired girl flashed out.

At this moment, she showed her sorrow, holding a long whip, and sending the purple small streamer in her hand into the air:

"Want to hide?"

As soon as the voice fell, she shook the long whip in her hand:

"Give me!"

As soon as I finished saying this, the scattered electric arcs in the air instantly connected, and under the thunder of'rumbling', those purple whip shadows that had not disappeared formed a terrifying cage that engulfed everyone in it. .

The Taoist's complexion changed, and his bald scalp was beaten in pain by the strong electric current.

Before he did it, he saw that the cage quickly shrank, and the ‘fence’ formed by the current passed through his side, making him slip out of the ‘grid’ like a fish slipping through the net.

At the same time, besides him, there were also No.4, No.1 and the monk on the ice dragon.

The purple-haired girl's goal is Song Qingxiao, and she doesn't want to spend more time and energy on these "Hello", so as not to be greedy for small mistakes.

The number four who was lucky enough to escape was embarrassed, and after getting out of trouble, he let out a big sigh of relief and smiled.

Just as soon as this smile rose, it froze.

As if thinking of something, he quickly turned his head to look at the sky.

Above the midair, Song Qing's small figure just flashed, and she was trapped by the "Thunder and Lightning Net".

"Go in!"

In the cold snort of the purple-haired girl, the purple grid like a net of heaven and earth trapped Song Qing's small figure, and before she could escape, she was caught in the net with lightning speed and covered her into the escape. Where the dragon flag is located.

At this time, the Dunlong flag has been activated, and the black air in the flag is swallowing, and the purple cloth hanging down on six sides is flying up, and the ‘bang’ like a rolled down sail, falling down!

The dragon painted on the sail began to resurrect with the shaking of the cloth, and the shadows of the six imprisoned dragons swam along the silk.

Everyone in the sea of ​​knowledge only heard the sound of dragons one after another, and then the shadow of the six dragons painted disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At this moment, Song Qingxiao has been surrounded by black energy in the escape dragon banner.

Long Teng Xiaoyin resounded through her sea of ​​consciousness, shaking her soul trembling.

Under this extremely strong demon resentment, the power of thunder and lightning that sang was also overwhelmed.

A large amount of ice appeared on the surface of Song Qing's small body, and the trapped net formed by the current was instantly frozen.

In the sound of ‘Kaka’, the ice crystals cracked into powder, and the restraints were immediately released.

"Escape Dragon Banner?"

Song Qingxiao ignored the Dragon Yin around him, his eyes turned away from the surroundings.

I saw the shadows on all sides, sealing her front and back, left and right roads of advance and retreat.

On each side of the flag shadows slowly drilled a dragon head with a hideous look, coldly looking at the tester who broke into the flag.

The blood in her body is boiling, it seems that the power of the blood is activated by the souls of these Panlong.

After only hearing a long and high-pitched dragon roar, six dragon shadows flew out from the banner and rushed to where she was!

Song Qing's small long tail flicked and cast an afterimage, temporarily forcing Liulong back ten meters.

With the long beep of ‘Wow 卬’, the dragon's breath spit out, and the power of resentment turned into a poisonous mist.

Six dragons were full of suffocation, and they were in front of him in the blink of an eye. Song Qingxiao was trapped in it by the twisting of his body.

Every time a dragon roar entered her sea of ​​consciousness, it was like a heavy attack, and at the same time, these poisonous mists were corroding her spirit armor.

Inside the Zhutian Sword, the dragon soul of a golden dragon clearly appeared in the sword body.

Under the influence of these half-dragon souls, the little golden dragon soul in the sword automatically protects the lord.

An electric current of'Zi Zi' flashed above the sword body, and within a flash of golden light, the sword body automatically turned into a golden dragon, which was drilled out of Song Qingxiao's hand.

As soon as the golden dragon appeared, its dragon breath immediately overwhelmed these half-dragon resentful souls.

The six dragons trapped in the dragon flag are only half-dragons, while the dragon souls in the Zhutian sword are the ancient true dragon souls bred by blue blood.

The power of the soul pressure of the Golden Dragon, combined with the benevolent spirit of the sword aura, made the Golden Dragon appear, and its aura immediately prevailed!

'boom! boom! boom! ’

The soul of the little golden dragon is smaller than that of the six dragons, but its innate superiority brought by its blood and soul nature makes it only contempt for such a half-dragon thing, and does not flinch at all.

It rushed straight up, and its body was like a sharp sword, and it was like a broken bamboo along the way, rushing through the obstacles of the six dragons.

Sword energy and dragon breath are crisscrossed in the banner, golden light and purple mist intersect, each showing their bravery!

Where the dragon soul wandered, there was a bit of cold sword aura left behind.

In an instant, the sword gas turned into a vertical and horizontal network of light, covering every part of the flag.

The purple mist in the banner corroded the scale armor that emerged from Song Qing's body, and melted it away, causing a large mass of blood and red spots to appear on her body.

As soon as this blood bead gushed out, it was immediately absorbed by the purple mist, causing the six dragons in the banner to scream more violently.

The primordial spirit knot seal in the dantian, the word ‘zhe’ spread all over the body, blocking the purple mist for a moment.

This place is not a place to stay for a long time. Taking advantage of Jiulong's defeat, Song Qingxiao's hands are sealed:

"My heart is Zen, and I become a holy Buddha!"

The word ‘Bing’ was activated, and a shadow of King Kong appeared above her head.

King Kong's complexion was peaceful, but the evil spirit was strong in the opened eyes, and he sneered coldly along with Song Qing:


King Kong, who had just appeared, clenched his huge fist, and slammed a punch to the corner of the dragon flag to one side!

The'power of extinguishing dragons' formed a layer of light film, and Liulong roared in surprise and anger wherever it went.

This power is bestowed by the Yellow Emperor, who specializes in fighting the dragons.

Coupled with the power of Song Qing's small bloodline, he is almost invincible in this frightening escape dragon banner.

Even if Song Qingxiao's cultivation strength has not reached the stage of entering the holy state, wherever the shadow of the fist goes, Liulong avoids escape, and dare not confront this power at all.

Liulong's body flashed, and the shadow of King Kong had already hit the banner.


The fist wind slammed on the banner, and the side of the huge purple banner shook violently.

Song Qing missed a punch and didn't give up. At the same time, he closed his hand and punched out again.




‘Boom boom boom! ’

The endless thumping sound rang, and under such a frantic attack, the stable and mountain-like dragon banner began to sway violently.

Outside of the flag shadow, after the purple-haired lady Song Qingxiao was trapped inside the flag, when she looked at No.4 and others, she looked like a dead person.

Song Qing Xiaoyi enters the flag, UU reads www.uukahnshu. com will definitely die.

Without her as the leader of the lower level of the distraction realm, the rest would be vulnerable to her.

"It's your turn!"

She sneered, and murderous intent surged in her eyes.

The Taoist clenched his teeth and took out the seven broken copper coins again, preparing to fight to the death.

He also knows the power of the Dragon Banner, but he doesn't know that Song Qingxiao has only ascended to the top level of the Distracting God Realm.

Relying on the previous battle with Song Qingxiao, I also hope that she can find a way to break through the stream—

Although he knew that this might be very small, the Taoist priests were not willing to give up easily until the last moment.

Contrary to him, it is number four.

The moment this person saw Song Qingxiao trapped in the banner, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes, and he began to think about the possibility of betraying the team and entering the purple-haired girl camp.

He was injured, his strength was only about 70% during the heyday, the magic weapon of defense had been destroyed, and he was definitely not a purple-haired female opponent.

It is common for the trialer's camp to be upside down, and it is impossible to join the team.

"If I admit defeat now, join you..."

"What?" The purple-haired girl hadn't spoken, and the Taoist priest's face was flushed-he was angry.

He didn't expect that the person he had joined halfway hadn't turned his back, and the junk stuff No. 4 had already confessed first.

The Taoist priest only felt his head buzzing and painful, as if he was wearing a layer of invisible gold hoop, and his blood vessels bounced against the restriction, causing him to have a headache and his eyes burst.

"You bitch!"

The Taoist felt that the hatred of shaving his hair was no better than the shameless behavior of No. 4 at this time. Under the loss of reason, the Taoist was very angry and evil. He felt that instead of fighting with the purple-haired girl, it was better to kill No. 4, the anti-bone boy. .


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