Martial World

"Boy, take a good look, this is what a strong man is."

"Although this ordinary, weak Lord Diao can kill a large number of people with one hand, if he was born here, he would definitely be a famous existence."

As a descendant of the Heavenly Demon Marten family.

The inheritance and education received by the little marten can make it understand how important it is to have a heart that dares to charge towards the strong compared to qualifications!

Bloodline qualifications can indeed support a person to go a long way.

But in the end.

If you really want to move towards the world's number one.

The most needed thing is the"heart" that dares to move forward."!

"I see"

"Goals are very important. In this regard, I am confident that I will not lose to anyone!"

Lin Dong nodded gently.

He knew that he might not be the kind of person who was born with talent and intelligence, nor did he have a distinguished family background.

In addition to risking his life and working hard to move forward, there was nothing else!

But Lin Dong could clearly perceive that he still had the courage to move forward!

This was enough!

"You kid"

"Yes, this is the first time I have seen a human being so cruel to me."

"Although you don't have the outstanding talent of Li Jianshen, I believe that you can definitely go very far."

"After all, you have the heart to go on"

"As for talent, with Master Diao here, it is not difficult to teach you to be the best in the world."

Little Diao has also seen Lin Dong's practice.

That kind of way that he almost doesn't regard himself as a human being, even as a ferocious demon, Little Diao's scalp tingles many times. He secretly sighs that this boy is so terrifying.

As for teaching you to be the best in the world, it is purely Little Diao's own bragging.

In his opinion, anyway, Lin Dong's vision is only up to the main branch of the Lin family.

It is easy for him to teach Lin Dong with his own ability and clean up the main branch of the Lin family.

"That's it."

"When I become the best in the world, I will definitely make you the second best."

Lin Dong didn't think about it.

He smiled brightly and continued to practice madly.....

At this moment, countless people changed their attitudes instantly and admired Li Jianshen's brilliance.

The sentence"holding the sword will make you the best in the world" is no longer arrogant, but an evaluation of himself as"ordinary" by the most outstanding sword god in the world!

But after the excitement.

People are more curious about what happened to this blue-shirted and unparalleled Li Jianshen.

Why did he become what he is now? In the puzzled eyes of people.

The picture continues to move forward.

The sword god who allowed him to be free and easy in the world, was finally defeated by the word love!

The sword god walked freely in the world, offending everyone wherever he went.

Ordinary people were not in his eyes, and he could not remember this hatred.

But his enemies were remembered clearly afterwards.

Among them was Fengdu Lupao'er, who practiced martial arts very late, but eventually became a master, with amazing talent!

The hatred between Lupao'er and Li Jianshen eventually prompted the two to come together.

I don't know when the love thread was entangled.

But the story ended in tragedy.

Misunderstanding made Li Jianshen kill Lu Pao'er with his own hands.

The death of his beloved greatly damaged Li Jianshen's state of mind.

He wanted to go to Longhu Mountain to seek the life-extending golden elixir, but Lu Pao'er died on the way.

Li Jianshen, who was in a state of confusion, forced Qi Xuanzhen to discuss the Dao, and his state of mind was completely broken.

The sword opened the gate of heaven to no avail, and his state of mind dissipated like a stream of water!

Go down the Demon Slaying Platform.

Li Chungang and Sui Xiegu exchanged an arm.

His state of mind fell to the Zhixuan realm, and there has been no news since then!

Everyone believes that the Qingshan Sword Saint was in a state of confusion and disappeared because he lost to Wang Xianzhi.

But they don't know that in that battle, Li Jianshen only used two sleeves of green snakes, but never used the sword to open the gate of heaven!

If it weren't for the sword in his heart and cherishing great talents, the outcome of the battle would be unknown!

After that, Li Jianshen went to the old site of Fengdu because of his beloved.

In this way, he bound himself under the Tingchao Pavilion of the Beiliang Palace for a full twenty years!

The so-called prison is drawn on the ground.

But it was just that Li Jianshen could not get out of the past and imprisoned himself!

It was this imprisonment that turned Li Jianshen into a blessing in disguise and returned to the realm of celestial phenomena.

After that, until that Xu Shizi re-entered the arena.

Li Jianshen also walked out of Tingchao Pavilion and followed him.

Even if his realm was greatly damaged, those overwhelming conspiracies were only worthy of the sword god of the year.

With a casual sword, the immortal kneeled!

Until the snowy plateau of Huishan!

Watching Xuanyuan Jingcheng and Xuanyuan Dapan fight!

Watching Xu Shizi and Xuanyuan Qingfeng holding umbrellas, he finally realized something!

At that moment.

Li Jianshen recalled her face when she was dying.

He remembered the sentence"It would be very boring if God didn't give birth to you, Li Chungang.

" At that time, she couldn't say a word.

Now looking at this pair of men and women who were the same as herself and Lu Pao'er, those two words are about to come out.

It is no regrets!

"Swords are coming!"

The moment he realized it, Li Chungang shouted loudly!

All the swordsmen of Huishan unsheathed their swords and flew towards Daxueping.

All the thousands of peach wood swords of the Taoists of Longhu Mountain unsheathed their swords and flew towards Guniu Dagang.

Two waves of flying swords.

Covering the sky and the sun.

On this day, Sword God Li Chungang entered the realm of land sword immortal again.

Twenty years ago, the death of his beloved made him fall in realm and imprisoned himself for twenty years. Twenty years later, because of Lu Pao'er's"no regrets", he finally got out of his emotional pain, and with a sound of swords, he became a generation of sword immortal again!

The flying swords in the sky are not his sword path, but his emotional tribulation, and also his inner demon!

Everyone has seen the Sword God's downtrodden look now.

But they forget that this downtrodden old man, like the sword path, has always been a genius, the one who knows he is the best in the world when he holds a sword! If he wants to put down the sword, he can put it down, and if he wants to pick it up, the flying swords in the sky are all in his hands!......

Fighting the World

"What a great sword god! What a great sword sound!"

"This realm is like nothing to him!"

Looking at the picture.

The sky is full of flying swords, and Li Jianshen is entering the land immortal.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, secretly saying that it was so terrifying!

Before, under Yao Lao's"explanation", Xiao Yan also understood that ambition is more important than talent, but now, looking at Li Jianshen's unreasonable operation.

The idea that Xiao Yan just had in his heart suddenly shattered.

If you don't want to take the sword, the realm will dissipate like flowing water. If you want to take the sword, you will be like a land immortal with a command.

Can this really be explained by just a so-called ambition?

"He is indeed a genius."

"There are always some people in the world who are blessed with unique talents and are incomparable."

"But you have to remember, brat, that breath in your heart is the basis for you to catch up with such a person."

At this moment, Yao Lao's eyes were full of admiration!

He was also amazed at the swordsmanship talent displayed by Li Jianshen's performance!

If it weren't for the restraint of his state of mind, it would be hard to imagine how far this person's swordsmanship would go in the end.

However, seeing the shocked look of his disciple, Yao Lao quickly gathered his mind and began to teach.

"I understand, teacher, but...It's really not easy to catch up with such a person...."

Xiao Yan sighed.

Then he immediately looked determined!

Whether we can catch up or not, we have to run first!

Seeing Xiao Yan come out of the shock so quickly,

Yao Lao nodded with satisfaction.

"This young man is teachable!"

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