The World of Qin

"Spring and Autumn cicadas chirp young people return..."

"Is there really such a magical insect in the world that can allow people to transcend time and space?"

"Go back to the past and make up for everything?"

Looking at the light curtain,

Fang Yuan, who was in a desperate situation, returned to five hundred years ago as a spring and autumn cicada.

Nothing happened.

But he knew everything! Doesn't this mean that past regrets can be made up for!

How unbelievable!

For a moment,

Chen Nan seemed to have heard no sound.

Only the scenes of ten thousand years ago kept emerging in his mind!

If he could go back to the past, would he have a chance to redeem those tragedies!


"Chen boy, what are you thinking? You don't really think that traveling through time is a simple thing, do you?"

"The spring and autumn cicadas use their lives as a guide"

"If you want to use it, you must have the courage to die immediately."

"Do you really think you can use it casually?"

Looking at Chen Nan's pale face, as if he was in inexplicable pain,

Pi Zi Long flew in the air with his claws.

His eyebrows were locked.

He spoke loudly.

"Just die! I can do it!"

"If it can be saved, what does death matter!"

""I hate that the heaven has taken away my ten thousand years!!!"


Chen Nan at this moment had already fallen into some kind of inexplicable"demon in his heart".

He roared in a low voice, and his skills began to reverse madly.

A rolling black aura emerged, which was chilling!

"This guy!"

"You are absolutely not qualified to use Spring and Autumn Cicada!"

"Fang Yuan seemed to have just yawned until his death.

Seeing Chen Nan like this,

Pi Zi Long immediately made a judgment. Meng Ke'er on the other side also frowned.

After hearing Pi Zi Long's words, she started to speak.

"Can say something that's good enough to be featured in a video"

"How can this guy compare to someone who is willing to die bravely?"

"However, it is better to find a way to save him first."...

Fighting the World

""Shit! Fellow countryman!"

Xiao Yan was inexplicably excited!

Since crossing over, this was the first time he had heard news about his"hometown" from somewhere else.

Although he was not sure whether the world Fang Yuan crossed over to was the same as his own, weren't all the crossers considered fellow countrymen?

"What fellow villager?"

"You kid...Take a good look at this guy. Compared to those people in the snow, I hope you can learn from him!"

Yao Lao was full of doubts.

After asking casually, he saw Xiao Yan's embarrassed expression and did not continue to ask.

He just pointed at Fang Yuan who was reborn in the light curtain and said calmly

"Learn from him? Learn from him what?"

"Is there a treasure like the Spring and Autumn Cicada in our world?"

Xiao Yan was very puzzled.


"Who asked you to learn to be a cicada?"

"I want you to have a good look! Fang Yuan was besieged, but his face remained calm. He was in a desperate situation but his heart was as calm as a lake!"

"Seize the slightest chance and bet your life on it!"

"Even after success"

"He didn't lose his composure! Instead, he managed to stabilize his mentality so easily!"

"How unbelievable this is!"

"Such a person, no matter what happens, will definitely be a giant!"

Yao Lao said.

His words were full of admiration!

Even in his past, he did not dare to say that he could face death so calmly.

After finding the opportunity to"survive", he could not be as calm as Fang Yuan, and could only sigh!

"If you think so"

"It’s really amazing!"

"The disciple is not as good as him."

Yao Lao's words made Xiao Yan fall into deep thought.

After a long time, he slowly spoke.

"It doesn't matter. It's already a great fortune to have such a goal."

"You should remember this person’s performance today!"

"It will be of great benefit to you in the future!".......

Mortal World

"This fellow Daoist Fang...Amazing!"

"If it were me, even if I had the Spring and Autumn Cicada in my hand, I would probably try every possible way to increase the success rate."

"There will definitely be some hesitation in desperate moments"

"But Fellow Daoist Fang was able to be so resolute"

"It is really..."

For the first time, Han Lao Mo felt that someone had such a trait worth learning!

Although Han Lao Mo usually prepared himself to never fall into a desperate situation, but if you walk by the river often, you will get your feet wet.

Han Lao Mo has encountered many dangers since his debut.

And these experiences made Han Lao Mo understand that no matter how much preparation you have, at the critical moment, you can't lack one thing: the courage to fight to the death!

And Fang Yuan's courage is almost overflowing!

It can even be said that he didn't take his own death as a bet at all! Instead, he took that step with the determination of"must succeed"!


As soon as the Spring and Autumn Cicada appeared, countless people exclaimed in surprise!

Who doesn't have regrets in life? Who doesn't have something they want to redeem?

And the appearance of such a treasure that can transcend time, even if the success rate is not high, still attracts people!

But after the initial enthusiasm calmed down, people's admiration for the treasure immediately began to turn into admiration for Fang Yuan!

The success or failure of using the Spring and Autumn Cicada depends entirely on God's will!

And the premise of using it is self-destruction!

In other words, life and death are determined by fate! Such a"threshold" is daunting just by thinking about it!

But Fang Yuan is so decisive! There is not even a trace of expression!

What kind of mentality is this!

For a while,

Fang Yuan's reputation as a"ruthless man" spread throughout the heavens and the worlds!

At the same time,

Fang Yuan's figure appeared again in the light curtain.

But this time, it seems to be the story after Fang Yuan"returned" to five hundred years ago and started over!

He was reborn and still had the same C-level qualifications as before.

But at this moment, Fang Yuan has the five hundred years of wind and frost tempering, and also has an unshakable state of mind!

He did not fall for his uncle and aunt's inferior schemes again. After being reborn once, he was completely determined to grasp eternal life.

After drifting away from his brother,

Fang Yuan worked hard to earn resources with his low qualifications and quickly improved himself.

After he completely fell out with his uncle and aunt, and no longer had resources to supply, Fang Yuan directly snatched the school subsidy.

Finally, at the end-of-year assessment at the age of 16, he beat Fang Zheng and got the first place in the assessment. His cultivation reached the middle stage of the first turn.

He also had the qualifications to inherit his parents' inheritance.

But his uncle and aunt coveted the inheritance. After they successfully bewitched Fang Zheng, Fang Yuan became a thorn in their eyes and flesh.

Therefore, they tried every means to prevent Fang Yuan from obtaining the inheritance.

They even colluded with others to deliberately interfere with Fang Yuan's progress in regaining the inheritance.

All kinds of conspiracies and tricks were like heavy shackles

, binding Fang Yuan.

Insufficient talent, insufficient resources, and insufficient strength.

At this moment, Fang Yuan seemed to have no chance to regain the inheritance.

But at this moment when ordinary people would despair.

Fang Yuan looked at the snowy scene under the moon.

His expression was calm.

Suddenly he smiled softly.

"It's just a little bit of wind and frost!"

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