
"Holy shit! The Countercurrent River has no end! Fang Yuan actually still has a chance!"

"This is the result of Fang Yuan never giving up! Next, as long as Fang Yuan catches those two people, he can definitely leave easily with this condition!"

"Up to now, everything Fang Yuan does is demonstrating his attitude of never giving up!"

"If he hadn't been holding on, even if the Reverse Flow River had no end, Fang Yuan would have no hope of escape!"

"There is always a way out! There is always a way out!"

No one expected that the countercurrent river, which seemed to be about to end, actually had no end!

Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun, who were about to be caught up, naturally gave Fang Yuan, who originally had no way out, a way to heaven!

At this moment, many creatures who had long admired Fang Yuan cheered, congratulating Fang Yuan for once again stepping out a way out of despair because of his persistence!

At the same time, in the light curtain, Fang Yuan finally caught the two people, but what people didn't expect was that Ma Hongyun, who was carrying the great fortune, was too tired and was held hostage by Fang Yuan.

He died in Fang Yuan's hands!

At this moment, the immortals were in an uproar! They completely broke up with Fang Yuan. They wished to tear Fang Yuan into pieces!

The layout of heaven showed its power at this moment! It cut off the way out that Fang Yuan had finally struggled out of!

Besieged on all sides!

"Desperate situation, what should I do?"

Fang Yuan clearly understood his current situation.

But he still had no expression on his face! He couldn't think of a solution, so he kept going!

At least now, in the Niliu River, no one could touch him!

And in Fang Yuan's ears, the threats, roars, and anger of the Gu Immortals kept coming.

Just like that.

Fang Yuan continued to move forward step by step. He had already reached the front of the Niliu River. With every step he took, the river water would flow along, allowing Fang Yuan to always be in it.

What a desperate situation!

Fang Yuan didn't care. He had experienced too much despair in his life!

And now, it was just another despair!

Gradually, as time passed, the Gu Immortals outside became impatient and began to ridicule Fang Yuan wantonly.

They even said that even if they let go of their previous hatred, they would have to wait until Fang Yuan left the Niliu River!

But Fang Fang Yuan still had no expression on his face!

He seemed to have no reaction to the outside world, and he walked forward step by step!

Until everyone stopped threatening and shouting.

They couldn't believe it!

Just because at this moment, Fang Yuan actually exuded the aura of Immortal Gu!

Fang Yuan didn't understand, but he knew that this might be his turning point, so he began to continue walking!

People outside couldn't understand why they had to go through so much hardship and such a long wash until now. Even the Eighth Turn Gu Immortal couldn't bear it, but Fang Yuan could still have a blank expression! What people wanted to ask more was why Fang Yuan could hold on for so long?

Why did it feel like he could even hold on forever?

Why was it him?

Why was it him!

No one could answer this question, so the Gu Immortals were silent!

The aura of Immortal Gu on Fang Yuan Getting stronger and stronger!

That is the Immortal Gu named"Persistence"! It is also the key to conquering the Reverse Flow River in the human ancestor's legend!

At this moment, everyone was speechless.

Fang Yuan walked down step by step with an expressionless face, and the Reverse Flow River flowed forever under his feet!

It seemed to be a mockery of fate.

But he still walked.

He has been walking for five hundred years in his previous life, and he doesn't know when he will go.

But he knows where he is going.

It seems that no one can stop him.

Childhood, adolescence, youth, middle age, old age!

Southern Xinjiang, Western Desert, East China Sea, Zhongzhou!

After the rebirth of Chunqiu Chan, Qingmao Mountain, Sanwang Mountain, Fox Fairy Blessing, Wangting Blessing, Yitian Mountain, Reverse Flow River!

Step by step, all the way through wind and rain.

How difficult is it for a person to persist?

All the Gu Immortals present can answer this question.

Because some of them are because of Some people insist on doing something out of responsibility, some insist on doing something out of hatred, some insist on doing something out of excitement, and some insist on doing something out of love!

And what was Fang Yuan's answer?

He still had a blank expression on his face, moving forward without any movement.

I used to shout, but gradually I stopped making any sound.

I used to cry, but gradually I stopped shedding tears.

I used to be sad, but gradually I could bear everything.

I used to be happy, but gradually I became indifferent to the world.

But now!

I am left with a blank expression, my eyes are as hard as a rock, and only persistence remains in my heart.

This is me, a small person, Fang Yuan's persistence!

The light suddenly shone, and it was impossible to look at it directly.

Persist in the Immortal Gu, and at this moment, it was refined!!!


The extremely bright, unbearable and terrifying aura radiated across the nine heavens and ten earths, like a brilliant sun across the sky, as if to burn all enemies!

"How can it be"

"He actually mastered it!!"

""Go! Go!"

Amidst the screams of fear, shock, and disbelief.

On the upstream river, all the immortals retreated! With a flick of his finger, the world was covered with

"Holy shit! So we guessed for a long time and were all wrong!"

"Persistence Immortal Gu, is there such a Gu? I saw a ghost!"

Hei Huang was shocked!

He really didn't expect that all the guesses he and others had made before.

Not a single one of them could match!

What about the fact that Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun won by persistence in the end?

It's all bullshit!

Love can't beat the tears of persistence.

It turns out that what it means is that love is not worthy of touching the porcelain of persistence immortal Gu!

"How difficult is it for a person to persevere?"

"Good one...Upstream River..."

Emperor Ye Tian sighed to the sky.

His eyes were deep.

Looking at the deep universe, he seemed to see the past. He and his classmates were taken to Beidou. When they first entered the cave, they learned that they were useless. They almost died in the four passes, the punishment of heaven and earth, and the protection of the God King. They could only risk their lives to go to the ancient forbidden land to fight for a glimmer of life!

Later, he persisted. He broke the curse of the holy body and the conspiracy of the Immortal Emperor.

Now, although what separates him and his wife and daughter is the immortality that the thirty emperors of the ages have sighed for, and the fairyland that cannot be found, so what?

The endless countercurrent river will be conquered because of persistence.

What's more, it's just this cage!

"I am the Emperor of Heaven!"

At this moment!

The blood and qi are like the sea, almost covering the universe!

The terrifying breath tore the sky! The Heavenly Heart Seal was trembling!

Under the ocean of blood and qi, Emperor Ye Tian looked down upon the universe.

He punched across the sky!

Like a flying fairy descending! The nine heavens and ten earths trembled! The image of the sky crying covered the sky!

There was even a fairy light blooming out of thin air! Under the transformation of his state of mind!

Emperor Ye Tian released infinite power! He actually broke through a passage to the immortal road at the wrong time and place!


"Ye Zi!"

No one in the Heavenly Court could get close to Emperor Ye Tian at this moment, and could only stand in the Heavenly Court and shout.

It was not until a long time later that

Emperor Ye Tian gathered his blood and returned to the Heavenly Court.

He held the immortal road that had just been pierced, and the immortal light that flowed out bloomed with infinite power, turning into a long river surrounding the Heavenly Court!

"No problem, just give it a try"

"I said I would take you to the sky together"

"As for this river, let's call it the Reverse Flow River. In the future, all the young people in the Heavenly Palace will have to walk through this river. If they can't hold on to the end, they are not allowed to travel in the world."

The long river fell.

The news spread throughout the universe. For a while, countless monks came.

They wanted to step into the Reverse Flow River in the Heavenly Palace to prove their persistence and temper their character.

The world of Journey to the West

"fool...Don't just hum, idiot."


Sun Wukong raised his golden hoop and poked Zhu Bajie. Zhu Bajie

, knowing that Sun Wukong wanted to fulfill his bet, got two balls of cotton from somewhere and stuffed them into his ears, pretending not to hear anything, and led the way with his rake.

"Master, Junior Brother Sha." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Bajie is a scoundrel, so I won't bother with him."

"You two, you can't cheat, right?"

Sun Wukong smiled very proudly.

Although he didn't think Fang Yuan could really win the Niliu River at first, at least because of the past, he chose Fang Yuan.[]

That's enough.

While speaking, Sun Wukong was filled with emotion.

Fang Yuan's insistence as a small person may sound humble, but in the final analysis, it is so decisive!

It's not out of any willingness, but the most pure insistence!

Such persistence is the most moving!

After all, Sun Wukong believes that if he hadn't had the idea of getting out one day, but just felt that he was pressed under the mountain, and then insisted for no reason, he would have collapsed long ago!

"Big brother, you have good vision."

"I am ashamed of myself for Fang Yuan's persistence."

"I admit defeat, but I am still carrying the gift, so it is really difficult for me to carry you on my back."

Sha Wujing said sincerely while carrying the gift.

"Wukong, your master has also made a mistake"

"Donor Fang Yuan's persistence was not due to external factors, but only due to his inner determination. Seeing this persistence, the master was ashamed."

"In this case"

"This horse is for you to ride."


" Master, I will also dismount and walk a little to experience the meaning of persistence."

"Okay, okay, Master."

"You are a mortal, even if you fall and get hurt, I still need you to carry you."

"Let's go."

Sun Wukong hurriedly grabbed the reins.

He smiled and spoke, then made a gesture and flew up.

He sat directly on Zhu Bajie's shoulder.

"Well, let Wujing experience it for me.

"persist in...Why do you insist?"

"Yes, I am afraid that until the moment when the Immortal Gu was refined, those Gu Immortals did not know why Fang Yuan insisted on doing so."

"Because their persistence is for love and for strength, and the reverse river cannot give them such things."

"Only Fang Yuan, his persistence does not aim at anything."

"Just walk on this road, keep going, simple and pure"

"What about me?"

Flying in the air with a sword, Han Lao Mo muttered to himself as he looked at Fang Yuan who had refined the Immortal Gu of Persistence in the sky.

He used to think that Fang Yuan's persistence in desperate situations was indeed worthy of recognition, but why was it for? To survive!

In the face of life and death, Han Lao Mo believed that he could also go on so firmly, looking for opportunities to escape!

But now, Han Lao Mo suddenly figured out one thing.

No matter what kind of desperate situation Fang Yuan experienced, his persistence was never just for survival!

His goal was more ambitious, he wanted to move forward towards the distant future!

And those dangerous situations, like the countercurrent river today, were just a barrier blocking Fang Yuan!

"We are people who practice Taoism"

"At first, I thought I could ascend to the great road and live forever."

"Later, I realized the vastness of the world."

"They began to lower their goals. Some thought that ascending to heaven was enough, while others thought that the golden elixir also had its merits."

"Life is short, and such a goal is like a river that seems to have an end. When it reaches the end, the energy is gone."

"Only someone like Fang Yuan"

"Knowing that the river has no end, we still insist on going forward"

"Focusing on the reverse flow of the river"

"To be eligible"

"Say the word"persistence!"

At this moment,

Han Lao Mo suddenly remembered the various kinds of Taoist friends he had met since he began his cultivation.

Some were greedy for pleasure, and some believed they had reached a dead end, so they did not persist.

Perhaps the road ahead was really cut off, but they definitely did not reach the end!

"So, the road ahead for Han"

"Isn’t it the never-ending upstream river?"

"No end in sight"

"Han should just persevere and keep moving forward!"

"Until one day���Refining Han's own persistence fairy Gu"

"Conquer this countercurrent river!"

After the words fell,

Han Lao Mo laughed up to the sky and flew away on his sword.

Only the laughter remained, echoing between heaven and earth!

The world in the snow

"I see, if you had half the persistence of Fang Yuan,"

"Don't say it's Li..."Lv Zu, even Pei Nanwei can't do anything to you!"

The last time Wen Hua left

, they agreed to meet again in the martial arts world. After returning, Prince Xu made up his mind to practice martial arts. He couldn't let Wen Hua laugh at his lack of martial arts in the future.

So Lao Huang became the teacher and was responsible for teaching.

It's a pity that the prince, who spoke boldly and with delicate skin and flesh, couldn't stand the pain of practicing martial arts.

Looking at the prince who lay down to rest after squatting for a while,

Lao Huang could only point at Fang Yuan in the picture to try to awaken the prince's fighting spirit.

"Stop talking, Old Huang."

"How many times do you want to tell me about Pei Nanwei? Besides, what's wrong with a few defects at an older age?"

"As for persistence, can anyone learn Fang Yuan's kind of persistence?"

"He didn't even have a destination! How can I learn? Can I find a river too?"

Xu Shi (promised) was so tired that he couldn't even lift his hands. He cursed with difficulty and then lay on the chair and said

"Prince, does Fang Yuan really have no goals? Then what is he doing after his rebirth?"

"Whether you want to cultivate to a more powerful realm"

"Or other goals"

"These are the beliefs and reasons that Fang Yuan insists on. As for the Reverse Flow River, it is not something that will stop him."

"Of course, if you think"

"You can't even persist in this martial arts training, even though you can see the end."

"Then we won’t practice."

"I just heard that Wen Hua is very famous now, and many people are chasing and begging to teach him. He is also a ruthless person, so maybe in two or three years, he can become a Wen Jianxian."

"When the time comes, the prince will have to bow his head and call him"Sword Immortal" when he sees him."

Old Huang squatted beside Prince Xu.

He first used Fang Yuan as an example, but when he saw that the other party was indifferent, he thought for a while and brought up Wen Hua.

"He dares!"

After hearing this,

Prince Xu jumped up from his chair.

"Damn it! Practice! Not as ruthless as Fang Yuan! But I can't lose face in front of Wen Hua!"

Ten thousand immortals retreated on the Niliu River, love can't beat persistence and tears!

At this moment, people finally understood the meaning of this sentence!

Even the love of Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun couldn't support them to continue going on. Even without Fang Yuan, everyone can be sure that the two of them don't have the qualifications like Fang Yuan.

Go all the way to the persistence of Immortal Gu!

And what makes people even more emotional is Fang Yuan's persistence!

Some people have always been curious before, is it really just based on the words of the bearded uncle, can Fang Yuan change his character and become the devil who dares to bet his life?

Until now, the monologue in the Niliu River.

It can be regarded as explaining the truth!

Persistence is not difficult! Everyone may choose to persist because of a certain goal.

But true persistence is not just a short goal.

It is like Fang Yuan, who will engrave persistence deep in his heart! Nothing can shake it!.

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