It is precisely because of the terrifying combat power displayed by Emperor Ye Tian.

In addition, in the previous brief introduction of Emperor Ye Tian, there was a sentence"one of the strongest cultivators in ancient times", which also made many creatures in the heavens and myriad worlds begin to argue about the combat power of the emperors who appeared in the world of Fingertip Covering the Sky.

After all, quotations can be said with insights.

But the combat power is real.

At present, because of the support of the sentence in the light curtain video, plus the fact that he killed eleven supreme beings in one day, and it was in his old age and weakness, most people think that Emperor Ye Tian will be the most powerful one.

However, Emperor Wu Shi and Emperor Hen Ren are also very outstanding and have won a lot of support.

There are also some other emperors, such as Emperor Xukong and so on.

Because of the shining points shown in the collection, they have attracted many"fans". For a time, people were arguing.

But at this moment.

The light curtain in the sky split again.

【Born in the void and buried in the void, named void and died in the void! Void's life is not inferior to others!】

Void Emperor, in the history of the human race, he may not be the most powerful emperor.

But his achievements are among the best among the thirty emperors of the ages!

He proved the way with the boundless void and controlled the extreme of space. Void Emperor was not inferior to others in his life!

Even though he was born in the most active era of dark turmoil, he did not retreat at all. He fought alone for a lifetime, and had a rough life. He fought until the seven major life forbidden areas in the world were quiet!

He once dragged his seriously injured body to block the sea of reincarnation and fight one of the supremes. He even preferred to confront the Supreme of the Undying Mountain at the cost of dying together! He was about to die in his old age, but he still buried himself in the endless void before his death.

Lead out the four supremes of the Undying Mountain, fight with blood, and forcibly take two supremes with him on the road!

Even after death, the emperor's body was spiritual and drifted in the boundless void, but the injuries he suffered during his lifetime still prevented him from leaving the ancient coffin of the gods for a long time!

When the greatest dark turmoil in history broke out, he returned under the call of all spirits. Even though he was no longer the same person as before, he still chose to protect all living beings!

The Ji family sacrificed blood to the void mirror, allowing the Void Emperor to be resurrected briefly, fighting against the Stone Emperor and cutting off the arm of the Lord of Reincarnation.

After being besieged by many supreme beings, he resolutely destroyed Runan's own Taoist bones, and in the end only a broken body remained, leaving only half of the ruins, and buried in the boundless void forever!

【The demon emperor Xue Yueqing, borrowed another five hundred years from heaven, not to become an immortal, but for her!

Demon emperor Xue Yueqing, originally just a snow rabbit with low blood, but he had great ambitions.

08 He practiced hard, improved his physique with the demon god flower, created the ancient method of blood quenching for the demon race with supreme talent, tempered himself step by step, and turned into a real dragon against the will of heaven!

In that era, demon emperor Xue Yueqing was synonymous with invincibility!

He was incomparable and unparalleled in the world! He was known as the supreme being who killed all the supreme beings in the world, and I was the only one in the heavens and all realms! It was a pity that the demon emperor also had grief in his heart!

In order to pursue the path of the emperor, he encountered too many terrible enemies. In order to become stronger, he could not look back, and finally he could only choose to kill his way out step by step!

But when he became the demon emperor, he was not afraid of any threat.

Looking back, the girl who said she would wait for him to come back has been buried in a lonely grave forever, and the only thing accompanying her is an ordinary flower when she left.

The peerless demon king was heartbroken at that moment!

He looked up to the sky and howled, his mighty power destroyed the universe, but he could not turn back time and could not see his beloved again!

Until his old age.

The peerless demon king's blood and qi were aging, and he was no longer invincible, but he was still the peerless demon king after all!

He waited for the road to immortality to be opened! He wanted to fight against the will of heaven!

Not for immortality! Just for the power of immortality! To find his beloved!

The demon king was unprecedented and unparalleled, and no one could deny his strength!

But he was old after all, the right time, the right place, but only the wrong person was left.

In the end, the demon king fell on the road to immortality, the imperial weapon was broken, and only regrets were left!

【Time is like a knife that cuts off the pride of the heavens, and the road to immortality is full of enchantment!

Immortality is difficult. How many monks in ancient times have fought for immortality with their blood, but in the end, they are left with only dry bones!

Scenes of the golden age unfold one after another!

One hero after another, like a carp that wants to fight for a true dragon, keeps jumping on the long river of time.

In the end, they fall powerlessly!

The beginning of blood and bones, a sad picture of a lifetime!

How many heroes are buried in foreign lands, how many brilliant things will never appear again! The beauty sighed, the hero is in his twilight years, and the immortal road is gone after ten thousand years in the world!

Climb the road to heaven, and sing!

Cover the sky with a snap of your fingers!


The world of covering the sky with a snap of your fingers

"Time is like a knife that cuts down the genius"

"The road to immortality is difficult"

"But now I still have to thank this light curtain"

"You pointed out a clear path for me, no, two."

The Green Emperor is in a good mood now.

Although the fairyland he opened up may fail, it doesn't matter.

The light curtain has said that Ye Tiandi will become an immortal in the mortal world in the future, and the years will not be added to his body. Although he is known as one of the strongest cultivators in ancient times, he is also a lotus in the eternal blue sky after all.

How bad can it be?

In addition, even if it is really difficult to become an immortal in the mortal world, isn't there a special space where the Wu Shi Great Emperor and the Immortal Emperor are?

Feixian Waterfall now has a section in the hands of Ye Tiandi and Wu Shi Great Emperor. If they study it carefully, they may be able to open the special space in advance.

It is for this reason that the Green Emperor plans to stay in the Heavenly Court for a while.

After all, in order to open up the fairyland, he stayed in the wild tower and almost never came out.

"Longevity is difficult"

"But we are finally on the road!"

"If there is a chance in the future"

"We can work together to open up a real immortal realm."

"The regrets of the heroes of all ages should not be passed down through the ages!"

Emperor Ye Tian's great spirit.

Needless to say.

In fact, if his primary goal at present was not to lead the Heavenly Court to teach the immortals and fulfill his original promise, then when he met the Green Emperor before,

Emperor Ye Tian would probably have joined the road to open up the immortal realm.

"After all, he is the emperor"

"The topic is high-end."

Not far away.

Pangbo chuckled

"How long do you think these two will stay?"

"Qingdi is okay"

"That...To be honest, I am a little scared."

Duan De was very careful.

After careful consideration, he spoke.

"I didn't expect you to be such a fearless fat guy."

"Will there be such a good day?"

"But you better give up."

"Even without the light curtain, Ye Zi will definitely look for the Empress in the future"

"Now it is even more natural"

"You will tremble in fear every day from now on!"

The Black Emperor was quite gloating.

Seeing Duan De suffer misfortune was even happier than drinking the blood of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Now I suddenly feel"

"Immortality is not a good thing anymore."

Duan De wanted to cry but had no tears.

He looked up to the sky and sighed.

This caused a burst of laughter.

"Sighing enchantment on the road to immortality"

"Even such a powerful being can only sigh in vain."

""Should I really pursue immortality?"

It was a rare moment for Qin Shi Huang to doubt for the first time whether his pursuit of immortality was wrong.

In the last scene, the splendid picture of the golden age, countless heroes rushed forward one after another, rushing towards the road of immortality.

Among them, there were even great emperors who were comparable to those who left their names in history!

But the pursuit of immortality made them like moths to a flame, ending up in a meaningless tragic end. Whoever saw that cruel scene would sigh that immortality was not easy and waver in their pursuit of immortality!


"I am different from them!"

"They want to pursue immortality, to seek a stronger power, a more permanent life! It's for themselves!"

"What I want is to protect this vast world!"

"I am not doing this for my own selfish reasons!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If I could see the great Qin Dynasty flourishing forever,"

"So what if I don't seek immortality!"

But soon,

Qin Shihuang drove those chaotic thoughts out of his mind.

Then he spoke very firmly! []

Of course, he now understands the difficulty of immortality.

But as an emperor, how could Qin Shihuang's belief be shaken so easily!

For the sake of Daqin, no matter how much suffering and doubt,

Qin Shihuang is willing to shoulder it!

Of course, this is also related to the fact that there are real immortality and immortals in the world of"Finger Covering the Sky". Although it is extremely difficult, even those amazing emperors mostly died on the road to immortality.

But it is always a hope!

What's more, Qin Shihuang now understands another point of view.

If the descendants of Daqin are good enough, then it doesn't matter whether he can live forever!

Just lie quietly in the ground and watch the performances of his descendants!

"Let Fusu surpass me?..."

"I will continue to pursue immortality."

"However, it is necessary to cultivate him."


Shi Huang thought that Fu Su had changed a lot, but he was still close to Confucianism. He sighed deeply.


The homework for Fusu has doubled again.

"Sighing enchantment on the road to immortality"

"There are many sad songs on the road to becoming an immortal"

"Fang Yuan, are you going to keep making mistakes?"

Xingxiu Immortal Venerable has relaxed his mind recently.

Suddenly, he feels that everything is going much more smoothly.

Of course, the reputation of the Heavenly Court is still suppressed by the Heaven and Earth Love Alliance.

However, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. If the Heavenly Court can be destroyed so easily, then Xingxiu might as well kill himself.

Now, after seeing the longevity scroll displayed in the light curtain,

Xingxiu Immortal Venerable can't wait to find Fang Yuan.

"It is indeed difficult"

"The emperors and heroes in the world of"The Sky is Covered with Fingers" are all very outstanding."

"Even I have to admire it.

Fang Yuan nodded.

He had been paying attention to the contents of the light curtain recently.

Naturally, he also knew clearly how the pursuit of immortality was a despairing tragedy.

"Since I know this"

"Why are you still pursuing eternal life?"

"Giving up eternal life"

"You are a Taoist master. With your help, fate can definitely be restored. By then, you will be the most respected immortal master in heaven! I can even be inferior to you!"

"Your deeds, your spirit, and every one of your stories will be passed on!"

"Just like the ancestor of mankind!"

"Isn't this also a kind of eternal life?"

Xingxiu didn't have much hope.

After all, everyone in the world knew Fang Yuan's"persistence".

Now he suddenly heard that Fang Yuan seemed to be"wavering" in this regard, so he hurried to persuade him.

"Xingxiu Daoyou"

"I'm actually a very polite person."

"But you come to me and talk in your sleep"

"Is it inappropriate?"

Xingxiu didn't expect it.

Fang Yuan, who seemed to be shaken, just gave her a contemptuous look.

"no...You clearly saw it all! Even if there are so many geniuses in that world"

"All fell on the road to longevity"

"Throughout the ages, only Ye Tiandi has appeared"

"What's more, there is no immortality in our world. What are you still insisting on?"

Xingxiu Xianzun felt like he was going crazy.

"does not exist?"

"How can you be sure that it does not exist?"

"You don't have eternal life, why do you deny it?"

"in addition"

"Even if I am unlucky, the world I traveled to does not have eternal life, but this world always has it. The Demon Lord Stealing Heaven came from another world, and since I can travel through it once, why can't I continue to travel through it again?"

"All impossibilities are just a matter of lack of ability."

"Why don't you join our Heaven and Earth Alliance? As long as you help me study immortality and find other worlds where people can live forever,"

"I can be under you too"

"Then you and I will live forever together, and this will be a beautiful story."

Fang Yuan chuckled and pointed to the scene in the sky.

723"Fang Yuan, you are a lunatic!"

Xingxiu Xianzun's face changed suddenly!

She really didn't expect that Fang Yuan would be so crazy that he would set his sights on other worlds!

The most important thing is that

Xingxiu Xianzun actually wavered at that moment!

"The story of the Void Emperor is so touching!"

"When he was alive, he protected all living things, even at the cost of his life. After his death, he also wanted to protect all living things, even at the cost of his body! The Ji family even sacrificed all their blood! It turns out that the Void family is no weaker than others!"

"The demon king is so powerful that he can turn into a dragon, but he can't get his love back. It's really heartbreaking to watch"

"Yes, in pursuit of power, one must pay a price, but sometimes, even if one has great power, some regrets cannot be made up for!"

"It’s a pity that these heroes are so outstanding, and the golden age makes people excited, but they were born in an incomplete world. Otherwise, they might have achieved even more extraordinary achievements!"

"It is difficult to achieve immortality, not only in the world of the finger-snapping sky, but also in other worlds, pursuing immortality is equally difficult, right?"

"Time is like a knife that cuts off the genius. This sentence tells the whole world, how many heroes sighed in vain in the eternity!"

A sad song of immortality moved countless creatures.

In the heavens and the worlds, except for some special worlds that are born powerful, there are countless creatures in other worlds who are on the road to immortality.

They may not be as well-known as the world of the finger-snapping world now, because of the appearance of the light curtain.

But there is no doubt that the creatures in those worlds, like every hero in this immortal scroll, know that the road ahead is difficult.

Still, they have to go forward one after another, like moths to the flame.

Together, they create a sad song on the road to immortality!

Blue Star

"You have finished watching a short video, and 200 yuan has been credited to your Zhifubao account!"

The progress bar of the video of the world of the sky has come to the end.


"Today is also a perfect day of harvest."

The pleasant sound of the receipt notification made Su Yun's already happy mood even happier.

However, watching videos for too long is also quite tiring.

Su Yun turned off his mobile phone first, got up and moved around for a while. After a rest, he turned on the computer and prepared to play games for a while.

Of course, when he started the game, Su Yun also opened the short video software by the way, and took a look at it. Making money while playing games is also an ideal in the world.

On the other side, seeing that the light curtain was dark for a long time, the creatures were also busy with their own things.

According to everyone's experience, once there is a pause in the middle, when the light curtain will light up again is purely a matter of luck.

Of course, it also depends on the specific time flow rate between the worlds.

After waiting for a long time, some impatient creatures began to wait impatiently.

The light curtain suddenly lit up unexpectedly.

The new video title appeared above the sky!

【Taking stock of the popular quotes from online articles, which one touched you the most?】

【Fifth issue】

Source: Perfect World.

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