Little Shi Hao, who was sympathized by the creatures of the heavens and the worlds.

In the blink of an eye, under the guidance of the Willow God, he began to practice the extreme realm of moving blood!

Although he was not as tall as other people's legs, he could already lift a huge tripod weighing 100,000 jin!

In the end, he even surpassed the cub of the ancient fierce beast and surpassed the extreme realm of 100,000 jin. With a single arm, he had a huge force of 180,000 jin!

After initially achieving the results of practice, under the guidance of the Willow God,

Shi Hao crossed the wilderness alone, experiencing bloody killings all the way. He killed the villains in the second ancestral land and saved the child who was left here to be monitored instead of him.

After that, he returned to Shi Village and continued to practice under the guidance of the Willow God.

After opening up the cave, his strength increased greatly and he entered the virtual world to practice. In the virtual world, he broke many records such as"the most robbed" with the name of"the most fond of drinking beast milk".

After breaking the record of the double pupil, he was expelled for violating the rules of the virtual world.

After leaving, he crossed the wilderness and entered the Bu Tian Pavilion to practice.

He joined Bu Tiange's assessment.

He traveled across the second battlefield and robbed the Tianjiao who also came to participate in the assessment. He was even regarded as a wanted criminal in the Pure Land.

After successfully joining the Bu Tian Pavilion, Shi Hao was accidentally entangled by the old Pavilion Master of the Bu Tian Pavilion. Later, he entered the Bai Duan Mountain with the Tianjiao of the Bu Tian Pavilion to train.

He even"robbed" a kitchen for this.

Bai Duan Mountain is extremely mysterious, containing countless opportunities, and also living in terrifying beasts.

But in comparison, Shi Hao, who was only nine years old, was obviously more brutal.

He carried pots and pans on his back and entered the forest like a dragon returning to the sea, and directly shouted to grill other beasts.

Even the senior brothers and sisters of the Bu Tian Pavilion who entered with Shi Hao were infected.

Instead of looking for opportunities, they followed Shi Hao to grill the meat of the beasts.

After that, Shi Hao made a big fuss in Bai Duan Mountain.

He killed the ancient relic,"teased" the princess of the Fire Country, and suppressed the nine-headed lion.

After conquering the opponent, he directly used the opponent as the material for the"lion head".


He also snatched the golden divine egg in the divine cave and swept the heroes of the Rain Clan.

In the battle for Taiyi Divine Water, he even swallowed the Taiyi Divine Water that others needed to collect with a treasure! Even if Taiyi Divine Water was spiritual, it would continue to escape from the body after being swallowed.

Shi Hao did not give up and tried his best to refine it with divine texts!

After his strength broke through, Shi Hao became more unscrupulous.

He defeated the children of the Wuwang Mansion and swept through the Baiduan Mountain, almost all the ancient races that were not human!

The five-colored phoenix, the fat remains, etc., all turned into food in Shi Hao's pot after being defeated!

However, it was precisely because of this that Shi Hao's identity was exposed.

Those who had offended in the virtual world now stood on the opposite side of Shi Hao. After experiencing a series of battles, he swept across the eight directions with the broken sword of the founder of the Bu Tian Pavilion.

Shi Hao killed the golden-winged Dapeng and swept through a group of fierce beasts.

All the prey was stewed into a pot of blood and flesh treasure medicine!

After that, everyone went to the God Garden to fight for the treasure medicine.

Shi Hao obtained the God-Slaying Stone, swept away many enemies, and in front of everyone, he jumped directly into the dried-up Fountain of Youth. He competed with the God-Slaying Stone for the crystal gravel under the Fountain of Youth!

Even the Fountain of Youth that had transformed itself was taken a bite by Shi Hao, and only then did he have a chance to escape!


Seeing the Fountain of Youth running away, everyone hurriedly chased after it.

Shi Hao hurriedly grabbed the piece of the Fountain of Youth that he had bitten off, shouted loudly, and rushed into the distance.

"Mine, mine, all mine, eat it, eat it all!!!"

Perfect World

"Oh my god!"

"Who is this ferocious beast? Even if it came from the wilderness, it is too ferocious, right?"

"The Emperor didn't do that...."When hungry, you will eat anything."

Looking at the young Shi Hao, he was rampaging in the Baiduan Mountain.

He swept through the crowd.

As long as the opponent was not in human form, he would become a pot of delicious meat if he was defeated. Even if he barely escaped, he would leave a pair of wings and a leg for the kid.

Hei Huang swallowed hard and said with emotion.

When he followed the Wu Shi Great Emperor, he was already quite"gluttonous". He would fish up the precious blood of the Yao Chi fish when he was free to taste it.

But he didn't say that he would eat anything in human form like Shi Hao!

"More vicious than a beast"

"More greedy than Duan De, and more cruel than Hei Huang in killing his acquaintances!"

"Such a person, why worry about not being able to achieve great things!"

Pang Bo sighed.

This also immediately attracted the approval of everyone.

Duan De at least pays attention to"legitimate" when robbing things.

Even Tu Fei, who was raised by a big bandit, dare not say that he was as greedy as Shi Hao when he went to rob treasures. Hei

Huang kills familiar people.

At least he gets familiar with them first, and then kills them.

But what about Shi Hao? The first thing he did to suppress the nine-headed lion was to taste the"lion head", but later he could even put his arm around his shoulders! He could even taste the"lion head" in front of him when he was holding his arm around his shoulders!

With this kind of psychological quality!

He really deserves to be a hunter in the wilderness since he was a child.

But at this time, everyone in Heaven thought that robbing things and killing beasts was the limit of Shi Hao.

After all, he was so ferocious.

How could he be surpassed? But until they saw Shi Hao and the God-Slaying Stone fighting for the mud and sand under the Fountain of Immortality, both Ye Tiandi and Qingdi showed a trace of"shock"!

They have lived for so many years and have seen all kinds of scenes! They have never seen this scene before!

That is real sand!

Maybe it can be used as a material to refine some magic water or something.

Eat it directly?

In this picture, are you sure it is a person?

"He wants to become stronger too much."

At this moment, the empress, who had not spoken much , suddenly sighed. As soon as the voice fell

, everyone was stunned at first, and then looked at the screen, and saw Shi Hao who kept shouting"Mine, all mine", and the smile in his eyes had completely disappeared!

"Yes, if I didn't want to become stronger"

"I want to seek justice for myself"

"If he wanted to be strong enough to find his parents, why did he have to fight so hard and behave so cruelly at such a young age?"

"Shicun is poor, and he has to fight for everything by himself."

"If he wasn't cruel, how could he snatch treasures from those guys of extraordinary backgrounds?"

"However, he was also born supreme! The heir of a king!"


Pangbo sighed.

His eyes were full of sympathy.

Then, he punched the ground hard and spoke angrily.

"That damn woman!"

"It’s all because of her!"

"This beast!"

The Holy Prince patted Pangbo to comfort him.

"It doesn't matter, just rely on this ruthlessness"

"That person with double pupils will definitely not be Shi Hao's opponent"


Just wait and see when Shi Hao knocks out his double pupils.

"Oh shit!"

"this...This is too cruel!"

"I thought you were cruel enough to me."

"I didn't expect there would be something even more cruel here!"

"I eat anything that is not in human form."

"this..."Why does Master Diao feel a chill on his back?"

Little Diao looked at the screen.

He put all kinds of prey into the big pot and ate them happily.

As long as they were in human form, they would not escape the picture of Shi Hao's stomach.

He shrank his neck subconsciously.

They were the Tian Yao Diao clan, but they were not in human form!

They were also on Shi Hao's menu!

Although he knew that they were not in the same world, the cruelty seemed to spread directly to his heart through the screen!

"Brutal, Brutal"

"Anyway, they don't eat humanoids."


"I even want to try it. Do you think eating beast meat can really improve my health so much?"

After hearing Xiao Diao's words,

Lin Dong subconsciously wiped the corner of his mouth.

Then he pretended to speak casually.

"How can it be"

"Don't even think about this kind of thing!"

"If you eat meat, you can improve"

"It's not your turn to eat it!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"And, boy! Master Diao just saw you wiping your saliva!"

"What do you mean!"

Xiao Diao noticed Lin Dong's action.

Suddenly, his scalp tingled!

Lin Dong, this guy[]

In order to improve his strength, he was very ruthless to himself.

If he thought that eating monster meat was a shortcut and developed a habit, what would he do in the future?

The golden lion that he rode on.

The head was still stewing in Shi Hao's pot!

"What are you afraid of!"

"I can't eat souls no matter what, right?"

"But what Shi Hao said was so right! If you want to improve your strength! You have to be greedy enough! And cruel enough!"

"Maybe my family background is not as good as others!"

"But as long as I'm fierce enough!"

"All the treasures belong to me! Then I must be the winner in the end!"

Lin Dong's eyes lit up.

It seemed that he had made up his mind!

His situation was not very similar to Shi Hao's, but at least Shi Hao also had to face an enemy who was far superior to him in all aspects.

And he also had to���Facing the genius of the main branch of the Lin family!


What should I do? Naturally, I should be like Shi Hao, or even more brutal than Shi Hao!

Otherwise, how can I defeat those guys who are born with advantages!


"This is not what Master Diao taught me."

Noticing Lin Dong's increasingly ferocious look,

Xiao Diao swallowed his saliva dryly.

He mourned in advance for the monsters that Lin Dong would encounter in the future.

The Great Qin World

"Well said!"

In the court, all the ministers were amazed at Shi Hao's cruelty.

Those things that were put into the pot were all legendary! Now they were fried, stir-fried, and stewed like ordinary poultry! It was really hard for the ministers of the Qin Dynasty to accept it. But at this moment, Qin Shihuang suddenly nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile


"Your Majesty, this...This Shi Hao is young"

"Want to play and take possession of any treasures"

"If we say it is good, isn’t it biased?"

"Your Majesty is magnanimous, but the people may be dissatisfied with your words and deeds."

"Endless admiration for this brutal style"

"It's really inappropriate!"

After hearing that Qin Shi Huang would actually praise Shi Hao's"selfish" speech, an old man in a Confucian robe stood up.

"Is it really inappropriate?"

"Did you guys only hear what Shi Hao said?"

"Don’t you know the meaning of this?"

"Fusu, where did Shi Hao come from?

Qin Shi Huang was not angry at first.

But when he saw that many of his ministers nodded in agreement, he frowned and looked at Fusu and said :

"Back to Father, Shi Hao was born in the Great Wilderness"

"The Great Wasteland was barren and lacked cultivation resources. Shi Hao entered the blood-moving village and almost exhausted all the treasures stored in the Stone Village."

"If it weren't for the fight, Shi Hao would never have been able to compete with other Tianjiao in Baiduan Mountain!"

After this period of"devilish" teaching.

Let alone other things.

Fusu can be said to have done his best in understanding the meaning of Qin Shihuang's words.

Because of this, after hearing Qin Shihuang's question, Fusu thought for a while, and immediately spoke loudly. As soon as the voice fell, the Confucian old man who stood up to refute Qin Shihuang before suddenly blushed!

"You guys, you've been living in luxury for too long."

"They have completely forgotten that the land occupied by our Great Qin was the most barren land among the seven countries!"

"To have this day!"

"What did they rely on? Fighting! Robbery! Every inch of land and every resource that the Qin soldiers exchanged for at the cost of their lives!"

"If kindness is useful"

"Why don’t we see Confucianism as the most respected among all schools of thought?"

"Shi Hao is greedy and cruel? Only in this way can he be qualified to take back everything that belongs to him!"

"The Qin Dynasty was brutal! It destroyed the capitals of the six kingdoms and unified the country today!"

"In the future, the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty will only become more brutal and greedy!"

"Baiyue and Xiongnu..."

"What I want is an unprecedented prosperous Qin Dynasty!"

Qin Shi Huang nodded with satisfaction.

Then he stood up.

He held Tianwen with his hand and shouted in a cold voice!

The Eternal World

"Well said! Very well said!"

"But it's not good enough!"

Inside the Gate of Eternal Life

���Han looked at Shi Hao as if he saw a"fellow traveler".

He applauded continuously.

However, seeing that Shi Hao had only killed all the non-human enemies and those who were human, he simply defeated or killed them.

He shook his head with regret!

"The slogan was shouted quite loudly"

"But this approach is not extreme enough!"

"You've suffered that! You know the enemy has the upper hand!"

"What bottom line is there at this moment? What morality?"

"The right thing to do is to eat them all!"

"Only if you are ruthless enough!"

"Only then can we achieve a significant improvement!"

Thinking back to the past, where he went and"ate" wherever he went,

Fang Han said with emotion.

"never mind"

"Don't ask for too much"

"After all, he is still a child, it is normal that he can't be ruthless"

"Besides, not everyone has such a good appetite as me."

"Alas...what a pity, is there anyone in this world who can truly share food experience with me!"

"Holy shit! This is too cruel! Eating ferocious beasts is fine, and it looks a bit hungry, but eating the mud and sand from the Fountain of Youth, is this little guy really still a human?"

"Apart from anything else, it tastes really good. I also want to get a ferocious beast to try it."

"Don’t you think Shi Hao looks pitiful?"

"Yes, why is he so cruel? It's because he doesn't have any treasures, so he can only fight and snatch, and risk his life."

"Although he was born in the wilderness, he was so smart, how could he want to taste the so-called mud and sand? It was obvious that he couldn't bear to give up the effect of the Fountain of Old Age, so even if he had to eat sand, he wanted to improve himself a little more!"

"When I talk about this, I think of that vicious woman! If it weren't for him, Shi Hao would still be with his parents, a pure son of a prince, and he wouldn't have to suffer like this!"

"Damn you, the one with double pupils! Wait for Shi Hao, who can even eat sand to become stronger, to blow you up!"

Shi Hao's"Bai Duan Mountain Eating Broadcast" immediately received numerous praises in the world once it was broadcasted.

The stewed beast meat that was gurgling and even glowing was really mouth-watering, and it made people's stomachs growl.

But behind the eating broadcast, Shi Hao's"ferocious" side also made the creatures feel sympathy!

Look at those disciples of the Wuwang Mansion, they are dressed gorgeously, everyone holds a treasure, and there are a lot of followers. They are extremely arrogant and look at people with their noses. But how much lower is Shi Hao's status than them?

Now he has fallen to the point of eating sand in order to become stronger!

All this is the fault of the one with double pupils and that vicious woman! Thinking of this, the world of heaven and earth once again raised a voice of abuse.

At the same time, the picture in the light curtain also changed quietly... Inch.

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