Kidd's plane.

At this moment.

Kuroba Kaito's residence.

The house is still dark.

Gin had just destroyed the power system.

It has not been restored yet.

I don't know what's going on inside.

Until the light came on.

It was Hakuba Tan who hurried over.

And Nakamori Aoko who wanted to dissuade him.

"Don't bother thinking about it! I said Kaito couldn't be Kidd, what on earth is that!"

"Aoko, why are you coming here at this time? You really care about Kaito! To be honest, don't you think he will get into trouble under such circumstances?"

The Hakuba detective was also very steady.

He insisted on coming to Kaito's residence, but found that there was no light inside.

Is there a problem?

He took out his mobile phone and checked inside with a weak light.

He thought that there would be no results.

In the end, he saw a dark figure lying on the ground.

There was a pool of blood beside him, and he seemed to be injured.

"Is there anyone here? Is it Kaito!"

As the Hakuba scout realized something was wrong, he asked Aoko to call for help and turn on the power. He went to check on Kaito.

He seemed to be injured and woke up after a while.

Seeing the Hakuba scout in front of him, he couldn't help but ask in confusion.

"Why is it you? Someone just broke in and attacked me. They were wearing black clothes, and I didn't recognize them."

Kaito's acting skills are also impeccable.

He showed a pitiful look and just wiped himself out.

Hakuba was speechless.

Since you appeared here, then the Kidd that Officer Nakamori is pursuing at the moment should not exist, right?

He didn't give up and called the other party immediately.

It took a long time to get through.

But he heard Nakamori Ginzo's impatient voice.

"What? I'm investigating a case and will catch that kid soon. I won't tell you anymore!"

As the other party hung up the phone in a hurry, it was obviously a stone hammer.

Kidd couldn't be Kaito.

"It seems that you are really innocent. The video on the Internet is really wrong."

Hakuba Tan laughed while checking Kaito's wound.

The injury is not too serious.

Stop the bleeding in time and send him to the hospital for treatment.

As Aoko called for help, a group of people successfully sent Kaito to the ambulance.

And this accident also indirectly proved that the video on the Internet was all rumors.

Kaito could not be Kidd.

It was purely a frame-up. Gin, who had been hiding in the dark and observing this scene, also came to the conclusion that the police were still tracking Kidd's whereabouts on the other side. It seems that Kaito is really not Kidd. It was all in vain!

"Boss, what should we do?"

Vodka asked unhappily.

"Wait, I'll call the boss back."

He immediately asked for instructions, but was told that there was something more important that he needed to deal with.

Someone had exposed what Vermouth looked like.

Comparing Kid to Kaito, this was already a priority, completely different.

"Vermouth, it's your turn to worry now! I want to see how you solve it."

Gin showed a playful expression.

He couldn't help laughing.


Sent to the hospital for treatment.

Kaito, lying in the ambulance, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

With today's drama, he can finally get rid of suspicion!

I hope they won't come to mess with him again.

It's abominable to expose his privacy for no reason.

It turned out that he had arranged a good show in advance.

When encountering Gin's pursuit.

Kaito cooperated with Huang Zhisuke.

The two performed a double act.

One pretended to be Kid to attract Gin to leave.

The other pretended to be injured and waited for the police to come to prove his innocence.

This is a plan to kill two birds with one stone. I think no one else can do it.

But what I didn't expect was that.


Huang Zhisuke contacted him and apologized to him.

"Master, I'm sorry. When I was trying to distract Mr. Nakamori, something unexpected happened. I was almost discovered by him and was forced to hide. I hope it didn't affect your plan?"

"Dad, are you okay now? It's just a little trouble, I can handle it, be sure to be safe!"

Kaito didn't care about his own safety, but he didn't want anything to happen to Huang Zhisuke.

After all, the two of them had a deep relationship as master and servant.

Then he ended the contact, but was also surprised.

If Huang Zhisuke failed, would Officer Nakamori still have doubts?

This matter is really, there is no way to say it!


Metropolitan Police Department Investigation Section 2!

Officer Nakamori, who had just returned from a failed mission

, was furious.

"Damn it, I almost caught that guy. I was almost successful, but he used a trick to deceive me, and I ran for so long in vain. I really can't accept this!"

"No way! Yinsan, you failed again!"

Colleagues were also drunk. They thought that with the help of the headquarters, it would definitely work this time!

"What else can I say? It's all because of that kid Bai Ma, who insisted on coming over to join in the fun and wasted time. By the way, where is Bai Ma Tan?"

"He went to Kaito's house and said he found that he was attacked and sent to the hospital."

"No way? Kaito is still at home!"

Inspector Nakamori nodded, but then shook his head again, becoming even more upset.

Who on earth is this Kidd?


Late at night on the streets of Ekoda.

The bustle gradually faded away.

In the shadows where no one noticed

, a mysterious figure quietly appeared.

He took off the same outfit as Kidd, but showed a relieved smile.

If you could see his face, you would be very surprised. That face was mysteriously similar to Kudo Yusaku.

"Luckily, I finally helped this kid!"


At the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters, they received news that the operation to capture Kidd had failed again.

It seems that the revelations on the Internet may not be accurate.

What is the purpose of making so many troubles?

Officer Megure, who came to participate, was also very puzzled.

"Can we just let these people spread rumors online?"

"How could it be? We have already found a group of top hackers, and they are working hard to crack the secrets of these videos. I believe there will be results!"

The colleague said confidently


At this moment. In the secret base of the FBI.

After several hours of continuous fighting.

Conan and others finally found some useful information.

They felt that victory was in sight.

They cracked a very useful program.

It seemed that they could dismantle the mysterious link hidden behind these videos.

In the end, they would see all the truth.

"Here it comes! The truth is getting closer and closer!"

When Conan excitedly encouraged himself, the program he cracked on the computer screen suddenly turned into a strange link.

Then, it loaded automatically and entered the magical screen.

New revelations are coming!

【Who provided Kidd's equipment? Where did all his high-tech equipment come from?】

【Who knew that Kidd also had a personal butler, and his best friend was a magical doctor! 】

Another popular science video?

Conan's brows almost shrank.

Then, he saw something even more shocking

"No way? Kidd's props are all purchased from Dr. Agasa?"

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