“OH!” Griffin was startled, the young man in the east and David’s girlfriend Milly, suddenly flashed in front of him, Griffin looked at Milly with deep meaning, and ridiculed: “OH, OH… What do I see… Hello, Millie! ”

Millie looked grim, knowing that Griffin was making fun of her with another man.

It’s very bitter inside. She didn’t want to!

“Hey, Griffin, can you get to know me?” Griffin stretched out his hand, indicating friendliness, and said.

“Are you tracking me?” Wang Chen looked at Griffin in front of him and spoke.

Griffin was stunned and sneered, “Hey, man! Don’t mind, I’m just curious! Can you ask, did you really kill Roland? ”

At this moment, Griffin faced the young man in front of him, with a look of awe on his face, trying to keep himself calm! The other party must also be a teleporter, but the other party was able to kill the ranger boss Roland without much effort, which was really shocking to the strength of the other party!

“Roland, it’s just a jumping beam clown! Now that you’ve seen me too, is there anything else to ask? Wang Chen, Dao.

Jumping beam clown!?

Griffin looked embarrassed, it was Roland, the jumping beam clown, who had hunted down and killed many teleporters over the years.

“So, Your Excellency, can I know your name?” Griffin was a little excited, and even admired the young man in front of him, the other party killed the ranger Roland and several rangers with the power of one person, if the other party can stand up against the ranger organization, in the future, the world’s teleporters will not be afraid of the ranger organization, but can live in the sun and enjoy life to the fullest.

“Wang Chen!” Wang Chen responded calmly and said.

“Oh, Wang, it’s a pleasure to meet you, it’s my pleasure! Wang, you should be the ** person, right? “Griffin was very friendly and welcoming.

Wang Chen didn’t have the heart to talk to Griffin, “Don’t talk nonsense, have something to say?” ”

“Hey, don’t be so direct! Is this king, would you like to join the Teleporters Organization? The invitation, yes, is my official invitation to you on behalf of the Teleporters Organization! Griffin said without blushing and his heart did not beat.

In fact, wherever there is any teleportation organization, he made it up to win over the other party!

Wang Chen was funny in his heart, he knew the plot of the world of the movie “Mind Transmitter”, Griffin this kid really has brains, much stronger than the male protagonist David, sneered, “Hey, Griffin is it.” Any idea why cows fly in the sky? ”

“OH,WANG…… Why? Griffin was suddenly stunned, puzzled.

“Because you’re blowing on the ground!” Wang Chen calmly said.


The heroine Milly couldn’t help laughing and looked at the oriental man. I didn’t expect the other party to have a humorous side!

“Hey, Wang, you’re so humorous!” Griffin was embarrassed to death, and the other party directly exposed his lie.

Wang Chen said, “Give you a minute, if you can impress me in a minute, it will be your honor!” ”

“Hmm…” Griffin was stunned, followed the reaction, hesitated slightly, spread his palm and smiled awkwardly: “Hey, count my previous words!” Well, Wang, can I follow you? Here’s what I thought…! It’s the first time I’ve seen a powerful telepathizer like you! ”

“You finally said something that touched me!” Wang Chen said and launched the teleportation.

“OH!” Griffin tracked the transmission trail and also teleported away from the beach.


The women passing by on the beach exclaimed.

“This is…?” After Griffin teleported over, he saw a villa not far from the beautiful environment lake, and was surprised to fall on the body of the young man in the east.

Location, in country E.

“Look over there…” Wang Chen did not explain, but looked at the luxurious villa.

Inside the luxurious villa came a woman in her forties

The woman is blonde and has an elegant temperament.

And the woman’s eyes looking at them obviously showed a look of surprise, and then the woman took out a kilovolt voltage rod from her body and walked towards them.

“Ranger…” Griffin frowned, that woman, it was actually a ranger!

“Give you a chance to perform!” Wang Chen suddenly spoke, facing Griffin with a mysterious smile, and said.

Griffin reacted, it was the other party who deliberately wanted to test his strength, Griffin hesitated slightly, and forced himself to launch the teleportation ability…


Mary of the Ranger Organization, suddenly pulled out another high-tech weapon from her waist… The weapon is directly connected to the power grid of this weapon, and it is overwhelming.



Attack…… Didn’t attack to… The two sides fought each other.


Griffin screamed in pain and suffered an electric shock… Griffin was angry and disappeared directly, and when Griffin reappeared, a bus fell from the sky and smashed into Mary the Ranger.

Ranger Mary looked up and saw this, and immediately ran to dodge.


The bus crashed and didn’t hit Mary the Ranger.

Instead, Griffin suffered an attack from Mary and was entangled in the power grid.

The Ranger’s high-tech weapon is designed to deal with teleporters. If you are not careful, the telepathizer will lose the ability to transmit, and be firmly entangled in the power grid, which is very painful.

The kilovolt voltage against the teleporter will not let the teleporter die, because the telepathy’s own psychic magnetic field is also resisting the voltage magnetic field.

“Snap…” Wang Chen applauded, and walked towards Ranger Mary step by step.

“When did the teleporter become emboldened?” With a smile on her face, Marie the Ranger followed with a high-tech weapon attack.

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