Like the familiarity and helplessness she felt towards Alicia before, and now the suspicion that arose in her heart after seeing Gratius:

Just like Graciu imitating Alicia's speaking style earlier, if Mei stays with Graciu for too long...

So, will Gracie start imitating Mei's speech?

As for what to say...

Reminiscent of the words "I can't do anything" that repeatedly persecuted Mei Yi in the previous light curtain...

Fu Hua's mouth twitched slightly, looking at Mei Yi who seemed to be wondering "the content does not match the title", and chose silence.

Fu Hua couldn't bear to tell Mei Yi what might happen soon. If the light curtain was really that evil, he should let Mei Yi go to the light curtain to see it by herself.

The moment Mei noticed Fu Hua's pitiful eyes, the picture displayed in the light curtain dispelled Mei Yi's doubt that "the content does not match the title"——

At the same time, it also made Mei angry and gnashed her teeth!



After the scene of Mei taking care of the child lasted for a while, Alicia's appearance interrupted their interaction.

"Alright Mei, [Reconciliation] is almost complete. We can leave little Gracie alone."

"Mei Yi, you have to strictly control the time you spend with little Gracie~"

Alicia motioned for Mei to come to her side quickly to avoid any bad effects caused by staying around little Gratio.

By the way, Alicia reminded Mei meaningfully:

"If one day I hear something like 'paint brush, surrender to me' coming out of little Gracie's mouth...yeah hehe~"

"No, no, it's too weird."

The pink-haired elf lady let out a ringing laugh like a silver bell, but the words that came out of her mouth made Mei Yi's already stern face darken even more.

Those words that were intended to tease Mei Yi's lines made Mei Yi stare closely at this naughty guy, but Alicia smiled indifferently.

It is said without intention, but the listener has intention.

Mei Yi in the picture didn't seem to know what would happen in the future, but Mei Yi outside the light curtain felt a thump in her heart.

"No way, could it be that..."

Meiyi murmured uneasily in her heart, and the scene where she was deflated flashed before her eyes.

If the little Loli Grace in the picture can imitate others, will she also imitate her former deflated appearance?

Mei Yi's breath was stagnant. Could it be that all those shameful scenes from before would be repeated on Gracie? !

Through the mouth of Gracie, a little loli who doesn't understand anything, she speaks those embarrassing lines with no expression on her face? !

Including those weird lines that were dubbed on stage earlier? !

Previously, Mei was just thinking about what would happen if Gracie imitated Alicia, but Mei almost forgot that Gracie imitating herself would also be an unimaginably terrifying scene!

Just thinking about Gray's restoration of those scenes makes Mei feel like she's going to suffocate!

Although Mei Yi was trying not to let that terrible scene happen, it was not the first time that the light screen had been malicious towards Mei Yi.

The thing that worried Alicia in the screen and Mei inside and outside the light screen still happened.


As little Gratitude appears alone in the light curtain, she seems to be on a unique stage. The brush in her hand depicts the world she comes into contact with and uses color to outline her understanding.

The petite and cute blue-haired loli stepped on her bare feet and waved the paintbrush in her hand——

Immediately, her dull face moved slightly, and she read out the breathtaking lines that Mei Yi absolutely did not want to hear:

"Brush, surrender to me!"

Although little Gratitude's voice has always been indifferent and devoid of emotion, she obviously put in some effort into imitating Mei's line.

Little Gratius seemed to be trying her best to imitate, even her voice had some ups and downs.

It's just that her dull face, cold voice, and the strange and shameful line she shouted out made people dig their toes to the ground——

However, the one who really touched the ground with her toes was definitely not Grexiu, but Mei Yi who was watching all this happening outside the light curtain but was helpless!

Is that a line she would say? !

What exactly is the original sentence? ! What exactly is she shouting about surrendering to her? !

The meaningful smile hanging on the corner of her mouth when Alicia reminded her of Herrscher's posture reappeared in front of Mei Yi's eyes.

Could it be that Alicia had already thought of this day when she asked her to take Gratius and help [reconcile]? !

Alicia reminded her "Don't touch Little Gratius for too long", but did Alicia appear at a time when Little Gratitude had learned her lines? !

Outside the light curtain, Mei Yi gritted her teeth again and clenched her fists at the fat pink woman who was always smiling!

However, what Mei Yi didn’t expect was that little Gratitude’s imitation of her wasn’t just that—

Under Mei Yi's surprised gaze, the little Gracie in the picture waved the brush again, opened her small mouth and tried her best to make ups and downs in an indifferent voice, shouting:

"Roar! Kosma!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Listening to the lines shouted by the cute little loli in the light curtain, Mei Yi outside the light curtain made a sharp explosion!

She covered her head and closed her eyes tightly, not daring to look at the scene in the picture!

Are those all lines she once said? !

When exactly did she, a gentle and Japanese-style girl, come up with such a middle-of-the-road line? !

Although it was not the strange lines she had used when dubbing on stage before, but this shameful Chuuni line was imitated, Mei Yi couldn't help but dig her toes on the ground and feel her scalp numb! !

Amidst the suppressed laughter of everyone at St. Freya Academy, Mei's face was already as red as a ripe apple!

However, even if she was escaping from the scene in this way, the lines that made Mei almost go crazy with shame could still reach her ears.

In Mei Yi's most desperate, collapsed and shameful eyes, the cute little blue-haired lolita in the picture finally uttered the famous line that Mei Yi was most afraid to hear -

"Gratio can't do anything..."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhinging me"

Mei Yi, who was extremely ashamed, finally let out a sharp explosion sound like a collapse and bursting of a dam, and fainted into Kiana's arms next to her!



"Roar, Kosma!"


In the golden courtyard, Kosmo was covering his face because little Gracie imitated others and yelled out those embarrassing lines.

Suddenly he heard his name being called out by little Gratitude, and he immediately raised a huge question mark.

Previously, little Gratius was influenced by Alicia, and her speech became strangely "lovey", and Cosmo was very dissatisfied with it.

I thought that Mei Yi’s help in [Reconciliation] would help little Gray Xiu return to normal, but I never expected that...

Kosmo never expected that Raiden Meiyi, who seemed to be the most normal person in the Golden Courtyard, was not normal either.

Look at how badly little Gratius has been led in the picture, and those strange words are coming.

Only then did Kosmo realize that he had misjudged Raiden Mei, and was prepared to keep Raiden Mei away from Gray Xiu when Raiden Mei entered the golden courtyard in the future.

He wanted to protect the pure Gratius and not let Gratius turn into a weird person.

Kosmo thought so in his heart, and silently protected Graciu and walked a few steps away from Alicia, so that Graciu would not be affected by Alicia.

Alicia, who noticed this small detail, squinted her eyes and smiled, as if she wanted to get closer, but she seemed to have the good sense to hold it back.

After all, there are enough strange things appearing on Gratio's drawing board. If Gratio himself becomes strange again, it will be really difficult to ensure that Kosmo will not collapse.

On the other side, Aponya's mother, who was familiar with Gracie, looked at Gracie in the picture, imitating Mei holding up a paintbrush and shouting those shameful lines. The corners of her eyes twitched without a trace.

Even the usually indifferent and emotionless mother Aponnia, although she was used to Graciu's "subconscious imitation", couldn't help seeing Graciu in that posture.

Aponia silently clasped her hands together, thinking silently in her heart that when Mei enters the Golden Courtyard in the future, Gracie should not be affected too much by Mei.

In Aponya's eyes, Mei's threat to Gratius was almost equal to Alicia's.

As for Gratitude, the cute little blue-haired lolita herself, she has no idea about the person in the picture holding the brush high and shouting to the sky and the earth.

After all, Gracie didn't know what that meant, and she didn't know why everyone around her was showing strange expressions. The corners of her eyes twitched as if she had seen an unbearable shameful scene.

It was obviously a scene of Mei's social death, but because the scene was Gracie imitating Mei, everyone felt extremely numb at this moment.

Little Gracie blinked her big eyes and tilted her head in confusion.

Then, she tried to raise the brush in her hand like herself in the light curtain——

"Hmm...Gratius, is that what you did?"

"Paint brush~surrender to woo woo woo..."

Kosmo, who was beside Gratius, had quick eyes and quick hands, and finally stopped Gratius before she took that step!

This was the rare time that Kosmo successfully prevented Gracie from becoming strange. Kosmo was sweating coldly and wiped the sweat from his forehead on the spot.

Seeing Kosmo sweating profusely, Grexiu tilted his head even more doubtfully:

"Cosma, why did you cover Gratio's mouth?"

Facing Graciu's innocent big eyes, Kosmo silently looked at his reflection in Graciu's eyes, looked at her innocent face, and determined to protect this purity.

"Because Gracie can't look like in the picture, it's too weird."

Kosmo solemnly warned Graciu. His original intention was to prevent little Gratiu from learning everything he saw and becoming strange like Graciu in the light curtain.

However, Gratitude has always been half-informed about other people's advice, which leads to the situation where she always relays only half of it...

Graciu tried her best to understand what Cosmo said. Her cute face wrinkled together and her eyebrows twisted together as if she was thinking about something.

After some hard thinking, Graciu slowly came to a conclusion:

"Oh... I mean, would it be better if Cosmo always covered Gracie's mouth?"


"Mother Aponia, Cosmo said that she wants to cover Gracie's mouth all the time. Is that okay?"



Recommend a similarly broken story, 400,000 words, feel free to read

Chapter 127 Aunt Mei's dark history has been imitated

"Kosmo means, is it better to cover Grayshu's mouth all the time?"

Kosmo immediately asked a question mark, why would Grayshu come to such an astonishing conclusion?

However, what made Kosmo happy was that the heroes around him had not noticed the episode here at this time, at least he could explain it clearly before Grayshu made a bigger misunderstanding.

Kosmo silently thought about how to explain to Grayshu that his behavior of covering her mouth just now was just to prevent Grayshu from imitating others, not the tiger and wolf words that Grayshu said

But However, for Kosmo, Gresh's actions were never predictable.

At the moment when Kosmo was distracted, he was shocked to find that Gresh in front of him had disappeared.

In Kosmo's desperate eyes, Gresh, who was just in front of him, had taken a few small steps with her bare feet and quickly approached Mother Abonia.

Kosmo had already anticipated what would come out of Gresh's mouth. Feeling desperate, he could only watch in despair as Gresh approached Mother Abonia and uttered shocking words that were loud enough for the thirteen heroes of the Fire Moth to hear clearly:

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