"In the end...why would that thing..."

Hua stared closely at Kiana's figure in the light screen and clenched her fists fiercely.

Not only Hua, but all the heroes present were staring at Kiana, unable to understand why the "end" that once brought about a world-destroying disaster appeared in a girl.

Why, that Kiana?

How could it be Kiana? What strength does she have? ?

Chapter 142: Finally took action against Qimaomao

It’s not that everyone in Fire Chasing Moth looks down on Kiana, but to Zhong Yan, Kiana’s strength is indeed nothing at all.

Although everyone has seen before that Kiana controlled the power of the Herrscher of the Sky, controlled the Disease Gem and became the Herrscher of Fire, and rose up to fight against the Herrscher of Dominance...

Although everyone admired this girl's growth and tenacity, in everyone's eyes Kiana was still too weak.

Imagine that even the thirteen heroes present, who were already the strongest thirteen in their civilization era, still could not change the outcome of destruction when faced with the coming of the end.

Even though they were once prosperous, they were even forced to use the "freezing warehouse" to continue Kevin and Hua as fire seeds into the next era of civilization.

For that Kiana, what can make her become like that in the picture...

Controlling the power of the end?

[Cocoon of Finality], the source of all Herrscher power, is also the source of collapse. How did an existence of this level come to be controlled by Kiana?

"The Herrscher of the End..."

The existence that symbolized true despair and truly destroyed an era of civilization, the existence that left the Thirteen Heroes of the Fire Chasing Moth helpless.

Unexpectedly, it was the Kiana in the light curtain, the Kiana who was manipulated and manipulated at will in Alicia's hands?

The Herrscher of the End, the being who destroyed the civilization era, actually laughed and sang with Alicia in the light curtain?

She actually became the little wife in Alicia's arms?

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Alicia at the same time

Everyone's eyes couldn't be said to be suspicious. After all, everyone knew how much Alicia had sacrificed to fight against Honkai, and how much Alicia loved humans.

As the Herrscher who was first born in this world, Alicia, as the "Human Herrscher", has an indescribable love for this world.

She was even willing to give up her own life at the end of the civilization era to use her power to pass on hope to the next civilization era, so that the Herrschers of the next civilization era would have a chance to find their true self...

There is absolutely no way that Alicia is a "traitor" or that she is conspiring with Zhongyan.

However, what is the relationship between Kiana, who transformed into the "Herrscher of the End" in the light curtain, and Alicia?

Everyone couldn't accept that an existence that destroyed them and the era of civilization turned into a cute girl who could be manipulated...

Kiana's laughter in the light screen is certainly cute, but the cuter Kiana becomes the Herrscher of the End in the picture, the more ironic it becomes that they and the demise of that civilization era are so ironic!

"Uh uh uh ah ah! Finally!"

"Finally! Die!"

Qianjie clenched his fists angrily, and angry flames burst out from his chest. In an instant, his ferocious mask was burned by the fire! In the roar, he transformed into a demon that was no different from the one who almost killed Mei Yi in the light screen!

"Qianjie, [please] calm down"

At the moment when the terrifying high temperature almost melted the conference room, Aponya's voice caused the terrifying flames spurting from Qianjie's body to suddenly shrink.

Although Qianjie groaned and roared unwillingly, he still reluctantly put away his anger under the "gentle persuasion" of Aponya's mother.

Just like what Aponya said to Mei Yi in the light curtain before, "Qianjie is getting better and better."

However, it is not only Qianjie who cannot control his anger, but also Aponya's voice has lost its former gentleness and is as cold as the chilling winter wind.

It’s just that compared to the angry and surly Qianjie, Aponya is calmer and knows that he shouldn’t vent his emotions in vain before the light curtain reveals the answer, let alone let Qianjie go berserk like this.

So even though Aponya was angry and confused about Kiana who became the final figure in the light screen, she was still controlling her emotions and controlling the thousand tribulations.

The Yingjie did not blame Qianjie for his anger, but unimaginable anger and suspicion were brewing in their own hearts.

The pictures in the light curtain are so shocking that it is difficult to calm down for a while

Even these heroes, who have been fighting against the collapse for a long time and are at the forefront of the war, still cannot calm down quickly...

Rather, it is precisely because they are the ones who have the most confrontation and contact with the Herrscher and the End of the World that they are even more shocked by the fact that Kiana has become the End of the World.

Even Aponya, who is usually the calmest, is already a bit uncontrollable at this time, let alone others.

Sakura held the sword in her hand tightly, Hua clenched her fist, and Mebius no longer had the playful look in his eyes like before.

Kosmo's eyes became fierce, and even the cute Gracie had fierce eyes, and it was obvious that he had malicious intentions towards that final person.

Even Kevin put down the instant noodles in his hand and stared closely at Kiana in the light screen.

Kiana, who has the blood of the Kaslana family, although she is only the gene of Siegfried and Cecilia's daughter, is an experimental product born from the fusion of Sirin's gene and the Herrscher core...

But no matter what, Kevin can be regarded as Kiana's ancestor.

For Kevin, that "own grandchild" is surprisingly similar in places, as if he is the female version of her Kiana, who has mastered the matter of the end...

Kevin didn't know whether to be happy or angry, and could only wait silently for everyone's speculation and the reveal of the light curtain.

Even Su, who often closed his eyes tightly, opened them at this moment.

He, who was engraved with the name [Tian Hui], made eye contact with the most talented Dr. Mebius and Velvet, and then expressed their speculations for everyone to discuss:

"Is this the case with Herrscher and Hua, whom I met before?"

Following Su's guess, everyone's eyes fell on Hua

Everyone saw it in the light curtain before. The Herrscher of Knowledge from the next civilization era descended on Hua's body.

However, the Herrscher of Consciousness, who is notorious for "manipulating consciousness", was defeated by Hua's vast memories of years, and the entire Herrscher's consciousness became another 'Hua'

As the Herrscher of Consciousness, he was overwhelmed by the overwhelming consciousness, and the strong will to "fight against the collapse" was engraved in the depths of his soul.

Although everyone was laughing and laughing at this situation, most of them were happy to see their old comrade survive to continue the fire, and successfully defeated a Herrscher and even instigated rebellion.

And in the light curtain, the Kiana who became the final one...

Is it like Hua, who has the ability to rewrite the final will of "destroying human civilization" after the final descends on her?

However, after everyone thought about it for a while, this possibility was rejected.


"Hua has continued from our civilization era to the next civilization era. The huge memory she has accumulated in the long fifty thousand years that is engraved with [Fu Sheng] has the consciousness to overthrow the Law of Consciousness and the Law of Consciousness." This is the special situation where the person became Hua.”

"Kiana is just the product of an experiment. She is far from as deep-rooted as Hua. How could her meager life of more than ten years break the final will..."

Let alone Kiana, everyone feels that even if the situation of the Herrscher of Consciousness finally being reincarnated happens to China in reality, it may not necessarily be what happened...

The trick that is effective against the Herrscher of Consciousness is because its power itself is related to "consciousness"

It may not necessarily be effective for "Ending". After all, Ending is the source of power for all Herrschers. In other words, Ending controls the power of all Herrschers.

What kind of strange ability does Kiana have that can defeat the end like Hua?

"Or is Kiana the end?"

"Just like Alicia was born as a human Herrscher?"

Alicia, who was born into this world as a Herrscher, miraculously fell in love with this beautiful world and beautiful humans, and finally joined the team fighting against Honkai...

But Kiana's birth was visible to all in the light curtain, and was not the incarnation of the "Cocoon of the End"...

We have no way of knowing this question, we can only wait for the light curtain to reveal the answer.

In any case, if Kiana becomes the final and final, the biggest threat to the survival of mankind is solved...

So in reality, Kevin, the leader of [World Serpent], seems that the "Stigmata Project" that he wants to implement at any cost can be put on hold?

For the "gentle version" of the Stigma Project that was improved by Kevin, the experiments prepared in Tianqiong City almost plunged all the people of Tianqiong City into a sea of ​​misery. Fortunately, Kiana risked her life to save her...

Although the experiments of the Stigma Project have been blocked, everyone believes that in order to save more people's lives, Kevin will continue the experiments until the Stigma Project is fully implemented.

At that time, all human beings will have a narrow escape from the huge amount of Honkai energy. Only those who have activated the stigmata can survive, and the rest...

But if Kiana solves the end, then this cruel stigma plan that requires the sacrifice of most people's lives will no longer be needed.

Alicia believes that since the scene of her and Kiana getting along has been shown in the light screen, there will definitely be a scene of her actually meeting Kiana, right?

At that time, will some answers to Kiana's fate be revealed?

In Alicia's expectant eyes, the title she was looking forward to was indeed displayed on the light screen.

It's just that... the scene in the light screen has nothing to do with Kiana becoming the final one. It's just that Alicia continues to harm Kiana and Mei, their good friends.

[Alicia, Kiana, and Mei met at the same time, and once again took out the evil trumpet! 】


At this moment, Kevin, who was among the world snakes, was also staring closely at Kiana in the light screen, lost in thought.

In order to fight against the end, he had no choice but to promote the Stigma Project that sacrificed the lives of many people, and even made a ruthless plan to experiment in Tianqiong City...

Although the experiments in Skydome City will inevitably change under the exposure of the light curtain, Kevin's determination to promote the Stigma Project will not change...

Even if Walter Young disagrees with his plan and locks him in the Quantum Sea at the risk of his life, Kevin will still do it.

This is to preserve the fire of humanity when the "end" comes, so that human civilization will not come to an end again...

Everything is to avoid repeating the same mistakes...

However, in the light curtain, Kiana actually controls the end?

Kevin's mood is complicated, but more of a hope is ignited

Just as the memories of the heroes in the Golden Courtyard thought, Kevin also had this idea:

If Kiana really controls the end, then the Stigmata plan, which requires the lives of most humans as the price, seems to be unnecessary...

The premise is that Kiana can really do it.

Kevin is not willing to be so cruel, but he has to choose a result under the scale.

Now that there is hope, Kevin holds this incredible hope in his heart...

Continue to promote the Stigmata plan, but keep a record of what will happen after Kiana becomes the end.

Just when Kevin was thinking, the new picture in the light curtain attracted his attention. He thought he could find some clues about Kiana becoming the end, but he was speechless by the interaction between Alicia, Kiana and Meiyi in the light curtain.



Kiana and Mei in the picture seem to be in a paradise that seems like a dream. From the perspective of perception, it is somewhat similar to the [Pinocone] in the previous light screen where Pioneer Star played with Liuying.

However, the protagonists in the picture now are Kiana and Mei, and the "pink fat woman" Alicia mentioned in the title, who cheated on both of them at the same time

Mei and Kiana in the picture seem to be stuck at the entrance of the amusement park, not knowing which project to start playing

Just when they were tangled, an extremely energetic, lively, cute and sweet greeting sounded from not far away, and it broke into the conversation between Mei and Kiana like a silver bell


A beautiful girl as pink as cherry blossoms appeared in front of Kiana and Mei, making the two people who were talking show a puzzled expression


"Cute girls, I just seemed to hear you discussing [what to play] topic, right?"

This pink fairy lady who suddenly appeared seemed to be very familiar with this place, especially lively and outgoing, taking the initiative to talk, and seemed to want to be a tour guide for Kiana and Meiyi

"Ah...? Yes"

"But we didn't discuss anything, so we decided to be casual and play wherever we go."

The first to respond was the most lively and bold Kiana. Seeing this beautiful pink-haired girl approaching to talk, Kiana responded without any guard

Kiana in the picture seemed to have not had any story with Alicia, and didn't know about the close contact between Alicia and Meiyi. When she saw Alicia, it was as if she was meeting a stranger for the first time.

Otherwise, if Kiana had that personality, she would have rushed up to settle the score with a wrinkled kitten face when she saw Alicia, the culprit who stole her best Meiyi

But what is puzzling is that even Meiyi, who has had many contacts with Alicia, seems to not know Alicia, and looks at this pink fat woman with a puzzled expression

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