And with Alicia's love of teasing others, Alicia would definitely try her best to tease Kiana, and then see how Mei would react next to her.

Just like Alicia asked Kiana to throw herself into her arms in the light curtain, and then Mei quickly interrupted.

Although the person in the light screen who went to the amusement park with Alicia was Kiana, who didn’t know Alicia, hadn’t seen Mei and Alicia getting along and had no objections, but even for Alicia Kiana, who has opinions, will definitely be easily manipulated

Although everyone is curious about Kiana, who is dressed in a mysterious princess costume, the light curtain has not revealed the secret, so there is no way to know.

Then, the light screen displayed a new title:

[Thunder God is crying and fussing because he can’t eat dessert, so pitiful~]


General Raiden, who was in the shogunate in Inazuma, silently thinking about the relationship between Alicia and Yae Kamiko, and why the two pink-haired people liked teasing her so much, was stunned for a moment when he saw the title displayed on the light screen.

Chapter 143 Crying and making trouble with the True Lord

For everyone at St. Freya Academy, the name "Thor" is a bit unfamiliar, and they all showed confused expressions when they saw the title.

"Thunder God? Is it Mei?"

Kiana looked at Mei next to her in confusion, quite liking this shameful name.

But as we all know, the things that stupid Kiana thinks are handsome must be weird in the eyes of normal people.

So everyone at St. Freya Academy looked at Mei with strange eyes.

For everyone, the familiar ones are related to thunder and lightning, that is, from the name "Thunder and Lightning Mei" to the "Thunder and Lightning" in her moves, and to the Herrscher power she controls, Mei is also the "Herrscher of Thunder".

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that you seem to have seen the name "Thor" in the light curtain not long ago?

Probably when... Mei Yi's shameful dark history was imitated?

The girl who appeared in the light curtain immediately after Mei Yi was similar to Mei Yi in terms of appearance, hair color, and Oriental clothing, but she was not the same Oriental woman.

In that scene, the being who seemed to be called the "Thunder God" pulled out a wild thunder sword, which was also very similar to the sword of Mei who controlled the Herrscher of Thunder.

When bidding farewell to Kiana in Changkong City, the thunder and lightning sword that Mei Yi pulled out was almost exactly the same as the "Thunder God" sword.

Although the "Thunder God"'s slashes were very powerful and terrifying, everyone's attention was focused on the shameful Chuuji's lines that were imitated and shouted...

"This moment, the time of death!"

"Wu Xiang Knife!"

"Daoguang is also eternal!"

Such powerful shouts, although they are very handsome when paired with the crazy and cool lightning and slashes, but when others imitate them and shout them out, they sound very shameful...

I don’t know if the light curtain accidentally injured the “Thunder God” who looked very similar to Mei Yi when he was persecuting Mei Yi?

Now, is that light curtain going to expose the shameful black history of the "Thor God" again...

From this point of view, it seems that this light curtain was not accidentally injured, but that it was deliberately brought with the "Thunder God" to persecute...



While everyone at St. Freya Academy, who had destroyed the universe, blinked in confusion, everyone in Teyvat continent was even more horrified when they saw the two terrifying names of "Thor"!

Only the gods in charge of various countries are qualified to bear the name of "god"

Among the Seven Kingdoms, the God of Thunder is an even more horrifying presence among the rice wives who are everywhere with thunder and scorched earth!

Compared with Mond, who usually never sees the Fengshen people, and Liyue, who only sees the Rock King Emperor at the once-in-a-millennium conference, the presence of the "Thunder God" in Rice Wife can be said to be real.

Because the thunder god of Inazuma really has a "shogunate", and he really often appears in the public eye, is in charge of Inazuma, and often cuts off sinners with his sword.

However, for such a majestic and towering figure... the light curtain is going to expose her shameful and dark history?

In the shogunate, Kamisato Ayaka and Kujo Sora looked at each other with doubts, but they couldn't get angry in front of General Raiden.


"Crying and fussing?"

Although I know that Mr. Thor likes to eat desserts, but what the title says about "crying and fussing"...

This was obviously something unimaginable to the usually cold-faced Thunderbolt General.

After all, General Raiden is a doll made by the God of Thunder. He doesn't have any emotions, food, etc...

And if it was the Raiden movie hidden in the Isshin Pure Land on General Raiden's chest, it would be even more incredible.

For Kamisato Ayaka and Kujo Sora, Raikage is the real god in charge of rice wives and the power to reach the top.

Such a god would actually be in trouble because of not being able to eat what he likes, or even because of "dessert"...

Crying and fussing?

Kamisato Ayaka and Kujo Sora looked at each other, and saw the other's disbelief in each other's eyes.

After all, when General Raiden usually takes action, the crazy thunder naginata he pulls out is actually the power of the thunder movie, and only when he encounters real difficulties and "cuts the eye of god", can he have the opportunity to see that terrifying sword. strength.

Whenever the wild thunder naginata is drawn out, the scene of the sky and the earth changing colors and wild thunder rushing is so shocking that Ayaka Kamisato and Sora Kujo are always in awe of thunder movies.


General Raiden saw Kujo Sora and Kamisato Ayaka's eyes drifting toward her. It was obvious that although they didn't show it, they believed the content of the title in their hearts and were looking forward to the reveal of the light curtain.

Lei Xingqing, who was living in seclusion in Yixin Pure Land, frowned and even temporarily stopped his meditation. He opened his eyes and took a good look at what was going on in the light curtain.

It was okay that Mei Yi, who looked exactly like her, had been persecuted by the light screen before, but now she was targeting her, the God of Thunder in charge of Rice Wife?

If this light screen was too disrespectful to her, Lei Movie wouldn't mind actually building this abominable light screen into the statue.

When Kujo Sora and Kamisato Ayaka saw General Raiden gradually getting angry because of the title of the light curtain, their eyes became sharp and scary, and there was even a faint flash of violent lightning in the air, they quickly closed their eyes and sat down at attention.

Only Yae Shenzi, although she was slightly surprised when she saw the title in the light screen, she did not react too much as if she was not surprised by this incident.

Only Yae Shenzi is so presumptuous, because this guy who has known Thunder God a long time ago knows many private things about Lord Thunder God.

Yae Shenzi is always disrespectful and even teasing Lord Thundergod. Although Lord Lei Shen occasionally punishes Yae Shenzi, he doesn't seem to care much... he is very doting on him.

Yae Shenzi probably knew that Raikage would not take any serious action against her, so she often bit her tongue...

Just like now, when the light curtain mentioned her crying and fussing, Yae Shenzi would not hold back like Kamisato Ayaka and Kujo Sora, and just chuckled...

Although the price is to face the terrifying cold eyes of General Thunder.

Although Yae Shenzi had never been very afraid of thunder movies, seeing that there was a light screen to help expose her, she simply didn't speak and looked at the light screen with a smile.

In this awkward moment of flashing electric lights, Kujo Sora and Kamisato Ayaka bravely followed them to watch the light screen display the content of the title.



The first thing that appears in the picture is a girl with golden hair. She is dressed in pure white exotic clothes and is incompatible with Inazuma's Oriental style.

That seemed to be a guest who did not belong to Inazuma, but what was more concerning than the girl's appearance and clothing was the conversation between her and Yae Kamiko——

"Oh, you defeated the general last time, but it caused quite a stir."

The first words that came out of Yae Shenzi's mouth directly shocked several people in the shogunate in front of the light curtain!

The traveler from the outside world actually confronted and even fought with the god in charge of Rice Wife! ?

No matter which country in Teyvat, it is a disrespectful act to confront the god who is in charge of the country, let alone a fight like Yae Shenzi said in the picture!

Even facing such a terrifying Thor, that traveler who appeared out of nowhere actually won? ? ?

This is completely unbelievable. How can an unknown person, an ordinary person, have such strength? !

The key is that this guy is so disrespectful to Thor and even wins, and is he brave enough to appear in front of Yae Shenzi? !

Although Yae Shenzi is usually not very polite to General Raiden, he is still a member of Raiden Movie, so why does he seem to have no ill intentions towards the traveler? ?

Did that guy rebel? !

Or was it even Yae Shenzi who revealed some of General Raiden's weaknesses that helped that yellow-haired girl defeat General Raiden? !

Kamisato Ayaka and Kujo Sora both stared at the Eightfold Divine Son beside them, especially Kujo Sora. As a loyal supporter of General Raiden, Kujo Sora would never allow anyone to offend General Raiden!

The blade in Kujo Sora's hand was almost ready to move. Holding the sword tightly, she was almost about to draw the sword at Yae Shenzi!

General Raiden and Raiden himself in the Pure Land frowned even more when they heard what Yae Shenzi said in the picture.

As the God of Thunder who has survived the Demon God War and is in charge of Inazuma, Raikage can be sure that her military power is top-notch in this country.

But why did Thunder, who was comparable to a god, still be defeated by that ordinary yellow-haired girl?

Raikage felt that her naginata was about to move. If it weren't for the light curtain, she would have slashed at that yellow-haired girl right now!


On the other side, Traveler and Paimon's eyes widened when they saw themselves appearing in the light curtain. They didn't expect that they would actually appear!

Although Alicia's voice and style were very similar to the traveler, Paimon once doubted the relationship between the two.

But now that his figure has truly appeared in the light screen, Paimon doesn't pay so much attention anymore.

But before Paimon had time to be happy about being "on TV", the conversation mentioned in the light screen made her stare at the screen with wide eyes!

"Traveler! What have you done? Why do you feel like something goes wrong wherever you go!?"

"Why did you start a direct fight with Inazuma's Thunder God?!

"No, no, you actually won the fight?!"

After being continuously shocked, Paimon shook his head and asked a few more questions in succession. Finally, he stared at Ying, who was looking proud and akimbo, with a suspicious look in his eyes.

Travelers have always been like this. When they praise her, even if it is something very outrageous, they will still show such a proud expression.

Even if he even fights against gods, which is equivalent to making an enemy of a country, this guy can actually laugh now! Even triumphant!

Paimon stared at this guy who knew how to show off, staring at her suspiciously, but she couldn't see that this guy could defeat Thor.

"What despicable means did you use? Tell me quickly!"

"Hmph, the immortals have their own tricks. A beautiful girl like me, of course, has a way to win."

I don’t know if it was influenced by Alicia in the light screen, but the traveler’s words now sound more and more like that fat pink woman.

He naturally praised himself again and again, while being disdainful and shameless.

In fact, not to mention Paimon who couldn't believe it, Ying herself couldn't figure out how she defeated Thor.

Although it is still not clear what the situation of Thor is and how she can confront him head-on, but the image of Thor has appeared in the light screen before.

Just when the light screen was persecuting Mei and playing out the dark history of others imitating Mei, Thor also appeared shouting lines that were shameful but looked cool under the blessing of swords, light, thunder and lightning.

Although the light screen is intended to be a joke and a trick, the impact of the picture itself is still there.

Just looking at the strength shown by the God of Thunder in that scene, Ying knew that it was impossible for her to defeat the God of Thunder now.

However, since the big pink fox in the light curtain who is the same as Alicia said so, of course she has accepted this achievement that she is likely to have in the future~

In the light curtain, the conversation between Yae Shenzi and the yellow-haired girl continued.

The Yae Shenzi under the sacred tree seemed to have no ill intentions towards that yellow-haired girl, even if the traveler defeated General Thunder and Lightning

Yae Shenzi even shook his head and sighed, his expression even showing a bit of pity and sympathy:

"The general's power is weakening day by day, and you are so harsh, and you don't understand anything about the beauty."

As Yae Shenzi sighed pitifully, there was a bit of joking in his expression.

Although it was not shown on his face, those who were familiar with Yae Shenzi could tell at a glance that there was something fishy about him.

Sure enough, what Yae Shenzi said to the yellow-haired girl next was full of fantasy and outrageous——

"The defeat was an extremely heavy blow to her. Plus, when I went to see her, I forgot to bring the three-color dumplings and light novels. My good friend..."

Yae Kamiko finally mentioned the key point of the title, "dessert", but in a slightly strange way...

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