What is an "ugly bunny bag"? !

That's a Hom! The cutest thing in the world!

How dare they call their favorite Hom an ugly yellow bunny? !

What crime should Kiana be punished for!



In the angry eyes of Bronya and Theresa, Bronya seemed to be poked in the sore spot by Kiana's counterattack

Being poked at the pain point of "the bag on the waist is full of childishness", even the sharp-tongued Bronya couldn't speak smoothly

"This, this is..."

"Humph, forget it

Bronya seemed to have no idea how to fight back against Kiana after brewing for a long time, and could only hum and refuse the topic

"Of course, it's important to like clothes. Besides, this is not an ordinary Hom bag "bag"

"Hmph, I've seen it for a long time, isn't it the limited edition Hom bag?"

The passionate confrontation between Kiana and Bronya seems to have come to an end here. After all, it's a seaside holiday, and passionate confrontation is not the theme.

Kiana also understands Bronya's preferences, and she doesn't laugh at her anymore but praises Bronya:

"But it really suits Bronya."

As Kiana took the initiative to find a way out, the trio went to the beach while praising each other and enjoying the holiday style at the seaside...

Flowers, trees, sky?, breeze?, clouds??, sun, rainbow, ocean, beach?, forest, stones , gravel?, earth

Everything looks so beautiful in the waves and breeze

In the light curtain, Kiana, Bronya and Mei are finally no longer Q-version villains. The trio enjoys the happy sunshine and sand piles on the beach

The beautiful lace swim skirt on Bronya finally allows people to see the whole picture. The beautiful aqua blue and white color combination on Bronya brings out all her childish vitality

Although Bronya was a child before, she was distressingly indifferent, and there was no childish vitality at all

Now that Bronya has reached the end of the story, it seems that the damage to her body has been repaired, and her cute face can finally smile like a normal child

Bronya has a beautiful single turbine ponytail, her cute face is slightly frowned but slightly proud, and the arc of her mouth shows her pride in her outstanding work

She is concentrating on piling up sand sculptures on the beach, and her skills are as superb as her game level. She relies on her hands to build sand sculptures on the beach A cool mecha sand sculpture was piled up on it!

Although Bronya laughed at Kiana's childishness, she was still very childish when she played

"Finish the armor part... and the classic shape of Alaharto is complete"




When everyone at St. Freya's College saw that the sand sculpture piled up by Bronya was so magnificent, they were immediately amazed that this guy was not only a great god in the game field, but also so powerful in sand sculpture

Then, everyone suddenly realized one thing-

The Bronya in the light curtain could actually make a proud expression, smiling and proud of her sand sculpture? !

Everyone at St. Freya's College rubbed their eyes, as if they had seen something incredible and couldn't believe it!

After confirming again and again that Bronya in the light curtain was smiling, smiling just like a normal person, everyone surrounded Bronya in surprise and picked up this cute little guy!

"Bronya! Your brain has been repaired!"

"You can laugh now!"

Among all the joy, only the congratulations from the idiot Kiana were so outrageous

Although she was congratulating Bronya, her words seemed to mock Bronya for being a child with brain problems

Although what Kiana said was indeed true, it was too ugly

Himeko and Mei both scolded this idiot, but at such a happy time, Bronya herself didn't care much

Bronya looked at herself in the light curtain, smiling and building sand sculptures, and looked at that arrogant expression, and fell into a trance and daze

"So, Bronya laughs like this..."

Bronya looked at the light curtain blankly, squeezing the corners of her mouth unconsciously with both hands, trying to make the same The same expression as the one in the light curtain...

Although the arc is the same, Bronya can understand that the self who can only force a smile manually now is completely different from the self who smiles naturally in the light curtain

Bronya's subconscious action made everyone in St. Freya Academy stunned and sad for a moment, but followed closely

"It's okay, Bronya, look at the you in the light curtain, you will definitely be able to recover in the future!"

"Before you grew up and hurt each other with Aunt Mei, doesn't it mean that you will definitely recover in the future?"

Everyone nodded, indicating that Bronya didn't need to worry now

Stupid Kiana was right. Even if Bronya's brain is still damaged and her legs are still disabled, the interaction between her and Mei has been exposed before.

The grown-up Bronya is not only able to make lively and natural expressions, but also has a pair of plump, round and beautiful long legs that can move freely.

"Not only your facial expressions, but also your legs..."

Kiana suddenly paused and stared at Bronya's chest with suspicion.

The Bronya in front of her now has a flat chest.

Kiana looked back at Bronya in the light curtain...


Kiana was shocked to find that the upper part of Bronya's swimsuit in the light curtain was curved? !

Bronya's chest in the picture was almost the same size as hers? !

Although it was not enough to be called full, the bulging swimsuit was like a huge rock hitting Kiana's heart!

What is that! ? Did Bronya stuff a bun in it? !

How could someone stuff a bun in a swimsuit while playing on the beach? !

Even if it was convenient to eat it whenever you were hungry, wouldn't you be afraid of getting covered in sand? !


Bronya saw Kiana, the idiot, looking back and forth between her in the light curtain and her in reality. She didn't know what the idiot was shocked about and what she was comparing.

Auntie Himeko saw what the idiot was comparing at a glance and patted the guy's head:

"Idiot Kiana, Bronya will grow up naturally when she reaches the age of growth"


Kiana actually knew about this a long time ago and realized that Bronya was growing fast at the age of growth.

She just didn't want to admit it.

What if, what if Bronya really just wanted to prepare some food at any time? ?

But, but it shouldn't be such an outrageous growth rate, right? !

Bronya now understood what Kiana, the idiot, was repeatedly observing. It turned out to be this...

Bronya looked at her still flat chest, and then looked at the self who had already grown in the light curtain.

Although Bronya's expression was still out of control, but...

Kiana still saw ridicule in Bronya's seemingly calm eyes!

Just when Kiana was furious, Mei's "kind" muttering suddenly came to her ear:


Mei had been annoyed since she heard what Kiana said just now. Finally, she found a suitable opportunity to interrupt and quietly came behind Kiana

Mei had a cooking knife in her hand. Although her pretty face seemed kind, it was full of a haze that made people shudder and sweat profusely...

Kiana felt the sudden pressure and was sweating all over. She didn't even have time to care about how Bronya grew up so outrageously. She turned around stiffly with saliva swallowed...

Facing Mei's oppression

"Kiana...Aunt Mei...what does it mean?"


Today is another 2w2 update. I don't care about the subscription~I don't want to do anything~~or2

Chapter 201 Kianao-mao swimsuit

Mei took out a kitchen knife at some point and stood behind Kiana with a kind face

"Auntie Mei...what does it mean, Kiana?"

"...Mei, you know, I'm just following the light curtain's words..."

Kiana felt the weight of the hand on her shoulder, and sweated profusely when she saw Mei's devilish "smile"

Mei was furious at Kiana's calling her "Auntie Mei"!

Mei and Kiana are girls of the same age. Even if Mei in the future becomes more charming and mature due to the precipitation of time, she is still the same age as Kiana!

How can you call her "Auntie"! ?

If so, is Kiana not an auntie? !

How can you call a young girl like this? !

Even if she has grown up in the light curtain, she is only in her early twenties after a few years!

Who are you calling auntie? !

No, the way she grew up in the light curtain before was the same as when Qi Maomao broke Huangquan's defense by making close contact with Huangquan. At that time, Qi Maomao...

Seems to be the same as before?

Meiyi wondered why the future Qi Maomao in the light curtain would still have the same tender face as before, even Bronya had grown up to be a queen type



At this moment, Seele in the quantum sea stared at Bronya in a swimsuit in the light curtain

That sister Bronya who could smile like a normal person, that energetic girl...

"That's great, sister Bronya..."

Seele couldn't leave this quantum sea, otherwise she would have to rush to sister Bronya and congratulate her sincerely

Even if the inner personality wanted to say something, seeing Seele's moved look, couldn't jump out to add fuel to the fire



In the other side of the Collapsing Iron Universe, Silver Wolf also noticed the situation of Bronya in the light curtain

She was very happy that the other "herself" interrupted the two cheesy parents-in-law when Mei and Kiana were showing their affection, and she was even happier to see the "growth" of "herself" on the screen.

As for Bronya's skill of building mecha sand sculptures with bare hands, Silver Wolf felt that it was natural and a bit proud, but he was more proud of her "growth in her chest".

Look, this is her potential as Silver Wolf.

Although Silver Wolf is still the same as the petite Bronya now, she will definitely grow up in the future.

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