Meibi remembered something from the beginning. Mebius claimed that "I used to give Gracie a lot of sweets."

From Mei Yi's point of view, this is very questionable behavior.

If she were an ordinary neighbor aunt, it would be normal for her to give Gray some sweets to eat.

But Mebius is not just a neighbor you can see everywhere.

She is Mebius, the top scientist of the Fire Moth, and the most dangerous viper-like woman.

Mei Yi had to wonder if this guy had done anything unusual to Gratius.

Even though Mebius violated many moral codes in order to resist when he was a scientist, it was absolutely not allowed to treat children.

Therefore, Mei expressed full doubts about Mebius:

"The candy you gave Gracie... didn't have anything weird, right?"

"What, do I look like someone who would do something like that?"

Although Mebius spoke seriously, and even looked a little aggrieved, he did not confirm or deny, and his flirtatious tone remained the same as before.

Mebius always talks like this, making people feel anxious.

However, Meiyi doesn't accept this trick.

For a straightforward and honest person like her, she would not be confused by Mebius's confusing rhetorical questions.


Meiyi nodded bluntly, clearly meaning "You are a crazy guy who would do experiments on children."

When Mebius saw Mei interrupting her rhetorical question in such a straightforward manner, the smile on his face suddenly fell, and he stared at Meibi coldly like a poisonous snake that had taken off its sweet disguise and exposed its fangs:

"...Little guinea pig, have you become more and more arrogant recently?"

Mebius said with a bit of danger in his voice, and even a bit of sulky gritted teeth.

However, Mebius quickly hid his anger and hummed to express that adults do not remember villains' mistakes.

"Humph, I don't know how happy Gracie was when she ate the candy I gave her."

Meibi still remained skeptical about this, and Mebius's terrifying eyes signaled that if she dared to talk nonsense, something terrible would really happen.

And just when this topic was about to end, a screen of light actually appeared in front of them.

As if he sincerely wanted to tell Mei about "Did Mebius mess with Gracie?", the light screen displayed the title

[Mebius is so kind to little Gratius, please say thank you to Aunt Mebius]



Outside the light curtain, everyone at St. Freya Academy suddenly widened their eyes when they saw the scene in the light curtain!

In the light curtain, a light curtain also appeared in front of Mebius and Mei? !

What's this? ! Picture within picture? !

Why are videos related to Mebius always so surprising and strange? !

It was the future Mebius who completely broke through the light screen technology and took the initiative to create a picture-in-picture effect in order to clarify himself!

In this case, will everyone in St. Freya Academy also be tracked and positioned by Mebius through the light curtain? !

Although it sounds incredible, Mebius is such an awe-inspiring existence, and everyone was panicked for a moment!

Then, the picture in the light curtain reassured everyone


What was shown in the light screen was still the scene of Gracie calling her "Auntie"


[Even if you call me aunt, you still call me grandma? ! 】

[Gratius is going to piss Mebius to death! 】


Today’s update is 9k5. Tomorrow there will still be two chapters of 3k. I should add more blades.


Chapter 228 Sister Alicia

Mebius and Mei, who were in the light curtain, obviously saw the appearance of the light curtain for the first time. They stared at the thing that suddenly appeared in the golden courtyard with a surprised look on their faces. Their expressions were as if they were invaded by a powerful enemy. generally.

It seems that people who have seen the light curtain in the previous timeline and it does not affect the future timeline seem to have branched off other world lines?

In short, Mebius and Mei in the light curtain are on full alert, believing that the light curtain in front of them that even Mebius cannot break is probably the only "Erosion Herrscher" that can invade the Golden Courtyard.

As a result, the picture displayed on the light screen made both of them widen their eyes.

Because in the light curtain, it turned out to be Mebius, who was a mature big sister many years ago!

In the light curtain, Meiyi obviously saw the big Mebius for the first time. She was surprised and looked at Mebius, who was still a little loli next to her.

Although she knew that Mebius was bigger before, the gap still made her look strangely.

And Mebius's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was filled with terrible anger when he saw his past being spied on, or perhaps he was angry that this "intruder" dared to try to attack the past Gratius.



"What a cute kid, what's his name?"

"Little Gratio, what a nice name, right?"

In the picture-in-picture, Mebius, who was still a big sister at the time, met Gratius, who was still a baby, for the first time.

She teased the cute little girl and asked the lady who was as beautiful as Gracie but more mature.

Obviously, that is Gratius's mother - Mebius's former assistant, Blanca

The little girl in Blanca's arms was as beautiful as a crystal porcelain doll. Her big flashing eyes looked at Mebius curiously, showing no fear at all.

Perhaps it was because when Mebius saw Blanca and Greshu, the expression on her face was completely that of a gentle big sister next door.

That gentle expression was unprecedentedly gentle compared to all the Mebius that had appeared in the light screen before.

Although it was a baby, Greshu could already eat some sugar, so Mebius prepared some nutritious candies for the child to help his growth.

Then, Mebius and Blanca, her former assistant who made her feel extremely sorry, began to mutter about the past:

"The previous experiment missed your engagement, your wedding, the birth of your child, and Greshu's hundred-day wine"

"I'll make up for it with gifts now, okay?"

Blanca smiled and accepted the many gifts that Mebius prepared for the children, and didn't mind her absence.

After all, as Mebius's assistant, Blanca knew best how important and cutting-edge the experiments conducted by Mebius were.

That was related to the fate of the entire human race. How could Blanca affect Mebius because of her own life?

Mebius had a lot of opinions about Blanca "having her own life"

"Really, you could have become a scientist who was inferior to me but equally good, but you were deceived by a man"

In Mebius's view, this guy was completely squandering and wasting his good genes

"But fortunately, you knew to introduce Klein to me before you left"

"Klein is a very good assistant. As long as she is not deceived by a man, she will definitely become a better assistant than you. Who made you leave halfway..."

Blanca just smiled and endured Mebius's muttering, and was very happy that Klein became an assistant that Mebius trusted so much.

Blanca gradually couldn't hear the conversation between Gresh and Mebius with the baby. Time flew by in this painting, and another one or two years passed in the blink of an eye

Gresh went from a babbling little girl to a little group pet who could jump around in the base of the Fire Moth.

In the painting within the painting, we can see that when Greshue welcomes her mother who has returned from her mission, Mebius can occasionally be seen.

At that time, Mebius would smile and give the little girl some delicious candies, so that the nutritious candies can help strengthen Greshue's physique

From the picture shown in the painting within the painting, Mebius is indeed a very gentle big sister next door when facing Greshue.

However, although Mebius always looks young, because of her working relationship with Blanca, Greshue always calls Mebius "Auntie".

In particular, every time Mebius corrects Greshue, Blanca seems to secretly teach Greshue to continue to use the title "Auntie".



Mobius and Mei in the light curtain quietly watched the picture in the picture. After the past of Mobius and Gretsch's mother was exposed, nothing terrible happened, so they slowly relaxed their vigilance...

"It seems that this light curtain is just to give you a clear name..."

Mei said that Mobius, who looked fierce at the light curtain, probably misunderstood the light curtain, and then looked at the interaction between Mobius and Blanca in the picture, and felt that it was rare to see the anthropomorphic side of Mobius:

"You are really good to Gretsch and Blanca's family"

"Humph, that's natural. As my former assistant, you also introduced Klein. Of course, I won't treat them badly."

"But the little Gretsch at that time hadn't undergone surgery yet?"

When Mobius snorted and was proud, Mei, a straight girl, once again brought up a heavy topic

In the picture in the picture, the four-year-old Gretsch still hasn't become a super warrior

But Gretsch in the Golden Courtyard is only a twelve-year-old child

In other words...

"Unfortunately, things are unpredictable. A disaster took away little Gray's parents, and Gray was also seriously injured and in critical condition."

Faced with Mei's question, Mobius was silent for a while, and then mentioned the sad and painful past:

"Super Transformation Surgery is the only chance for Gray to survive."

"Compared to other warriors who have the choice to accept or escape, Gray, who is only five years old, has no way out. She must join this gamble."

"Fortunately, I won the bet."

Although Mobius was downplaying it as if he was telling a past that was not worth mentioning, it was shocking and frightening to listen to.

After all, it was a five-year-old child who lost his parents in the collapse, and then had to undergo a life-threatening surgery...

Just listening to it makes people feel heartbroken, not to mention Mobius who had a good relationship with Blanca's family at the time.

I dare not imagine how sad and sad Mobius was when performing the super transformation surgery on Gray.

However, there was still no emotion on Mobius's face, as if he only cherished the result of "Grayshus being alive".

"The result now is that Grayshus succeeded, and the paintbrush also gained power"

"That's enough"



Outside the light screen, everyone at St. Freya Academy fell silent as they watched the reason why Grayshus became a super-transformation warrior revealed in the painting within the painting.

This is the cruelty of the collapse, even a child as young as Grayshus could not escape, and she lost her parents at the age of five and had to undergo super-transformation surgery to survive...

Everyone can understand why Mobius, who seems so cruel and dangerous, would be so tolerant of Gretchen, and even when being called aunt, he did not do anything substantial.

If it was someone else who called "Auntie Mobius", they would probably have been exposed by Mobius long ago.

But what people did not expect was...

[Mobius lost in the calls of auntie]

[A world where only Mobius was called auntie was born]

The scene of Mei and Mobius talking in the light curtain, as well as the picture in the picture, disappeared, replaced by the image of little Gretchen sitting in front of the drawing board with bare feet

The light curtain seemed to edit out the scenes of this cute little girl calling "Auntie Mobius" every time, so you can see in the light curtain——

The cute blue-haired little girl with a cute face, her crystal pink mouth constantly uttered shocking and hurtful words:

"Hello Auntie Mobius, goodbye Auntie Mobius"

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