What about detachable and shameful figures? Later, they also used algorithms to generate Otto women's clothing in various poses.

Now that they have the picture of young Otto, they can produce one more kind of detachable and shameful figures -

Young Otto in various women's clothing and various poses!

"Old friend, let's have fun."

Tesla and Einstein, who had many grievances against Otto, sneered and sneered, discussing what kind of clothes and poses of boy Otto figures are the most popular

The sales from selling Otto's sex will become their anti-entropy funds!


The people of Tianming don't know that a new round of figures is coming

Kiana looked at the handsome blond boy in the picture, showing the expression of a kitten frowning

"Why do I feel... this boy is so familiar? It seems like I have seen it a long time ago..."

Bronya beside him sighed and muttered Kiana's idiot again.

"Stupid Kiana, this is what Bishop Otto looked like when he was a child, of course you are familiar with him"

Mei showed a very caring look, and rubbed Kiana's head distressedly:

"Kiana, if your head is injured, let's take a rest, don't move around"

Faced with Mei's gentleness and consideration, Kiana raised her eyebrows, and the kitten raised her paws angrily:

"No, Bronya, Mei, I know that was Bishop Otto's childhood, but I feel like I have seen it with my own eyes before"


Mei and Bronya looked at each other, nodded silently, as if they had made some decision, and then carried Kiana towards the hospital.

They thought Kiana had a head injury and needed treatment.

"Let me go! I'm not sick! I can tell the difference!!"

Kiana was carried to the hospital with her teeth and claws bared, but Jizi, who was beside her, stopped her.

"Let's finish watching first."

"This is probably an important clip of Bishop Otto. His cross-dressing habit may have been developed from some kind of blow since childhood."

Jizi saw the title "Tragic Childhood". As a teacher, she also had some understanding of psychology and keenly realized that there might be a connection between the young Otto and the adult cross-dressing Otto.

But Jizi didn't notice that when she mentioned the word "cross-dressing", Theresa's mouth twitched.

After all, he was her good grandfather. How could Theresa control herself when someone said he was a cross-dresser?

Theresa stared at the picture of Otto as a child. The black lines on her face and the clenched fists showed the nervousness of the white-haired loli headmaster.

After all, the incident of Otto wearing women's clothes last time caused a stir all over the world. Her good granddaughter was almost ashamed to see people. She felt that everyone was laughing at her grandfather who had a habit of wearing women's clothes when she secretly bought Coke, potato chips and comics.

This time, Theresa begged that her grandfather's black history should not appear again

But this time, as Theresa wished, the content of the picture was not a shameful picture that made her toes dig into the ground, but...

A scene that made people sad and had a strong aftereffect that made people toss and turn and unable to sleep for several days.


The picture on the screen continued to play.

The boy Otto stared blankly at the blue sky, and his tender face was full of innocence

In the courtyard, he longed for the blue sky, just like longing for freedom

However, he could only look at the high wall, and he could not flip over this wall that blocked most of the scenery no matter how hard he tried.

For the desire since childhood, the young child showed his superior hands-on ability and talent, and put together a simple prototype of an airplane by himself.

"After working all night, it can finally fly..."

After a night of hard work, the boy Otto made a first-generation airplane that could hover in the sky with his knowledge and imagination.

As he let go of the plane and let it take off, the boy's eyes lit up!

It seemed that the plane could carry him to the blue sky to see this vast and wonderful world!

The boy was about to smile, and was immersed in great joy because of this little fantasy.

But the next moment, a stone flew across the sky!

Under the boy's stunned gaze, the plane with broken wings, along with the boy's fantasy and desire for freedom, fell and shattered on the high wall.

"Boring, it turns out that the waste only makes these waste things all day long"

Chapter 7 Boy's Figure!

The sudden insult made all the viewers unexpected

That powerful Archbishop of Heaven's Destiny, someone dared to bully him when he was a child?

Who is it?

In the doubtful eyes of the crowd, the screen was still playing the picture:


The harsh curse came from behind, and the boy shrank his shoulders suddenly.

The smile and expectation that just appeared on his face disappeared at this moment as the plane was smashed to pieces, and was replaced by a pale face and panic.

The boy Otto didn't know what he did wrong. He was humble and silent, and he didn't dare to move even when he was scolded.

"You are so useless and still thrashing around. You'll fall to death."

The man behind him was the murderer who smashed the plane with his own hands, but he had no apology or remorse for tearing apart a child's dreams and desires.

On the contrary, the other party even vented his hatred and disgust for Otto mercilessly-

Even though Otto was his younger brother

"I feel so sad and ashamed for your useless trash brother."


With a spit, the footsteps gradually went away

It wasn't until the man's terrifying footsteps disappeared that Otto finally dared to move cautiously.

As if he was afraid of provoking the elder brother's wrath, his gentle movements seemed so humble.


Even though he had been suffering the contempt and insults from his brother, Otto still walked towards the high wall silently, trying to climb up and retrieve the "corpse" of the broken plane.

However, as his brother said, it was very difficult for him to just survive because of his weak body. How could he possibly climb this high wall?

One of his feet slipped, and young Otto fell to the ground in embarrassment, covered in dirt and bruises all over his knees and palms.


When the scene of Otto's childhood came to an end, everyone fell silent.

Fu Hua in the practice room sighed in silence

"Everyone has their own story, this is life"


Kiana, Bronya, Mei, and Himeko all fell into silence. They did not expect that the bishop looked like a pervert with a fetish for cross-dressing, but actually had such a tragic childhood.

"Sure enough... the bishop's childhood is the main culprit for his current situation."

Jizi analyzed sadly, feeling extremely sympathetic to Otto's experiences as a child.

Who would have thought that Otto had such a miserable childhood. He was weak and had no freedom. He could only look up at the sky in a high wall.

Obviously relying on his own talent, he pieced together a toy to put his hopes on, but his brother smashed it without mercy...

"Because the shadow of childhood caused trauma, women's clothing is just a way for Bishop to relieve stress, get out of the shadow and find a new self."

Ji Zi shook her head and sighed. She didn't expect that the seemingly powerful Archbishop of Tianming would have such a pitiful childhood.

Theresa was watching in a daze. She never thought that her grandfather, who in her impression was so capable, so reliable and could even use "cooking magic", would have such a sad experience in his childhood.

In her eyes, Otto Apokalis was a ruthless but gentle and considerate good grandfather. Unexpectedly...

Although the impact of Otto's exposure to cross-dressing was still a bit hard to accept, Theresa also forgave her grandfather's cross-dressing habit at this time.

Compared to her pampered childhood, Otto was simply too miserable

"Grandpa, Theresa doesn't blame you anymore. If you like women's clothing from now on, just wear women's clothing."

Theresa sent a message to Otto who was far away at the Tianming headquarters. She had previously sent a message asking Otto about women's clothing, but Otto never responded.

Previously, Teresa was angry that grandpa pretended to be dead, but now she saw the record of questioning and was immediately ashamed.

How could she be angry with grandpa!

"It's just women's clothing! Theresa also has many cute little skirts, which she will wear for grandpa in the future!"


Seeing the thoughtfulness of his good granddaughter uploaded on the phone, Otto's eyes twitched even more.

He almost crushed the communication device in his hand and took a long breath to control his emotions.

He originally thought that this video would clear his name, but what Otto never expected was...

Otto looked at the discussions about him on various communication software, listened to the many screams coming from the window, and understood one thing——

Although it has been partly washed away, but... it is like washing


At least no one will laugh at him anymore about his cross-dressing.


Everyone has already accepted that Otto has a habit of dressing up as women, and unknowingly, "Otto dressing up as women" has become equated with his tragic childhood experience.

Otto wanted to emphasize that his cross-dressing had nothing to do with his childhood experiences.

The reason why he put aside his dignity as a man and dressed up as a woman to seduce her was because of the love of his life, Kallen.


Looking at the current trend, everyone's focus is on his pitiable childhood, and everything shown is tolerance and understanding of his women's clothing.

Now no one cares whether Otto is really a cross-dresser or not.

Otto rubbed his sore head and could only let the matter rest for the time being.

After all, his reputation is still preferred now, and even if there is a little stain... he can tolerate it.

What really concerned Otto was why things from his childhood were being uncovered.

If we follow this trend...

If the video had been played for a little longer, that scene would probably have been shown.

Even hundreds of years later, Otto still clearly remembers that moment——

That moment when I met Karen.

Otto's eyes fell into deep memories, and he wanted to see Kallen's appearance again, even if it was only in the video.

The Kallen generated by the simulation algorithm was generated after all. There was no video recording in his time, so he could not see Kallen's true form.

If it were this light curtain, it could truly restore every detail.

Otto wants to see the girl who redeemed him like a dream

However, that was the weakness in Otto's heart, and he did not want Kallen to be exposed in front of everyone.

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