After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately became angry: "Sister, you just promised to accompany me. If you dare to leave before me, I will kill them all and make them bleed like a river!"

Empress Ma threw Zhu Yuanzhang to the ground, waved the whip in her hand, and shouted loudly:

"Zhu Chongba, did I give you face?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was frightened and quickly climbed up. At this time, Zhu Biao coughed.

The two realized that there was a child next to them at this time. Zhu Yuanzhang was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

At this time, Zhu Di, who was lying on the ground, said: "Father, now that we already know about this, let the imperial physician come to treat my eldest brother and mother as soon as possible, isn't that good?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he slapped his forehead and said, "That's right!

We can prevent it before it happens!

"Someone call the imperial physician!"

The imperial physician arrived at the door soon. Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly grabbed the imperial physician's hand and said to him: "Hurry up, hurry up and see our sister and Biao'er. I tell you, if anything happens to our sister and Biao'er, I will chop off your head and kill all your clans."

The fourth brother is still smart, no wonder he succeeded in usurping the throne.

At this moment, a loud voice came from the sky!

"I have to say that this old Zhu was really miserable. Rumor has it that Empress Ma died of smallpox, and it seems that it was transmitted by her grandson Zhu Xiongying, and Zhu Xiongying's death does not seem to be accidental."

"As for Zhu Biao, it seems that he died suddenly after returning from a trip to Xi'an. Xi'an seems to be the territory of the second son of the Zhu family. This toe is not unrelated to him."

After listening to it, Zhu Yuanzhang bowed to the sky,

"Thank you for your guidance."

Then he said to the leader of the Jinyiwei with a dark face: "Check it for us and see who is behind it. Anyone who stands in the way will be killed without mercy."

Just as he was about to leave, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Di lying on the ground, sighed and said:

"Fourth brother, remember, what we give you is yours, and what we don't give you, don't even think about it."

"Yes, father, I don't want to be an emperor at all. I just want to be my general. I'm afraid I have no choice in this sky."

The emperors of all planes couldn't help but sigh when they saw this. These children born in the imperial family have been exposed to these power struggles since childhood, and naturally they can't live in harmony like ordinary people.

That emperor didn't come up on the bones of a skeleton.

Everyone just knows it tacitly!

[In the 15th year of Hongwu, Zhu Xiongying died of smallpox infection, and the crown prince Zhu Biao died in the 25th year. ]

[At this time, the ministers in the court began to take sides, some led by Xu Da to support Zhu Di, and the other part supported Zhu Yunwen. 】

【Zhu Yuanzhang was also in a dilemma at this time, who should he pass the throne to? Perhaps because of his love for Zhu Biao, and because Zhu Di had no intention of becoming an emperor. 】

【After Zhu Yunwen repeatedly promised not to reduce the power of the vassal states, Zhu Yuanzhang directly skipped his sons and made Zhu Yunwen the crown prince. 】

【In the 31st year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang died. Zhu Yunwen successfully ascended the throne and changed the country's name to Jianwen. 】

【Even after Zhu Yuanzhang's death, Zhu Yuanzhang's sons wanted to come back to mourn for a few days, but were rejected by Zhu Yunwen, fearing that these uncles would take his throne. 】


Qin Shihuang held his chin with one hand and frowned when he saw this.

"Skip the son generation and make the grandson the crown prince. It is not impossible for Zhu Di to rebel."

"What do you think?"

Li Si stroked his beard and said, "This goes against common sense. It is reasonable to make the son the crown prince."

"And he wants to deal with his uncle as soon as he takes the throne. This is a bit inhumane."

Qin Shihuang thought that this old Zhu's operation was interesting!

Han Dynasty.

Liu Che said that he was too familiar with this.

If the power of the vassal kings was not great, it would be fine, but this would not avoid reducing the power of the vassal kings. After all, the emperor liked to be on an equal footing with others.

It is better to use the Han Dynasty's Enfeoffment Order, which solved this problem without bloodshed.

Just as the various time and space were talking about it.

Zhu Yunwen in the sky began his own operation.

[Zhu Yunwen had the idea of ​​reducing the power of the vassal kings not long after Zhu Yuanzhang's death. ]

[At the suggestion of Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng, the power of the vassal kings began to be reduced. At this moment, it was only three months after Zhu Yuanzhang's death. ]

Ming Dynasty.

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he was immediately furious.

"Good boy, you dare to do this right after we left?"

Zhu Biao couldn't help but feel embarrassed for his future son when he saw this.

"Good boy, will I give birth to such a stupid son in the future? Even if

I will look down upon you every few years! "

"No, we must strangle this child in the cradle, otherwise I'm in danger. Biao'er should go to Lu's house less these days. It's best not to go."

Zhu Yuanzhang said to Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao was also stunned. Hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's words, he quickly replied:

"Yes! Father, I know how to do it."

"Well, it's good to understand. If Xiongying's death has anything to do with this Lu family, my father will take action." Zhu Yuanzhang said with cold eyes.

When Zhu Biao heard this, he couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

"If this is really the case, my son is the sword in my father's hand."

[Emperor Jianwen Zhu Yunwen, the first target of his attack was Zhou Wang Zhu Su, who was born to the same mother as Zhu Di. Zhu Di was also very surprised when he learned the news. He could have imagined that Zhu Yunwen would cut down the vassal, but he didn't expect that he could not bear it so quickly. , My father’s bones are still cold. 】

[With the novice gift package of Zhou Wang Zhu Su, Zhu Yunqi suddenly became more confident, so he asked Qi Tai who his next target would be. 】

[Just listen to Qi Tai say, "The kings of Qi, King Min, and others did many illegal things during the time of the late emperor, and they were famous for their exploits."]

[With a wave of Zhu Yunwen's hand, these three uncles were imprisoned by Zhu Yunwen. 】

[When Zhu Di learned about this, he was also surprised. Four vassal kings had been killed within a year. According to this progress, it would soon be his turn. 】

[But he promised his father that he would not seize the throne, so what should he do? 】

[Zhu Yunwen's next move completely forced Zhu Di onto the path of rebellion, that is, he actually forced Zhu Bai, the King of Hunan who grew up with him, to death and was buried in a fire. 】

[After forcing King Zhu Bai of Xiang to death, Zhu Yunwen was afraid that future generations would say something about him, so he even slapped him with an unfounded charge and at the same time gave him the very vicious title of King Xiangli. 】

[Next step, Zhu Yunwen extended his sword to his fourth uncle Zhu Di, only missing one more charge. 】

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