The truth is that the enemy is in danger.

As Jing Ke listened to Ying Zheng's words, his faith began to waver.

He couldn't help but wonder if his behavior was really right.

Were the beliefs he had always held wrong?

Ying Zheng's words rang in his ears like thunder, making him doubt his mission.

He originally believed that assassinating Ying Zheng could save the State of Yan, but now he began to question whether this approach would lead to greater chaos and suffering.

Jing Ke fell into a deep contradiction, his heart full of doubts and struggles.

However, Ying Zheng did not give him this opportunity, and directly ordered people to drag the two of them out of the hall and behead them for public display!

At the same time, the sky curtain continued to play!

On the sky curtain!

From the previous Jing Ke assassination incident, we can find that if we want to kill the emperor who holds supreme power, it is obviously not enough to rely on wisdom alone!

In addition, powerful weapons are needed as assistance.

Take Emperor Jiajing for example. He is a pervert who is moody and often vents his anger on the palace maids.

Because of this, 16 palace maids led by Yang Jinying decided to rise up and join hands to plan a thrilling assassination!

They planned to take advantage of Emperor Jiajing's deep sleep to attack, which would greatly increase the success rate.

Finally, on the night of November 17, 1542, this brave and fearless assassination team quietly came to the door of Emperor Jiajing's bedroom.

They carefully twisted the silk flower rope taken from the ceremonial guard into a thick and strong hemp rope and tied it into a firm noose.

Then, they took out the wet rag that had been prepared long ago. This was one of the key props that could be used to cover the mouth and nose of Emperor Jiajing and stop him from breathing.

After everything was ready, the members of the assassination team tiptoed to the bed of Emperor Jiajing.

They prayed in their hearts, hoping that this operation would be completed smoothly.

One of the palace maids gently put the noose around the neck of Emperor Jiajing, and then tightened the rope with other sisters.

At the same time, another palace maid quickly covered the face of Emperor Jiajing with a wet rag, trying to stop him from breathing.

According to the original plan, they only needed to work together to hold down Emperor Jiajing's limbs and press him under their bodies, so that the tyrant would slowly lose his vitality.

After all, sixteen people against one person, and it was an unexpected sneak attack. According to common sense, there should be no mistakes.

But who could have expected that at this critical moment, something unexpected happened!

Just when Emperor Jiajing was about to be strangled, the rope that was supposed to be tightly wrapped around the emperor's neck was suddenly tied into a knot by Yang Jinying for some reason!

No matter how hard they pulled and tightened it, the rope could not go any further, as if there was a mysterious force protecting Emperor Jiajing!

As time passed, the situation became more and more critical. The palace maids were anxious and decided to go all out. They picked up the hairpins on their heads and stabbed Jiajing.

However, what was surprising was that although they tried their best, every time they attacked, they seemed to be guided by something and cleverly avoided all the vital parts of the emperor!

At this moment, there was a commotion outside, and the guards came and quickly subdued the palace maids.

So far, this thrilling Renyin Palace Change ended in failure.

Afterwards, everyone could not help but reflect deeply and review the incident.

After careful consideration, people were surprised to find that the maids had overlooked three crucial factors during the planning stage!

If these issues had been fully considered at the beginning, perhaps history would have been completely rewritten...

[The first point: that is, the weapons and equipment are not handy enough! ]

[Whether it is Jing Ke assassinating the King of Qin or Xiang Zhuang dancing with a sword to target Pei Gong, the first priority of the weapon in hand must be to ensure that it can produce enough lethality! ]

[Obviously, these maids are not professional enough! ]

[An excellent assassin usually applies a deadly poison on the weapon, or uses a special weapon with a toxin, so as to ensure a fatal blow! ]

[Like modern assassins, when using guns, most of them will grind the bullet into a dum bullet! ]

[Because they know that dum bullets can significantly increase the power of bullets and cause the bullets to form inside the human body.

Irregular movement! ]

[For example, when An Jung-geun assassinated Ito Hirobumi, he accurately hit Ito Hirobumi with three dum-dum bullets! ]

[In an instant, Ito Hirobumi became a scheming person like Shinzo Abe! ]

[Second: The palace maids were seriously insufficiently prepared! ]

[Think of Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin, although he failed, but at least he knew how to finish off the enemy! ]

[Unlike these palace maids, after their only weapon, the rope, was used up, they realized that they didn't have a suitable weapon in their hands! ]

[In this way, they could no longer give Emperor Jiajing a fatal blow, and could only watch him stabilize his blood volume! ]

[So, if possible, you must remember to equip your main weapon with a backup weapon in case of emergency! ]

[Look at the assassins in modern times, they do much better than these palace maids! ]

[Take Ahn Jung-geun for example. He first hit Ito Hirobumi with three dum-dum bullets, and then worried that this person was not the real target! ]

[So, he did not hesitate to shoot the remaining five dum-dum bullets at the people around Ito Hirobumi, focusing on sharing happiness and difficulties together! Treat everyone equally! ]

[The third point: Be consistent, you should design a retreat route first! ]

[If you don't plan to die with the target, you must leave a way out! ]

[Once caught, the lightest punishment is to implicate all nine clans, and the worst is to destroy the country and the village! ]

[You can be a hero, but don't take your nine clans with you! ]

[So, based on the above, this palace maid is too unprofessional! ]

[Typical intern! ]

[So, after traveling back to ancient times, is there really no way to successfully assassinate the high and mighty emperor? ]

The answer is no.

Dear readers, please take a look at the title of this story first - "Scientific Assassination of the Emperor".

The so-called "science" is naturally to use wisdom and strategy, rather than simply relying on force.

After all, we modern people have the knowledge and insights of thousands of years later, so why do we need to wield swords and guns and fight to the death like the ancients?

As long as you use your brain a little, it is actually not difficult to kill an old emperor.

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