When Liu Bang was young, he was a complete vagrant, doing nothing all day long to carry water for widows!

While his father and brother worked hard in the fields, he did nothing himself, only drinking, playing cards and knocking on widows' doors all day long!

One day, Liu Bang went out to wander around and try to make a living.

It happened that the local wealthy family, Lü Gong, was holding a birthday banquet, and Liu Bang wanted to get a meal even though he had no money!

So he stood at the door and shouted loudly: "Brother, give me 10,000 gold, write it down for me!"

After hearing this, Lü Gong felt that this man was really thick-skinned,

but he also knew a little about face reading!

Seeing Liu Bang's face, he thought that such a person would definitely achieve something in the future, so he married his daughter Lu Zhi to Liu Bang!

However, what happened later proved that his father-in-law's vision was indeed very accurate and unique.

It is said that Liu Bang was already forty years old when he barely managed to get a small official position as the head of Sishui Pavilion, which was equivalent to the village's director of public security.

Although the position was not high, he had a happy life with his wife and children.

This middle-aged uncle often thought to himself: "It's worth it to live like this in this life!"

However, fate is always full of variables and surprises.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, the people lived in poverty, and the heavy taxes of the court made people overwhelmed.

At this time, two honest people, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted the earth-shaking slogan: "Kings, princes, generals, and ministers, are they of the same kind!"

This roar was like a spark, which quickly ignited the resistance of people all over the country.

For a time, the tide of uprising was surging and sweeping.

At this time, Liu Bang was responsible for escorting a group of laborers to the place where they would serve.

But who would have thought that these laborers would escape in the chaos.

According to the strict laws of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang would be sentenced to death!

Thinking of this, he simply made up his mind: "Go to hell, I'm not going to do it anymore!"

As soon as he said it, Liu Bang immediately ran to Mangdang Mountain, caught a white snake, and killed it.

From then on, he officially declared an uprising!

With his good popularity and the support of his father-in-law Lu Gong, Liu Bang successfully raised a team of volunteers.

However, starting from scratch is too risky after all, and Liu Bang knew this very well.

So he decided to find a big tree to take shelter from the heat.

After careful consideration, he took advantage of Xiang Yu's uncle and nephew and started his own grand cause.

However, Liu Bang was not worth mentioning in the eyes of others!

According to the previous agreement, whoever can enter Guanzhong first will be the king of Guanzhong.

But the King of Chu sent Xiang Yu to march eastward to fight with the main force of the Qin army, and let Liu Bang march westward to attack the side roads.

Liu Bang took the opportunity to sneak into Xianyang City and promulgated three laws, promising not to infringe on the interests of the people!

But unexpectedly, this old man took advantage of the chaos and swept away all the important documents and materials of the Qin Dynasty!

Thus, he mastered the first-hand key data on the national economy, population and other aspects!

After Xiang Yu, who came to learn about this, was so angry that he almost went crazy and ordered the massacre of the whole city on the spot, which was in sharp contrast to the benevolence shown by Liu Bang!

Liu Bang was worried that Xiang Yu would cause trouble for him, so there was the world-famous Hongmen Banquet!

After some clever maneuvers, Liu Bang, who successfully appeased Xiang Yu's emotions, escaped by luck!

But he was only named King of Han, responsible for managing the remote area of ​​Hanzhong.

Although he still kept a smile on the surface, Liu Bang was already full of unconvinced in his heart.

So he began to secretly gather troops and recruit talents with high salaries.

It was at this moment that the military genius Han Xin "jumped ship" from Xiang Yu.

Liu Bang immediately appointed Han Xin as the general, and took advantage of Xiang Yu's attack on others to quietly seize the Guanzhong area!

Just a few days later, Liu Bang crossed the Yellow River again! Then, like an old man hiding in the dark, he continued to capture cities and expand territory!

After hearing this, Xiang Yu was furious and led his 30,000 elite troops to attack Liu Bang!

In just one battle, he killed 100,000 Han troops and captured Liu Bang's father and wife! Liu Bang fled all the way, and Xiang Yu chased him relentlessly!

You run, I chase, let's see where you can escape!

With nowhere to go, Liu Bang used

A plot to sow discord resulted in Fan Zeng's death!

The two men were deadlocked in Henan for more than a year.

Xiang Yu was anxious and threatened to cook Liu Bang's father into soup!

Guess how Liu Bang would respond!

"We are sworn brothers. If you kill my father, it would be like killing your own father!"

"Oh, by the way, if you really want to make a soup, don't forget to give me a bowl to taste!"

At this time, Han Xin, who had already completed his development in the wild area, used his ultimate move - the ultimate move!

"I can't bear it anymore!"

He led the army to charge all the way, and beat Xiang Yu's troops and made them flee in all directions.

Liu Bang took the opportunity to temporarily cease fire with Xiang Yu.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Yu had just withdrawn his troops, and Liu Bang, the sixth brother, went back on his word!

At the same time, Liu Bang's army, led by Han Xin, was unstoppable and captured cities and territories.

Liu Bang looked at the growing army, and his heart was filled with pride.

He turned to the crowd and said: "Everyone, work hard. When we wipe out Xiang Yu and stabilize the world, we will share the glory and wealth!"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Yes!"

He commanded the entire army to pursue Xiang Yu without hesitation, trapped Xiang Yu at Gaixia, and finally forced the exhausted Xiang Yu to the bank of Wujiang River!

"I have no face to see the elders of Jiangdong again! Xiang Yu cut his neck and committed suicide here on the bank of Wujiang River!"

The reason why Liu Bang was able to unify the world, in addition to his own superb skills in employing people and top management ability, is also inseparable from his tricks.

The essence of Lao Liu was studied clearly by him!


It is the perfect combination of these factors and Lao Liu that made Liu Bang leave a strong and colorful mark in the long river of history.

It took Liu Bang only seven years from the time he started his rebellion at the age of 48 to the time he unified the world at the age of 55.

During these seven years, he missed the widow in his village day and night!

"Difficulty of Entrepreneurship: Eight Stars!"

At this time, the sky screen barrage was connected!

——"Looking at Liu Bang's struggle history, you can understand one thing, as long as you are completely shameless, you will succeed."

——"Every time I look at Liu Bang's experience, I wonder if my husband will be like Liu Bang, a late bloomer, also with the surname "Liu", also from Pei County, also idle when he was a child, also popular, and now 42 years old and not doing well, but he is quite motivated and determined to succeed!"

——"When Liu Bang was a pavilion chief, he was both white and black. Do you think your husband has such great charm?"

——" The reason why the three heroes followed Liu Bang is two words: decisive!"

(Knowledge quiz challenge: Why did Liu Bang kick his wife and children off when he was escaping? Was it because of his bad character or did he have other plans?)

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