The new situation is not good.

Perhaps some people think that the Great Qin Empire where Ying Zheng is located is already the most powerful among the seven powers of the Warring States Period. Isn't it easy to complete the great cause of unification?

However, everyone knows that Ying Zheng served as a hostage in Zhao State when he was young, and those years were really difficult and hard!

Not only that, the dilemma faced by Ying Zheng is actually the creation from scratch!

Before this, the Qin Dynasty had not yet seen a unified centralized system!

Perhaps some people will mention the Zhou Emperor, thinking that he also achieved the unification of the world.

But please make it clear that the feudal system was implemented at that time!

For example, if a piece of land is awarded to you, then you become the master of this land, the so-called "local emperor", and even the Zhou Emperor can do nothing to you!

To put it bluntly, I give you face and call you the Zhou Emperor, but if you dare to interfere in the affairs of my territory, I will let you die without giving you face!


Let's not talk about the military power of the First Emperor for now! Just say that the sword hanging on his waist is the same length as Cao Cao!

[Such a strange sight, later generations jokingly called it "Cao Cao hanging on the waist"! ]

Three Kingdoms.

Cao Cao looked at the sky with a black face!

Cao Cao angrily slammed the table and shouted to his subordinates: "Xu Chu, tell me, is this prime minister short?"

Xu Chu stood forward and compared, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious!

It's just like pointing at your nose and saying that you are short!

Cao Cao was so angry that he cursed "a man of no ability!"

At this time, Guo Jia stepped forward and said softly: "Prime Minister, calm down. You are not short, but you are not obviously tall!"

Cao Cao took a deep breath and calmed down a little. "You are right. We are all over one meter tall, so don't look down on each other!"

"What do you mean by a Cao Cao hanging around your waist? Are you polite?"

Above the sky curtain!

[Thinking back to the Qin Dynasty, how easy is it? Thinking about the First Emperor, how difficult is it? ]

It should be known that when Ying Zheng returned to the Qin Kingdom as a child, he experienced countless hardships, which can be called ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties, which is more difficult than the journey of Tang Monk to the West to obtain scriptures!

Throughout his life, it can be roughly divided into four stages!

First, the hostage returned to Qin; second, ascended the throne and became emperor; third, annihilated the six kingdoms; fourth, unified the world!

The first two stages alone are enough to eliminate most people!

The sky curtain picture turned!

A child with a face that looked like he could overthrow the six kingdoms appeared on the sky curtain!

He looked quite extraordinary!

The narration also sounded,

[To be honest, Zheng Ge's childhood was really miserable, to what extent! ]

[Even many bitter novels are not as miserable as Zheng Ge! ]

Thinking back then, he was abandoned by his father in Zhao when he was still young!

You know, Ying Yiren was a hostage of Zhao!

Just think about it, if the hostage escaped, how could Ying Zheng live a stable life in Zhao?

After going through untold hardships and finally growing up, he was able to return to Qin with the help of Lu Buwei, but what was unexpected was that no one was willing to pay attention to him?

If Lu Buwei hadn't made a desperate bet and placed all his hopes on Ying Zheng, I'm afraid he might not be able to return to Qin safely.

After all, the person in power at that time was Lady Huayang!

His father Ying Yiren was almost a figment of the imagination!

Even his brother Cheng Jiao, who had a close relationship with him, broke up with him completely when they were fighting for the throne.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the territory of Qin, except for his mother, no one was willing to help him sincerely!

It was under such a tragic background that this man ascended the throne of emperor at the age of thirteen!

However, the good times did not last long. After he ascended the throne, due to his young age, the government was always controlled by Lu Buwei!

This made him feel very helpless and powerless.

Although he was the emperor, he could not really grasp the power of the country. Everything was controlled by Lu Buwei.

One day, he accidentally discovered a secret that shocked him.

His mother, the woman who had always been by his side and gave him endless care, actually had an affair with a man disguised as a eunuch and gave birth to two children!

And this fake eunuch was sent in by his father Lu Buwei!

This discovery was like a bolt from the blue, which plunged him into extreme pain.

He couldn't understand why his mother would do such a thing?

Could she abandon her own son for the two so-called "bastards" and her lover?

This betrayal made him feel like a knife was cutting his heart, and his disappointment and resentment towards his mother surged in his heart.


When Liao Wei rebelled and was killed, what made him even more sad was that his mother was still protecting that man!

She seemed to have completely forgotten her responsibilities and obligations as a mother, and only cared about her lover.

At this moment, he felt that he was completely abandoned, and his mother chose his lover and gave up on him.

He felt extremely lonely and desperate, and his heart was filled with anger and sadness towards his mother.

This once warm family was broken, and he lost the support and love of his closest people.

But at the same time, he was determined to take back his own power, get rid of Lu Buwei's control, and rebuild his own rule.

He will use his own strength to prove that even without the protection of his mother, he can still become a powerful emperor.

Finally he did it, and completely got rid of Lu Buwei's control, that is, his so-called father-in-law!

Then he found that the emperor had been divided into pieces, and the forces of various countries were divided. Everyone had different writing, different languages, different living habits, and different traditional beliefs!

So they fought at every turn, and they fought for a full seven hundred years!

[Then he began to destroy the six countries! His original intention was to stop the people from suffering from war! 】


Ying Zheng stood there, quietly staring at the past scenes that appeared in front of him, and an indescribable bitterness surged in his heart.

Until now, he has not regretted killing the two bastards with his own hands!

The only thing that made him unable to let go was the words of Liao Wei before his death!

"Is he Ying Yiren's biological son? After all, his mother was still Lu Buwei's concubine at that time!"

This secret has always been hidden in his heart!

As for destroying the six countries, he has no regrets!

Everyone scolded him as a tyrant, but he didn't care about it.

If time could go back and let him choose again, he would still take the same path without hesitation!

Since the Great Zhou ruled the world for 800 years, this continent has experienced countless divisions and unifications, such as Confucius writing books and the rise of the seven heroes during the Warring States Period.

However, in this long history, it is always the innocent people who suffer the most!

He knows the suffering of the people and has experienced all kinds of hardships himself.

Because of this, he is determined to end this chaotic world with tough measures and create a new era.

The pain he endured will not be experienced by people in the future!

At this time, the sky is still going on!

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