Zhu Yuanzhang was born in a poor family. He wandered around with his parents since he was a child and had no place to live! ]

[The family could only rely on farming for the landlord to make a living! ]

[Because Zhu Yuanzhang was the eighth among his brothers and sisters, and most of the lower-class people in Huaixi area at that time were used to using numbers as names! ]

[So his father named him "Zhu Chongba"! ]

[In his early years, Zhu Yuanzhang's hometown suffered from severe drought and locust plagues, and then a large-scale famine and plague broke out the next year. ]

[In addition to the heavy taxes of the Yuan Dynasty, how could the people who had already lost their income have money to pay taxes? ]

[Under the dual torture of hunger and disease, Zhu Yuanzhang's parents and elder brother died one after another within a month! ]

[At that time, he was only fifteen years old and did not have enough money to bury his parents and elder brother. ]

[In desperation, he had to beg the landlord Liu De to grant him a piece of land so that he could bury his relatives! ]

[However, Liu De, the landlord, was a profit-seeking and unrighteous person, so he naturally could not agree to Zhu Yuanzhang's request! ]

[Fortunately, a kind neighbor lent him a hand and provided him with a cemetery, which eventually enabled Zhu Yuanzhang to successfully bury his parents and elder brother. ]

Ming Dynasty.

At this moment, two lines of clear tears flowed from Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes as sharp as a tiger!

His voice was choked with sobs, and he said to Empress Ma beside him:

"Sister, do you know? At that time, our family was so poor that we didn't even have anything to bury our parents!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's body trembled involuntarily, as if he saw the miserable scene of that year again.

Empress Ma looked at her husband distressedly, she could feel the pain and sorrow in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart.

"Everything is over, Chongba, let those miserable days become history!"

Empress Ma gently patted Zhu Yuanzhang's shoulder and comforted him gently.

And at this moment, people from different time and space were also stunned by the scene presented on the sky!

They stared with their eyes wide open, their mouths wide open, and shook their heads in disbelief, as if they had seen something beyond imagination.

Someone murmured in a low voice: "How could such an ordinary background make him an emperor? This is simply a fairy tale!"

Another person echoed: "Yes, if this kind of thing is told to others, I am afraid that even the stray dogs on the roadside will not believe it!"

Someone else exclaimed: "This world is so crazy. It is incredible that such an ordinary person can ascend to the throne!"

Everyone talked about it and was extremely shocked and confused by what they saw. They couldn't understand why such a person who seemed to have no advantages could succeed in counterattacking and reach the pinnacle of power.

Above the sky!

[In order to survive, Zhu Yuanzhang was forced to separate from his second brother, eldest sister-in-law and nephew, and became beggars and fled for their lives! ]

[The young Zhu Yuanzhang almost died on the way to beg. Fortunately, there was a good neighbor, Aunt Wang, with her help, Zhu Yuanzhang became a monk in Huangjue Temple! 】

【Zhu Yuanzhang came to Huangjue Temple. As he was new here, the abbot refused to ordain him. So Zhu Yuanzhang became a handyman in the temple. He did the most tiring and hardest work every day, but he could only get a stutter.

Zhu Yuanzhang had to clean the temple, chop wood and fetch water every day, and serve the monks' daily life. He was very busy.

Sometimes, Zhu Yuanzhang had to suffer bullying and ridicule from some monks, but he never complained, just endured it silently. 】

【Zhu Yuanzhang went through untold hardships and the monks' tests, and finally got the opportunity to become a regular monk.

On this day, a grand ordination ceremony was held in the temple. Zhu Yuanzhang wore a monk's robe and knelt respectfully in front of the Buddha statue, waiting for the abbot to ordain him. 】

【The abbot of the temple also arranged a ordination ceremony for Zhu Yuanzhang.

[The host personally shaved Zhu Yuanzhang's hair and recited scriptures, wishing him to become a Buddha soon. ]

[Then, a little monk took a knife and shaved all the hair on Zhu Yuanzhang's head while he was kneeling on the ground! ]

[Then another little monk walked forward with a burning incense stick in his hand. ]

[The little monk walked to Zhu Yuanzhang's side and carefully

He handed the incense to the host. 】

【After the host took the incense, he solemnly said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Today, burning the scars means breaking away from the world. From now on, you will be pure-hearted and devoted to Buddhism, and have no more distractions."】

But this incense can't hurt Zhu Yuanzhang in any way!

Suddenly everyone was frightened by this weird scene!

At this time, a barrage of comments floated on the sky

——"Is your incense damp?"

——"I seriously suspect that this incense is expired!"

——"Is there a possibility that it is because Zhu Yuanzhang is stubborn?"


Big man.

Liu Bang looked up at the sky in the sky, and an indescribable feeling surged in his heart.

He widened his eyes and stared at the weird scene in the sky, as if he wanted to deeply imprint it in his mind.

"Is this the so-called will of heaven?"

Liu Bang muttered to himself, with a hint of confusion and surprise in his voice.

He thought of the hardships and difficulties he had gone through, and how he had faced life and death tests countless times, but he survived with firm belief and tenacious perseverance.

However, the strange scene in front of him made him begin to doubt his fate.

"Is this the legendary destiny?"

Another thought emerged in Liu Bang's mind.

He had heard many legends about people with destiny, who always seemed to be favored by heaven at critical moments, thus achieving earth-shaking feats.

Now, seeing this strange celestial phenomenon, he couldn't help but start thinking: Could it be that this old Zhu was also a person chosen by destiny like Nai Gong?

Otherwise, how to explain this strange scene? Liu Bang thought hard, trying to find the answer from this mysterious phenomenon.

However, no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't figure out the reason. This strange celestial phenomenon was like an unsolvable puzzle, troubling his mind.

Just then, a cool breeze blew and messed up Liu Bang's hair.

He suddenly came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and tried to calm himself down.

Ming Dynasty.

Queen Ma looked up at the amazing spectacle in the sky!

Her eyes were wide open, her mouth was slightly open, and the whole person seemed to be frozen, falling into a short daze.

How could she not know that her man had this ability?

She couldn't help but reach out her hand, gently parted Zhu Yuanzhang's hair, and looked carefully, but she really found nothing.

Queen Ma's heart was filled with strong curiosity and doubt, and her eyes were full of surprise and confusion.

She turned her head and stared at Zhu Yuanzhang, trying to find the answer from him.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt the gaze of Queen Ma, and he looked at his wife's stunned look and couldn't help laughing.

He patted his chest and said confidently: "Sister, let me tell you why the incense can't burn me!"

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