The two of them were very happy.

After returning to her residence, Empress Ma surprised Zhu Biao and Zhu Yuanzhang!

Empress Ma looked at the father and son who were standing there in a daze and smiled softly,

"Why don't you recognize me?"

The two of them came back to their senses at this time!

Zhu Biao pointed at Empress Ma in shock:

"This... is this my mother?"

Zhu Yuanzhang excitedly went forward and hugged his sister!

"Sister? Is it really you?"

Empress Ma saw that Old Zhu's eyes were almost falling to the ground, and she couldn't help but feel a little proud!

"What's wrong? You can't recognize me, Zhu Chongba?"

"Yes! It tastes right, it's confirmed, this is my sister!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the young and beautiful Queen Ma with a red face!

Then after Zhu Yuanzhang's explanation, Zhu Biao understood!

At the same time, he was a little surprised!

Zhu Yuanzhang handed two disease-curing pills and one marrow-cleansing pill to Zhu Biao!

One of these two disease-curing pills was for his grandson and one for his son, and the marrow-cleansing pill was also left for Zhu Biao!

He immediately blasted Zhu Biao back!

Zhu Yuanzhang came to the bed with Ma Xiuying in his arms!

"Sister, you are so beautiful!"


After leaving the court the next day, Zhu Yuanzhang was still vigorous!

At this time, only the crown prince Zhu Biao and Zhu Yuanzhang and his son were left in the hall!

Then he took out his own portal!

Old Zhu looked at Zhu Biao and said:

"We want an explanation for your son killing our son!"

Zhu Biao handed the whip to Zhu Yuanzhang without saying a word!

The father and son began their journey to the Ming Dynasty!

At the same time, the sky screen also refreshed a new video!

(As for the God of War, just pray secretly! I hope Old Zhu will not beat you to death!)

"Don't panic if the Dragon King doesn't rain, just use the cannon to bomb him!"

In different time and space, people stared at the title on the sky screen and were all shocked!

"Bombard the Dragon King? These people in later generations are so fierce? Aren't they afraid that the Dragon King will cause a flood and drown them?"

At this moment, the sky screen was hanging high above!

The voice of the narrator sounded leisurely:

["In 1927, Shandong suffered a severe drought, all the trees withered and died, and the crops were cracked due to drought!"]

[This land was ruthlessly ravaged by drought, and the scene of withered and withered was heartbreaking. ]

[People longed for rain, but the sky was always gloomy and rainless. ]

[Crops could not grow, food shortage became a serious problem, and life became difficult and miserable. ]

[People looked at the dry fields and withered crops, their hearts filled with anxiety and helplessness. ]

[They hoped that God would have mercy and send down rain to save them from suffering. ]

[However, the Dragon King did not seem to be moved and continued to let the drought rage. ]

[And at this time, Shandong welcomed a new marshal! ]

[This marshal was different from others. He was called the marshal who didn't know how many troops he had, how many wives he had, and how much silver he had! ]

[This is the dog meat marshal Zhang Zongchang! ]

[It must be said that this new marshal was unlucky enough. Since he took office three months ago, the local area has been suffering from a continuous drought. The people begged him to go to the Dragon King Temple to burn incense and pray for rain! 】

On the sky screen, a general wearing a military uniform but more bandit than a bandit appeared in the screen.

"Please burn incense and pray for rain!" An officer bent down with the incense in his hand and handed it to Zhang Zongchang!

Zhang Zongchang knocked over the incense handed to him, walked to the Dragon King with a step that did not recognize his relatives, and greeted the Dragon King Temple cordially!

"Dragon King? What kind of Dragon King are you?"

"What do you manage? Huh?"

"The Dragon King manages the weather, peace and prosperity of the country!"

While speaking, he pointed at the Dragon King and cursed!

"You horse X, it didn't rain for three months? Ah?"

"It caused the crops to not grow, and the people to cry for their parents!"

"You are so arrogant, sitting on it, wearing a fur coat backwards to pretend to be foreign?"

"What kind of Dragon King are you? You are the deaf king!"

The dog meat general, who was getting more and more angry, directly knocked the Dragon King's incense burner to the ground!

Then there was another cordial greeting!

"Fuck you, I tell you!"

"If it doesn't rain within three days, I'll use cannons to blow you up!"

"If you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

People from all planes were shocked!

Is this guy so brave?

He is scolding the Dragon King. This guy is not afraid of being struck by lightning!

Great Qin.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng looked up at the sky above his head, his heart

Thinking to himself:

"Although this man's words are a bit vulgar and rude, what he said is not without reason!"

The people worshipped the gods devoutly and prayed for the gods' protection, but the gods failed to protect them from harm.

He murmured to himself: "What's the use of such gods?

Is it just to make the people waste time and energy to worship?

If they can't even provide the most basic protection, it's better not to have these so-called gods!"

Above the sky!

After cursing, Zhang Zongchang walked out of the Dragon King Temple angrily and ordered the soldiers to set up cannons on Qianfo Mountain.

The people gathered around, surprised and worried.

Time passed day by day, and on the third day, the sky was still clear and cloudless.

The Marshal was also stubborn, and he saw that the old Dragon King didn't give him face!

He was angry immediately!

"Dragon King, I xxxx kill him!"


Boom boom ... The people who witnessed this scene had their brains crashed!

Are they going to use cannons to attack the Dragon King? Is it really possible?

People in later generations did the same thing, and they were even more ruthless, using rockets directly! ! !

The Dragon King is having a hard time!

In the sky!

The narration sounded

"Do you think artificial rainfall is to just fire a special cannonball into the sky and it will rain?"

"Actually, it's not like that. That cannonball can't be fired casually."

"It depends on whether there are floating clouds in the local sky that meet the conditions for rainfall."

"And rain requires not only floating clouds, but also water droplet condensation nuclei, otherwise the water vapor is too light to fall."

"When there are floating clouds in the sky, water droplet condensation nuclei are added, and the water droplets become heavier and fall to form rain."

"Therefore, artificial rainfall is to spread condensation nuclei in places with a large number of floating clouds."

"Depending on the height of the clouds, different substances including silver iodide, dry ice, and salt will be spread."

"They can quickly condense water vapor into water droplets to form rainfall."

"And using rockets to launch them into the sky to explode and spread them is a common method!"

So the Dragon King is basically unemployed in China!

At this time, the barrage on the sky also floated one by one!

——"No rain? Take my rocket launcher!"

——"Dragon King: It's so hard to be your Dragon King! You use cannons to attack me when you disagree with me!"

——"In that case, this dog meat commander is still the ancestor of artificial rainfall!"

Just as the various planes were shocked, a new video appeared on the sky!

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