The first place: Empress Ma, the descendant of Emperor Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang! 】

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang was originally going to use the space-time gate to beat up Zhu Qizhen again, but after seeing the topic on the sky, he hurried back!

In Yingtian Prefecture!

"Sister, sister! Look, you are on the list! The first virtuous queen of all ages!" Before I arrived, I heard Zhu Yuanzhang's excited shout!

Empress Ma was also a little surprised at this time. She herself did not expect that she would be evaluated as the first virtuous queen of all ages by later generations!

When the officials and people in the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty saw this topic, they were not surprised at all!

Instead, they felt it was natural.

On the sky!

[Why is Empress Ma considered the most virtuous empress in history? ]

[Let's put it this way, the Qing Dynasty tried every means to collect her dirty laundry and tried to discredit her, but in the end, they could only say that she had big feet! ]

[Whoever Zhu wanted to kill, Empress Ma saved with a few words, but if Empress Ma said she wanted to kill someone, Zhu would take a knife and go straight up, followed by Zhu Biao, and the army would arrive soon after, and anyone who had any connection with this person would be killed! ]

[The military generals of the Ming Dynasty went to arrest people overnight, and the civil officials went to collect evidence overnight! ]

[This is the status of Empress Ma in the Ming Dynasty! ]

Under the sky!

Empress Ma looked at the words on the sky curtain in surprise, and couldn't help but said: "Is my status so high?"

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled bitterly and said: "Sister, you underestimate yourself too much. Your status in the court is no worse than mine!"

"But what the sky curtain said is indeed reasonable. My sister has always been kind-hearted. If my sister wants to kill someone, he must be an unforgivable person!"

"But what the sky curtain said is still a little small, the pattern is small!"

"If it were me, I would immediately order the execution of his nine clans!" Zhu Yuanzhang said seriously.

Empress Ma laughed!

On the sky curtain.

[Looking through the history books, can you find a second queen who can be compared with Ma Xiuying? ]

[The answer is no. ]

[It is said that before the Ming Dynasty, only the royal family could wear the phoenix crown and bridal robe, and ordinary people were not allowed to wear it. 】

【But Empress Ma said that women in the Ming Dynasty, whether rich or poor, can wear phoenix crowns and bridal robes when they get married. 】

【This is the pattern of the people! 】

【This custom has been passed down to this day. 】

【Looking at Empress Ma's life, you will find that her life is almost flawless. 】

【It is really hard to believe that such a wonderful woman would be born in such a chaotic world at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. 】

Although she was born in a wealthy family, her family fell into poverty soon after she was born, and her parents died one after another.

Fortunately, she was adopted as a daughter by her father's friend Guo Zixin. She was smart and studious since childhood. In addition to being able to write poems and paint, and being proficient in history books, she also had a proud and arrogant temperament.

In ancient times, women were popular with foot binding, but she resolutely did not bind her feet, which kept her normal feet!

So that those who tried to find some black material for him later, after searching through history books, found nothing, and could only make a fuss about her feet and called her Ma Da Jiao!

When she was 20 years old, her adoptive father Guo Zixing married her to Zhu Yuanzhang, who had made many military achievements.

Zhu Yuanzhang was only 25 years old at that time. Although he looked very smart and prestigious, he was just a general under Guo Zixing.

And this marriage that seemed to be made in heaven was just a move by Guo Zixing to win over Zhu Yuanzhang.

No one would dream of it!

This marriage that originated from political bondage not only made Ma Xiuying gain love, but also made her become the founding queen of the Ming Dynasty in the future.

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang could laugh to the end in troubled times was inseparable from the help of Ma Xiuying.

After becoming Guo Zixing's son-in-law, Zhu Yuanzhang stood out in the Red Turban Army, but was suspected by many people. They kept instigating and slandering Zhu Yuanzhang in front of Guo Zixing!

What's more terrible is that other generals would send a lot of spoils to Guo Zixing's home after returning from the battle!

Zhu Yuanzhang, the son-in-law, never robbed civilians' property because of the strict military discipline, so he always came back empty-handed.

But Guo Zixing didn't care about that. He was also a hot-tempered and suspicious person. After listening to the slander.

He suppressed Zhu Yuanzhang in every way. When Ma Xiuying found out, she would secretly send the family's property to Guo Zixing's wife Zhang.

In this way, Zhang would naturally stand on Zhu Yuanzhang's side, whisper in Guo Zixing's ear, and speak well of her son-in-law.

In this way, as long as there was a little bit of rift between Zhu Yuanzhang and Guo Zixing,

Ma Xiuying tried to mediate the rift between Zhu Yuanzhang and his father-in-law, and Zhu Yuanzhang was promoted by his father-in-law and became more and more famous.

But this made Guo Zixing's three sons jealous, and they joined hands to suppress Zhu Yuanzhang, imprisoned him, and cut off his food.

Xiuying was very anxious when she learned about it, so she secretly ran into the kitchen and took a few freshly cooked steamed cakes into her arms!

But when he saw Zhu Yuanzhang take out the steamed cakes, he found that his chest had been severely burned.

Zhu Yuanzhang was deeply moved when he learned about it.

Finally, it was under Ma Xiuying's pleading that Mrs. Guo was moved with compassion and personally begged for mercy, and Zhu Yuanzhang was released.

Ma Xiuying not only helped Zhu Yuanzhang a lot in family life, but also accompanied him and helped him wholeheartedly when he was on the battlefield.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was fighting in all directions, all the official documents, letters and memoranda written casually were kept and sorted by Ma Xiuying personally, and they were in good order.

Every time Zhu Yuanzhang needed them in a hurry, Xiuying could take them out in time, never made mistakes, and would also give correct opinions at critical moments.

The conditions in the army were difficult and the soldiers had limited rations. Xiuying tried her best to store some fried rice and flour food to ensure the needs of the army, but she herself was often hungry.

Not only that, Xiuying also led the families of the soldiers to make clothes, shoes and socks for the soldiers day and night.

When the war was tense, she would also put on her military uniform, take the lead, and charge into battle with the soldiers, which greatly boosted the morale of the army.

It really fits the saying that behind every successful man there is a woman, and her hard work was finally rewarded.

In 1368, after Zhu Yuanzhang wiped out his last rival Chen Youliang, he established Nanjing as the capital and proclaimed himself emperor. Ma Xiuying naturally became the first empress of the Ming Dynasty.

Even though she became the most noble woman in the world!

She still did not forget her original intention and personally took care of Zhu Yuanzhang's diet every day, on the one hand, to fulfill her wife's duty, and on the other hand, to avoid punishment for the palace people.

Under her advocacy, the food, clothing and expenses in the palace were very frugal.

She also often ordered people to turn old clothes into bedding and give them to the helpless people in the capital!

She also collected the scraps of silk fabrics in the palace and used them to make clothes for the princesses and princesses.

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