Everyone in all time and space was silent!

Is there really such a wonderful woman in the world?

At the same time, the bullet screen on the sky also floated by one by one.

——"The first decree of Empress Ma is that all women in the world, regardless of their wealth or status, can wear phoenix crowns and robes when they marry. It is so touching!"

——"If Empress Ma pleads for mercy, at most one person will die. If Empress Ma does not speak, nine clans may be gone. This is the status of Empress Ma!"

——"Zhu Yuanzhang said in the last second: The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics! In the next second: Sister, we have been deceived!"

——" Without Empress Ma, there would be no Zhu Yuanzhang!"

At this moment, the picture on the sky suddenly changed, accompanied by a very sad BJM.

In the picture, Zhu Yuanzhang looked extremely lost and depressed. He staggered forward, as if he had lost all his strength and hope.

His eyes were empty and confused, revealing a deep despair and sadness.

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang stopped and turned to the Jinyiwei around him and said, "Who can cure the queen? We will reward him with ten thousand gold and make him a marquis of ten thousand households!"

However, Erhu, who was standing aside, reported cautiously, "Your Majesty, you have issued this decree yesterday..."

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he heard this, but then his eyes became more determined. He raised his head and his voice exploded in the air like thunder:

"One more decree! From now on, we will issue such a decree every day! As long as someone can cure the queen, we will never be stingy with rewards!"

His voice was full of majesty and determination, which moved people.

The scene changed again!

This morning, Zhu Yuanzhang received news from the palace maid that his sister's condition had worsened again!

I couldn't even recognize people when I woke up in the morning!

Zhu Yuanzhang was so anxious when he heard this that he quickly ran to the Qianqing Palace, to the bedside of Empress Ma. Seeing Empress Ma lying quietly on the bed, Zhu Yuanzhang called her softly: "Sister! Sister!"

Empress Ma said weakly: "Is it Chongba?"

Zhu Yuanzhang felt so distressed when he saw his sister's weak appearance!

But he pretended to be nothing and said:

"Hey, look, this sister recognized me at once, I said! How could my sister forget me!"

Afterwards, Zhu Yuanzhang personally fed Empress Ma and told her to take good care of her body!

Holding the weak Queen Ma in her arms, she comforted him:

"Sister, you must not die. If you die, there will be no one called Chongba in this world. What will you let us do?"

Queen Ma smiled gently, looked at Old Zhu and said emotionally:

"Don't worry, Chongba, I won't die."

"Alas, I have been a queen in my life, I have had enough, but I have not been your sister enough, never enough!"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help crying bitterly. He knew that his sister couldn't hold on for much longer, but he couldn't accept it!

He was afraid that his sister would leave him! He didn't dare to believe what crazy things he would do after his sister was gone!

So he promised:

"Sister, take good care of yourself. When you recover from your illness, we will hand over the Ming Dynasty to Biao'er. We will take you to all the famous mountains and rivers in the Ming Dynasty. Wherever you want to go, we will accompany you!"

Queen Ma had a yearning expression on her face, but she knew that this seemed impossible!

Zhu Yuanzhang carefully and gently covered Empress Ma with a blanket, fearing that he would wake her up. Then he slowly stood up and walked out of the room with slow steps.

When he came to the door, he saw the imperial doctors and famous doctors kneeling on the ground. They all lowered their heads and dared not raise their eyes to look at each other.

Zhu Yuanzhang stood there, tall and majestic. He looked down at the imperial doctors below, his eyes were so cold that he seemed to have no emotion at all.

His voice was low and stern, with an unquestionable authority:

"If anything happens to the queen, you can't think of living anymore."

This sentence was like a sword hanging over the heads of the imperial doctors, making them feel unprecedented pressure and fear.

Everyone knew Zhu Yuanzhang's character and methods. If something really happened to the queen, they would probably find it difficult to escape the blame.

Zhu Yuanzhang's original intention was good, but his method was too extreme, typical of being angry.

On the other side, Empress Ma opened her eyes when Zhu Yuanzhang walked out of the room!

She knew that she didn't have much time left, based on her understanding of Zhu Yuanzhang.

If he died, Zhu would definitely kill all the doctors, so before he died, he told Yu'er to do the last thing, to send all the doctors in the palace away, the farther away the better.

The sky screen changed again!

Queen Ma's life also came to an end!

In the video!

A tear slid down Queen Ma's cheek, and the reluctance in her eyes was heartbreaking!

"Chongba, take care of yourself, I'm going first!"

On August 24, 1382, the founding queen of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang's wife, Empress Xiaoci Gao Ma, died at the age of 51. A famous generation of virtuous queens in history fell.

This news hit Zhu Yuanzhang's heart like a bolt from the blue, making him stunned and unable to come back to his senses for a long time!

"My sister is dead? Dead?"

Zhu Yuanzhang, dressed in white, came to Queen Ma's bedroom like a walking corpse.

Then he drove everyone out, and then followed his wife step by step!

"Sister, I came to see you. It's my fault. I haven't seen you for a few days, and I'm still angry. It's our fault. You said you were leaving, what should I do!"

"Sister, sister! Open your eyes and look at me! I'm Chongba!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Empress Ma who was lying on the bed like she was asleep with tears in his eyes!

He couldn't control himself anymore and burst into tears!

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he was the emperor of the Ming Dynasty who was in charge of the world, and everyone had to obey his imperial edict!

Then he straightened his back and shouted loudly in front of the bed with a choked voice!

"Queen, listen to my order, open your eyes and talk to me immediately!"

"Open your eyes immediately and talk to me."

He repeated it several times in a row, but no one responded to his words!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang knew in his heart that Empress Ma, who had accompanied him all his life, had passed away!

He was heartbroken and cried out to the sky. The death of Empress Ma made Zhu Yuanzhang completely insane. He held a sword and stood guard in front of the bed.

He did not allow anyone to approach Empress Ma, let alone let the maids change her clothes. He would chop anyone who came forward.

He waved the sword in his hand like a madman, and the evil spirit on his body became heavier and heavier!

"The girl is just asleep, why change clothes when she is asleep!"

"Get out of here, get out of here!"


The maids had no choice but to find the prince for help.

The prince dragged his weak body and rushed over immediately, and found the bodies of several maids and eunuchs lying on the ground, and Erhu had been chopped.

He watched the crazy Zhu Yuanzhang holding the bloody sword in his hand and blocking the bed of Empress Ma!

He hadn't even walked in front of Zhu Yuanzhang yet!

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was already mad, pointed the sword in his hand at Zhu Biao and shouted angrily:

"Get out, get out! No one can get close to our sister!"

With a "thump", the prince Zhu Biao cried and knelt in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, hoping to wake up the mad Zhu Yuanzhang!

Looking at Zhu Biao who kept coming forward, Zhu Yuanzhang was still not awake, and shouted loudly: "I will chop you!"

Looking at his father who raised the sword to him and his mother on the bed, Zhu Biao choked and cried:

"Father, I am your son!"

"I am your Biao'er!"

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang raised the sword and was about to chop it down! At the critical moment, Zhu Yuanzhang finally woke up and held Zhu Biao's hand and cried bitterly!

"It's Biao'er, come, get up, get up!"

Then he staggered and pulled Zhu Biao to the bed!

Fingers trembled as he pointed at Empress Ma lying on the bed, and said in a choked voice: Your mother is dead, she is dead, how could she die?

The father and son lay on the bed and cried bitterly!

The love of this life has left him forever. This feeling cannot be described in any words. Zhu Yuanzhang is willing to give up the country and the throne as long as Empress Ma can return to his side!

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