At the same time, the bullet screen on the sky curtain also connected!

——"Who understands! When the charge horn sounded, my whole body was shaking!"

——"Not only was I shaking, but I felt the blood in my body was burning!"

——"They are all children born by their mothers and raised by their fathers. How could they not have names!"

——"Why do I cry when I listen to it? I can't stop crying. It's sadness and relief, because they lie down, so we can stand!"


The emperors of various dynasties under the sky curtain were silent when they looked at the content on the sky curtain!

Great Qin.

Ying Zheng couldn't bear to look at the woman's eyes on the sky curtain. He saw the figures of his Great Qin soldiers in a trance!

Some of them are fighting on the battlefield, while others have already died!

"Alas! It is because of these soldiers lying down that my great country has been built!"

"I will never forget your contribution!"

Ying Zheng said with a firm look in his eyes, and then issued an order:

"Order, engrave the names of those heroic soldiers of the Qin Dynasty on the Great Wall for me!"

"Let future generations remember them!"

"I want to let the world know that these people are heroes of my Qin Dynasty!"

"In the future, all the soldiers of my Qin Dynasty can leave their names, and I will not allow them to die without their own names!"

Ying Zheng's tone was passionate and his voice was deafening.

When the ministers heard this, they knelt down and shouted:

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

At this moment, the whole court was filled with a solemn atmosphere.

All ministers and generals felt Ying Zheng's respect for the dead soldiers.

They secretly made up their minds to work hard for the Qin Dynasty and live up to His Majesty's expectations.

And Ying Zheng silently watched the figure of the woman on the sky.

He knew that behind every Qin soldier there was a mother who longed for him to go home!

These dead soldiers were warriors who fought for the peace and prosperity of the country.

They used their blood and lives to create the glory of the Qin Dynasty, and their achievements should be remembered by the world.


Emperor Wu of Han fell into deep thought as he looked at the sky!

He had been fighting in the north for many years. Are the dead soldiers of the Han Dynasty also like this sky?

"Am I wrong?"

"No, I am not wrong. Even if I leave a bad name for thousands of years, I will straighten the backbone of the Han Dynasty!"

"I want every Han Chinese to be able to proudly say that he is a Han Chinese!"

Thinking of this, Liu Che's eyes became more determined!

Emperors of all time and space did not dare to look at the woman on the sky!

The look of looking forward to the child's return home is so sad!

At the same time, a new video appeared on the sky screen, "Humen Destruction of Opium!"

On the sky screen!

I saw a man wearing gorgeous official uniform, with a serious face and full of righteousness standing there.

Then, the picture switched to the seaside!

Basket after basket of opium was poured into the sea, and the sea water instantly became turbid.

As the passionate background music sounded, the man's voice resounded through the world: "I am Lin Zexu!"

"I am ordered to investigate the opium issue in Haikou!"

"As long as opium is not eradicated, this minister will not return!"

"I swear to stick to this matter from beginning to end, and there is no reason to stop. If I still ignore it, in a few years, there will be almost no soldiers in the Central Plains who can defend against the enemy."

His voice was firm and powerful, as if it would penetrate the sky.

Every sentence was filled with endless determination and sense of mission, which moved people.

At the same time, the narration of the sky screen also sounded!

【On June 3, 1839, Lin Zexu destroyed opium in Humen, Guangdong. 】

【When he poured all the opium into the water connected to the sea, he sprinkled sea salt and quicklime, and soon the lime boiled the water in the pool. 】

【After more than 20 days of gunpowder smoke, Lin Zexu destroyed 2.37 million boxes of opium, a total of 2,376,254 kilograms. 】

【After that, the British opium dealers left Guangzhou. 】

A tobacco dealer couldn't help asking the supervisor why he did this?

But unexpectedly, the supervisor told him that the government had compensated the losses of the tobacco dealers, and the destroyed opium was the goods of the British government, so they needed to ask Britain to get back the goods worth 8 million pounds.

And all these high-sounding reasons were just to go to war with the Qing Dynasty.

In 1840, the British Navy arrived in the Qing Dynasty, but Lin Zexu was not panicked at all.

Not long after, the British army launched an attack on Dinghai County. How could a naval battle in a small county be the British Navy?


Soon, the British army began to go ashore and attack the city, while the Qing soldiers facing them only had spears. This was not a level of battle at all.

In less than an hour, the British army attacked the city, and all the soldiers defending the city were killed. The county magistrate Yao Huaixiang knew that he had lost.

So when the British army attacked, he chose to commit suicide and became the first person to sacrifice his life for the country in the Opium War.

After Dinghai fell, the ministers expressed their desire to drive the British army out of the sea!

But Qi Shan, who had seen the British warships, said that the British warships were faster than wild horses at sea, and it was not easy to drive them out of the sea, which made the ministers look at each other in bewilderment.

Emperor Daoguang thought that it was all Lin Zexu's fault. Lin Zexu didn't know how to do things. Now that opium has not been eradicated, war has started again. Blame him for ruining the country.

For a time, Lin Zexu went from a hero of drug control to a minister who caused a terrible disaster and ruined the country!

Daoguang even made Lin Zexu a scapegoat for the failure of the war!

And Lin Zexu, the great man who was praised as "the first person to open his eyes to the world", was dismissed just like that!

At this time, the sky screen changed again!

A group of skinny people were smoking opium!

The people under the sky screen looked at the thin people on the sky screen and couldn't help but be shocked!

"Is this... is this still a human being?"

At the same time, the narration of the sky screen appeared!

Everyone should know the harm of opium. At that time, the late Qing Dynasty was ridiculed by the foreigners as "the sick man of East Asia!"

This sentence is absolutely correct!

Once a person smokes opium, he will run out of money, mortgage his land and sell his family. These are all routine operations!

Becoming a beggar and hating the roadside, it's just a matter of time!

Next, I will introduce to you a life trajectory stained with the shadow of opium.

From the day you start smoking opium, your life has entered the countdown!

Although you only taste it briefly at the beginning, the smoke in the opium den will make you sink deeper and deeper into the false spiritual happiness!

As the smoke dissipates in the air, it is not only the burning opium paste, but also your health.

Your body can no longer work normally, but you can go without food and clothes, but you can't live without opium.

For that short period of sinking, you will be heavily in debt, and the price of opium has been rising due to the ban and tariffs of the Qing government. The smuggling foreigners have converted the risk into silver and grafted it on these addicts.

In order to pay off the opium fees owed before, these addicts threatened their lives and forced their old mothers to nod their heads, and sold the land and ancestral houses on which the family depended for survival.

Behind every addict is the tragedy of one or more families!

Then the sky screen keeps switching!

These addicts sell their wives and daughters just to take one or two puffs!

Some even sold their ancestral homes!

The emperors under the sky were shocked to see this!

"Is this thing so harmful?"

(The humble author is asking for support online!)

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