The world is full of hope, but the world is still full of hope.

At this time, a new video also appeared on the sky curtain!

《The Strongest Volunteer Army in the World!》

The emperors of all time and space looked at the title on the sky curtain and were instantly attracted!


The First Emperor Ying Zheng looked at the title and couldn't help but whisper to himself: "The strongest in the world? What does this mean?"

"How strong is it?"

Ying Zheng looked at the sky curtain with flickering eyes, and he couldn't help but think of his own Daqin soldiers!

He secretly compared in his heart: "I wonder how my Daqin soldiers compare to these people?"


Emperor Wu of Han looked at the title and was a little confused!

"How strong can the infantry be? The cavalry killed them all with a few charges!"

At this time in the sky curtain!

In the picture on the sky curtain!

An extremely domineering voice came from all directions, as if the whole world was shocked: "We have just won the national victory, and our butts are not even warm yet!"

This voice is full of majesty and determination, which makes people feel excited.

Then, the voice continued: "The American imperialism actually started a war in North Korea to our north!"

"They are trying to spread the war to our new world that has just been born! What should we do in the face of such provocation?"

At this time, a deafening shout broke out in the crowd: "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Everyone raised their fists to express their anger and determination.

Then, hundreds of thousands of children of ordinary people appeared in the picture. They stood there heroically, and their eyes revealed their loyalty and bravery to the country.

As an order was issued, these young soldiers went to the battlefield without hesitation and devoted themselves to the battle to defend the motherland without hesitation.

"Go north, fight against the US and aid Korea, defend our country!"

They shouted passionate slogans, and every word was full of passion and pride.

"One punch is better than a hundred punches!"

This sentence has become their belief, inspiring them to move forward bravely and not fear the strong enemy.

Next, the sky curtain changed quickly, showing touching scenes.

Accompanied by the exciting background music (BGM), one man after another left his homeland and resolutely joined the volunteer army.

They quickly assembled into an invincible army, ready to meet the upcoming battle.

Everyone in this army is a hero. They put their families aside and defend the dignity of the motherland and the happiness of the people with their lives.

"We are going to face the best-equipped Americans in the world!"

"The battle may be very hard, but we must win!"

The picture is full of smoke and chaos!

Explosions continued to sound on the distant hills, and flames shot up to the sky!

On the battlefield, there were wreckage and broken arms everywhere, and blood dyed the earth red!

The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder and blood, which made people feel suffocated!

However, on this cruel battlefield, a group of soldiers were firmly rushing forward!

Their faces were covered with dust, but their eyes were extremely determined!

Although the enemy had the most advanced weapons and equipment, they were not afraid!

Because they knew that this war was related to the fate of the country and the dignity of the nation!

They would defend the territorial integrity of the motherland with their lives!

Under the sky!

The First Emperor looked at the scene on the sky with a shocked face, and his heart was full of disbelief.

With just one order, hundreds of thousands of people volunteered to join the war! This scene was so spectacular that it was completely beyond his imagination and cognition.

Emperor Wu of Han also froze in place, staring at the sky with his eyes, his mouth slightly open, but unable to speak.

Wei Qing couldn't help but ask, "What kind of new world is this that makes them fight so desperately?"

Li Shimin was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him. He widened his eyes and clenched his fists tightly.

At this moment, he keenly noticed a detail in the picture - there was actually the figure of America!

Instantly, a strong murderous intent surged in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and said, "When I finish building the Tang Dynasty iron ship, the first thing I have to deal with is this America!"

After saying that, he slammed the table, stood up, and exuded a fierce momentum.

The whole hall was suddenly silent. Everyone felt the strong murderous intent in Li Shimin and lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.


Li Shimin at this moment is like an angry lion, which makes people feel awed.

At this time on the sky!

The picture is full of gunpowder smoke!

"If we don't fight this war, it will be our next generation!"

"We are born and die just to make them stop fighting!"

This is their deep belief and the source of their motivation to stick to the end!

No matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are ahead, they will charge forward without hesitation!

For the motherland and the people, they will do everything they can!

Then the picture changes again!

A bright light of artillery fire crossed the sky, illuminating the dark sky.

In this light, a figure gradually emerged.

This figure is a soldier, his face is covered with cannon ash and dust, his face can't be seen clearly, but his firm and brave eyes can be felt.

He held a shabby communication device in his hand, as if it was his only link with the world.

The soldier roared at the intercom, his voice full of anxiety and determination.

"Closer! Closer!" His tone was firm and fearless.

On the other side of the plane, a sergeant responded nervously: "Fifty meters!"

However, the soldier was not satisfied with this, he continued to shout: "Closer, 40 meters!"

The sergeant widened his eyes and asked in surprise: "What?"

In his opinion, the distance was already very dangerous, and if he got closer, the soldier would face huge risks.

However, the soldier's persistence made the sergeant unable to refuse. He took a deep breath!

At this moment, the soldier's voice came again from the plane!

"Shoot at me quickly, the enemy has surrounded me!"

The sergeant's eyes turned red in an instant, and tears blurred his vision.

He understood that this decision meant sacrificing a brave soldier.

But he also knew that only in this way could he break the enemy's encirclement and win a chance for victory.

Following the sergeant's order, one artillery after another roared in unison, and the shells cut through the night sky and flew towards the enemy's position.

The flames shot up into the sky, the smoke filled the air, and the entire battlefield was illuminated.

The soldier stood still, watching the shells whizzing past!

Even though the artillery fire covered him, there was no fear on his face, but a smile!

Then the scene changed again!

"Which unit is closest to Sansoli?"

"The 113th Division of the 38th Regiment!"

"We must occupy Sansoli before dawn!"

"We only have 14 hours to attack Sansoli, which is more than 70 kilometers!"

"It's difficult, too difficult. It's too difficult to let them run 140 miles in one night."

"It's a distance that we can't say for sure, but it may kill people!"

"So what? My 38th Army never says no to orders!"

"We only need one sentence to complete the task."

"Take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and attack Sansoli!"

"Brothers, move 123!"

"Then let's try it!"

"See if our soldiers' legs can create miracles!"

Then a group of soldiers carrying heavy loads and running wildly appeared on the sky in the picture!

Everyone's eyes were red!

Some even died on the road!

"Brothers, come on, we have already run 35 kilometers!"

"People have run to death,"

"The troops must take a break!"

"Even if they are only one minute late, as long as the bag in the third institute is lost, they will have died in vain!"

"Keep running!"

The last fifteen kilometers!

In the picture, a group of soldiers with red eyes and panting are still running fast in the mountains and forests!

At this time, the command center!

"Where is the 113th Division?"

"No contact, the radio is silent again!"

"But I believe in Jiang Chao and the 113th Division!"

The camera switches to the running soldiers again!

"Brothers, come on, the last nine kilometers!"


The soldiers shouted with red eyes!

"Ah...Fuck your grandma's Yankees!"

"We, the 133rd Division, will run to Sansoli even if we have to die!"

"Report to the commander, we have occupied the main peak of Sansoli!"

"The enemy is only 200 meters away from us!"

At this time, the command center!


"Sansoli is blocked!"

"Now you have to nail me to Sansoli like steel nails."

In the Sansoli blocking battle, the Volunteer Army ran more than 70 kilometers overnight, outrunning the 1,200 planes and 3,800 vehicles of the Yankees!

(In fact, it was far more than 70 kilometers, and it was a rush in the mountains and forests with heavy loads!)

(I can only write this way. The review is strict and I can't even mention my name!)

(A small request for support


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