The sky was full of excitement.

At this time, above the sky!

[After the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the ace armies of various countries in the world no longer dared to call themselves ace! ]

[Because the Chinese Volunteer Army defeated the ace armies of half the world! ]

[Even five-star General MacArthur lost his initial arrogance! ]

[After the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, five-star General MacArthur said: "Whoever dares to fight the Chinese Army must have a problem with his brain!" ]

[This is completely different from his previous attitude of claiming to end the battle within two weeks! ]

[The reason is very simple, that is, he was scared of being beaten! 】

【Walker, a general of the U.S. Army, said: "If you want to defeat the Chinese Army, you have to wear a steel helmet to fight!"】

【General Ridgway of the U.S. Army also said: "The Chinese Army is a strong and fierce fighter. They will attack regardless of casualties!"】

【South Korea cursed and said: "Our soldiers were timid and defeated when they heard the charge of China!"】

【Since then, the Chinese army has become the nightmare of all ace armies! 】

【In the eyes of American soldiers, it is simply a pipe dream to defeat the Chinese Army. 】

【Because the Chinese are not afraid of death at all, and they are not afraid of death at all! 】

【And the passionate charge sound has become a shadow that can never be erased from their hearts. 】

【Every time the charge sounded, they would feel tremendous pressure and fear. 】

【Because they knew that this meant that the Chinese soldiers would attack them regardless of everything. 】

People from all time and space looked at the narration on the sky curtain and couldn't help feeling proud!

Great Qin.


The First Emperor laughed up to the sky, this is their descendant!

Is there anything more worthy of pride than scaring the enemy!

Ying Zheng excitedly said loudly: "The future generations have scared them, as ancestors, should we kill them all?"

Ying Zheng hasn't been so happy for a long time!

Great Han.

Emperor Wu of Han looked at the sky curtain and said!

Then the emperor pointed his sword at the Huns in front and said loudly:

"Haha, I will also scare you Huns and make you subdue!"

"All troops listen to orders, attack!"

Huo Qubing took a small team to do his old business again!


Three Kingdoms.

Cao Cao's eyes were full of desire for the soldiers on the sky curtain at this time!

If he Cao Cao had such an army that was not afraid of life and death, then the world would be at his fingertips!

What Lu Bu and Zhao Yun, just so-so!

After all, you are awesome alone, but how can you compare with a group of fierce soldiers!

Tang Dynasty.

"What do you think of the remarks on the sky curtain?" Li Shimin asked the generals present with his eyes slightly narrowed!

Li Jing thought for a moment and replied: "Your Majesty, if this army is led by the future, I dare to say that there is no place in the world that I, Li Jing, cannot go!"

Ming Dynasty.

Old Zhu was so excited that he was numb!

Then he remembered what Tianmu said before that the firearms in the future were actually behind the other side!

He couldn't help but feel a little puzzled!

You know, now his Ming Dynasty firearms are second to none!

It seems that the firepower is still insufficient!

In the future, the caliber of this cannon must be as large as possible!

Old Zhu suffered from a serious lack of firepower at this time!

"If only the big guy (atomic bomb) on the sky curtain was given to us!" Old Zhu murmured while looking at the sky curtain!

On the sky curtain!

At this time, a centenarian appeared in the picture, wearing a military uniform and a medal for the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea on his chest. His weathered face revealed perseverance and indomitable spirit.

A young reporter stood in front of the old man and asked with respect: "Grandpa, do you think the U.S. army was powerful at that time?"

Grandpa thought for a moment and answered with deep eyes: "Their cannons, tanks and planes are indeed powerful, but those people are not so good!"

The reporter asked doubtfully: "People are not powerful?"

Grandpa nodded slightly, with a flash of determination in his eyes: "Yes, their people are not powerful."

"We have fought with them before. Although they have advanced weapons and equipment, any one of us could beat several of them in a one-on-one fight!"

Grandpa's voice was full of emotion!

The reporter listened to Grandpa's words and felt a surge of admiration in his heart.

Grandpa continued to recall: "At that time, our conditions were difficult and supplies were scarce, but everyone had a heart to defend their country."

"And the Americans, they just fought for their interests and lacked real faith and motivation.


The reporter nodded to show his understanding.

Finally, the grandfather smiled and said to the reporter: "So, young people should remember that the blood flowing in our Chinese army is different from theirs!"

The scene changed again!

Another old man was interviewed by the reporter in a wheelchair!

The reporter looked at the old man in front of him with a respectful look on his face.

He knew that the old man had experienced too many ups and downs, but he was still strong today.

"Hello, Grandpa, I am a reporter. You once participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. What do you want to say to us?"

The reporter asked softly.

The old man raised his head and looked at the reporter's admiring eyes with a firm and deep gaze.

He shook his head slowly and said in a hoarse voice:

"Baby, I am not a hero. The real heroes are no longer alive..."

"Don't be modest, Grandpa. You are also one of the heroes of that era! "The reporter quickly comforted him.

"No, baby, you haven't fought in the war, you don't know that one of my brothers used his body to blow up the enemy's castle at the last moment of his life. He is the real hero!"

The old man said excitedly, tears welling up in his eyes.

"And those comrades who died, they are heroes, and I am just lucky to survive..." The old man was full of emotion.

"So, grandpa, do you have any wishes now?" The reporter continued to ask.

The old man closed his eyes slightly, as if immersed in the memories of the past.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, with a light flashing in his eyes, and slowly said: "If I could be a few decades younger, I really want to go to the 38th parallel again!"

The reporter listened quietly, tears couldn't help falling

"Thank you grandpa, thank you for your contribution to the country!" The reporter said gratefully.

"Thank you for what, this is what we should do, wars always need people to fight! We have finished fighting in this generation, and you don't have to fight anymore! "

The old man smiled and answered, his face full of pride and satisfaction.

At this time, the video of Tianmu has come to an end!

Photos appeared one after another on the screen!

Finally, they converged into two big characters "Huaxia"!

People from all dynasties looked at the two characters "Huaxia" and were filled with emotion!

"These two characters are so difficult to come by!"

"How many people have paid for the rise of these two characters!"

"No matter who it is, if he dares to destroy my country and my race, we will fight him to the end!"


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