The story is still going on in the sky!

[Next, let's talk about why Zhu Biao is so favored! ]

[In 1355, Zhu Biao was born in the home of Taiping merchant Chen Di. His mother was Zhu Yuanzhang's first wife Ma! ]

When Zhu Biao was born, Zhu Yuanzhang was fighting on the front line. Hearing that his wife had given birth to a son for him, Zhu Yuanzhang was ecstatic.

Imagine a person whose parents are dead, suddenly giving him a son to carry on the family line. What does it feel like!

In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma supported each other and shared weal and woe. The two had a very deep relationship. Zhu Biao was their first child, so Zhu Yuanzhang liked Zhu Biao very much.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Zhu personally helped him urinate and patted him to sleep. A family of three slept on the same bed!

This kind of family affection that seems to be an ordinary family is simply incomparable to other princes.

Even many royal families, let alone raising their children by themselves, even the biological mothers don’t take care of them much, and usually leave them to the wet nurse.

In other words, according to Zhu, I raised the child by myself, and I have cultivated him for many years.

[Now he has finally grown up and is ready to take over the company. I am so happy! ]

[This is how you can rest assured to use the child you raise yourself! ]

Under the sky!

The princes of various planes were so envious of Zhu Biao’s treatment that they blushed!

Li Chengqian: "I don’t know if I should say this. They are all the same eldest sons, why is there such a big difference?"

Liu Ju said that not to mention that his father helped him urinate, he even had a hard time seeing him!

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn’t help but think of Zhu Biao’s childhood!

At that time, I slept in the same bed with my sister and Zhu Biao!

Zhu Biao's baby body fragrance still lingers in my heart!

Zhu Biao couldn't help blushing when he saw this!

He still remembered that he peed on his father's face!

After seeing the treatment of his eldest brother, Zhu Di wanted to say one thing, this is a special son! .

I seriously doubt that we are probably just an accident!

Other princes: seconded!

At this time on the sky curtain!

[And Zhu Yuanzhang, inspired by the birth of his eldest son, conquered Jiqing in the second year and renamed it Yingtian Prefecture. ]

[Old Zhu was even more worried about Zhu Biao's education! ]

When Zhu Biao was 5 years old, Zhu Yuanzhang invited Song Lian, a Confucian master known as one of the three great poets and writers in the early Ming Dynasty, to teach Zhu Biao the "Five Classics" in order to ensure that Zhu Biao could develop in an all-round way!

Under the careful teaching of Song Lian and the influence of his mother Ma, Zhu Biao developed a humble and polite character.

Zhu Yuanzhang's career had already achieved some success, so he began to pour a lot of resources into Zhu Biao.

Zhu Yuanzhang established himself as the King of Wu in Yingtian Prefecture, appointed the 9-year-old Zhu Biao as the crown prince, and began to pave the way for him with all his efforts!

Zhu Yuanzhang would hand over the power of the rear to Zhu Biao every time he went on an expedition. After a while, Zhu Biao had his own network of people.

After Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, the 13-year-old Zhu Biao was appointed as the crown prince and became the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty.

In order to ensure that Zhu Biao could become a wise monarch who could write to pacify the world and fight against the enemy.

Zhu Yuanzhang directly assigned the founding ministers who wanted to conquer the world with him to the crown prince!

Including the left prime minister Li Shanchang as the prince's junior teacher, the right prime minister Xu Da as the prince's junior tutor, the founding general Chang Yuchun as the prince's junior protector, and other prince's retainers are Yang Xian, Tang He and others.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhu Biao is almost the same as the emperor with this luxurious configuration!

Under the sky.

At this time, the princes are not only jealous, but also full of resentment!

"This is the prince! Sorry, we have embarrassed the position of the prince!"

On the sky!

[Under the full training of the old Zhu, the young Zhu Biao has already been both civil and military, and he often proposes strategies for governing the country to his father, which makes Zhu Yuanzhang very happy. 】

It can be said that the energy and resources that Zhu Yuanzhang invested in Zhu Biao are beyond the reach of any prince.

Zhu Yuanzhang began to hand over small matters to Zhu Biao, and Zhu Biao did not disappoint Zhu Yuanzhang's expectations and handled various matters well.

This year, Zhu Biao was 22 years old.

Seeing that he had reached adulthood, Zhu Yuanzhang simply handed over all political affairs to Zhu Biao.

At this time, Zhu Biao's power had exceeded the scope of the prince's control, and it can be said that he was only one step away from the final step.

Zhu Biao was in charge of everything, and Old Zhu was responsible for approving the notes!

Zhu Biao's health gradually deteriorated due to long hours of overtime handling state affairs!


For the emperor, letting the prince handle government affairs poses a considerable threat to the imperial power, which is something that no emperor in history could do. This shows Zhu Yuanzhang's trust in Zhu Biao.

The screen changes again!

The BGM sounds!

Flowers bloom and fall, and the sky is full of flowers~

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this BGM, he cried out in his heart!

"It's bad, it's bad! What's going on again?"

Every time this music sounds, Zhu Yuanzhang has a bad premonition!

As expected by Zhu Yuanzhang!

On the screen, a clip of the death of the crown princess is playing!

Then his eldest grandson Zhu Xiongying died, and then his sister!

Zhu Yuanzhang's tears flowed!

At this time, on the screen!

[Because the death of his family was a great blow to Zhu Biao, Zhu Biao's health was getting worse day by day! ]

[In 1391, Zhu Yuanzhang planned to move the capital to Xi'an, so he asked Zhu Biao to do some preliminary visits and investigations! 】

【But Zhu Biao caught a cold after returning from Xi'an and fell ill. 】

【In 1392, the 39-year-old crown prince Zhu Biao died young. 】

【The successor that Zhu Yuanzhang had spent all his efforts to cultivate for more than 20 years suddenly died, and it was an old man sending off a young man. 】

Under the sky.

"Fortunately, I have given all the elixirs to my family!"

"Otherwise, how can we live!"

At this time, Old Zhu had a psychological shadow on the BGM playing on the sky!

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