Under the sky.

Sima Zhao looked at Liu Chan, who looked a little depressed but was still playing with crickets.

He said with a sly smile: "Lord Anle! Your prime minister is dead too! What a pity!"

"Do you want to go back and take a look!"

Liu Chan said with a silly smile: "It's all in the past! I won't go back if I have crickets to play with here!"

"I'm happy here, I don't miss Shu!"

Looking at Liu Chan with a silly smile, Sima Zhao couldn't help but believe it a little.

Liu Chan was extremely heartbroken at this time. How could he not want to go back and take a look.

"My prime minister is still in Shu!"

But what can he do!

"Father, Adou misses you so much!"


At this time, Zhuge Jun couldn't help sighing when he saw the miserable state of his elder brother on the sky.

He pouted at Zhuge Liang and said helplessly: "Brother, look, this is too miserable!

Are you still going with these three guys?"

After Zhuge Liang saw the picture on the sky, he was speechless.

He didn't expect that his future would be so hard, even more tiring than cattle and horses!

Who can stand this?

Seeing that his elder brother started to pack up without saying a word, Zhuge Jun asked curiously:

"What's wrong, brother? Are you going to travel again?"

Zhuge Liang said without looking back: "Traveling is bullshit, hurry up and stop wasting time!"

After speaking, he accelerated the movement of his hands.

Zhuge Jun asked in surprise: "You're not going with Liu Bei, the big fool?

Didn't you just say that this is the person you're looking for?"

Zhuge Liang stopped what he was doing, turned around and glared at him, saying: "Don't you see that I, your brother, am like a cow or a horse?"

"Whoever wants to go can go, but I, your brother, won't go anyway."

After that, he continued to pack up and urged: "Hurry up, pack up and move!"

Zhuge Liang had packed up his books and other items at this time, waiting for Zhuge Jun to leave together.

Then Zhuge Jun set fire to the thatched house, and the two disappeared into the night.

Just run out of the door!


Three Kingdoms.

Liu Bei looked at the seven-star lamp on the sky, his eyes full of shock and confusion.

He turned his head, stared at Zhuge Liang, his lips trembling slightly, and asked with difficulty:

"Military Advisor, do you really know the method to prolong life?"

It's no wonder that Liu Bei was shocked, it was really too bizarre, after all, it's not an exaggeration to call it a fairy method!

Zhuge Liang smiled bitterly and nodded, and replied: "My lord, Liang does know a little bit, but he has never practiced it, so he is not sure of its authenticity."

Then he added: "I accidentally got this method when I was traveling, but I haven't tried it."

Zhang Fei, who was standing by, heard this and immediately widened his eyes and complained loudly:

"Military Advisor, when my eldest brother died, why didn't you use this method to save my eldest brother's life?"

If my eldest brother was still alive, my eldest brother and you would definitely be able to successfully march north to the Central Plains! "

Zhuge Liang sighed helplessly and explained: "It's not something you can use whenever you want.

The method to prolong life requires specific conditions, including factors such as time, location, and harmony.

Moreover, this method has certain risks. If it fails, the consequences will be disastrous.

The situation was urgent at the time, and I could not guarantee success. "

After all, if it fails, it will be certain death, and there is no possibility of survival at all.

Finally, Zhuge Liang said with emotion: "If the lord is still here, I can save a lot of troubles."

After listening, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei nodded in understanding.

After all, it is a fairy method! There must be limitations.

Otherwise, wouldn't this be more awesome than Hua Tuo?

"It's all the fault of this thief God. Why is it raining when it's fine? I really want to poke a few holes in this thief God! "

Zhang Fei shouted with anger on his face.

Guan Yu no longer looked down on Zhuge Liang as before, after all, he really did good for them from the bottom of his heart.

It's just that sometimes he likes to show off and play dumb with people!

Cao Wei.

Cao Cao looked at Sima Yi's old face on the sky at this time, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he got!

He had struggled all his life, but Sima Yi finally reaped the fruits!

He felt extremely regretful that Sima died so easily.

But Zhuge Liang was indeed a genius. With the help of a state, he almost turned the tide!

What a pity! Why can't such a talent be used by me?

Although he also has counselors and they are all senior counselors, but I want them!

After all, how can wild flowers be as fragrant as home flowers?

Others are better.

This has always been his common problem, and he can't change it in this life!

Another plane.

Cao Cao has already sealed off Wolong Mountain, waiting for Zhuge Liang to study hard at home and come out to help him.

"Big-eared thief, I want to see how you can fight me, Cao, this time!"


At this time on the sky.

[After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan cried bitterly, and the scene was more painful than the death of his own father! ]

[Relying on the "Departure Table" left by Zhuge Liang, Liu Chan continued the Shu Han for 29 years in the troubled times! ]

[In the end, all the people on the "Departure Table" were used up, and he had to surrender for the sake of the people in the city. ]

[He also had a good end. ]

[Everyone knows that "Adou who can't be helped up" but he drew a perfect end for the Han Dynasty. ]

At this time, the barrage on the sky also came in an overwhelming manner.

——"Prime Minister, have a safe journey!"

——" The Northern Expedition was almost successful several times, but was interrupted by slander. It was all God's will. Salute to Kong Ming"

——"Liu Chan was a king who defended the city. He may not have any talent, but he gave Zhuge Liang full trust."


Then a new title appeared on the sky curtain!

"One shot killed three wise men!"

(Please support, guess who it is written about!)

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