The old man was very happy.

"Zhu Di is really a filial son! He deified his father and almost made him a deformed child!"


Li Shimin couldn't help laughing.

"If I had such a..."

"Forget about that rebellious son!"

When he thought of his son putting a big green hat on him, Li felt inexplicably flustered!

Love is a light, green to you~

At this time, the sky was still playing.

[Do you think this is over? No, no! In the eyes of the Qing Dynasty, this is far from enough. After all, how can they show their power if they don't blacken the Ming Dynasty a little bit! ]

[Next, let's take stock of the top ten smears of the Ming Dynasty by the Qing Dynasty! ]

[The first one: the Qing Dynasty was madly slandering the appearance of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, saying that he had a big black pockmark on his face. ]

[But if anyone with a discerning eye saw that the hat was straight, it was obvious that the clothes of the first emperor were all the characteristics of the Qing Dynasty, and they were painted by Qing Dynasty painters! ]

[So this matter is basically confirmed to be deliberately slandering Zhu! ]

[Although the description of Zhu Yuanzhang's appearance by the people of the Ming Dynasty was also non-human! ]

[It was said that he had a towering forehead, a very prominent chin, and 12 black moles on his left cheek, but at that time he was indeed a representative of a dragon, a dragon face, and a son of heaven! ]

[The second one: The Qing Dynasty madly slandered Zhu Yuanzhang for killing meritorious officials through the "History of Ming Dynasty", but the Qing Dynasty never mentioned Zhu Yuanzhang's killing of corrupt officials! ]

[It was said that Zhu Yuanzhang conferred 34 founding heroes after he won the world, but only one of them died a good death! 】

【There is no mention of corrupt officials. In fact, we have checked a lot of information and found that there are records in various books of the Qing Dynasty! 】

【In order to kill corrupt officials, many cruel punishments were used, such as skinning, pulling out tendons, beating in court, and beheading, making the officialdom a terrifying place where everyone is in danger. 】

【But those he killed basically made mistakes, and the people did not kill anyone! 】

【Even the people were encouraged to report corrupt officials! 】

【Under the description of the Qing Dynasty, Zhu became a murderous tyrant. 】

【The fourth thing: The Qing Dynasty fabricated Fengyang Flower Drum to slander the Ming Dynasty! 】

【Fengyang Flower Drum is a folk tune. The opening song is like this, "Since the emergence of Emperor Zhu, there have been nine years of famine in 10 years"! 】

【Let's say, if this was made up by the Ming Dynasty, based on Zhu's temper, did he dislike too many heads or too many nine clans? ]

[Besides, after Zhu ascended the throne, he moved many wealthy families to Fengyang City to increase the GDP of his hometown. The people of Fengyang welcomed him very much! ]

[Besides, Fengyang was impoverished for more than 800 years in ancient history due to floods. What does it have to do with Zhu Yuanzhang? ]

[It is verified that these words appeared in the early Qing Dynasty and were instructed and encouraged by the rulers of the Qing Dynasty at that time. ]

[And there are also some beggars who sing to each other in the streets and alleys and even all over the country. The intention is very sinister. Although there is no evidence so far, anyone who is not stupid probably understands it! ]

Under the sky!

Zhu's face has turned blue with anger!

"Let's bear it, let's bear it again! I can't bear it anymore!"

"You fucking Qing dog, I xxxxx your ancestors for eighteen generations!"

Zhu was so angry that he started to speak in foreign languages!

Zhu Di next to him was trembling with fear. He had been beaten before!

"Come and climb up, old four! I'm not feeling well, let me vent my anger!"

Zhu Di: ...

[The fourth thing: Zheng He's voyages to the West! ]

[It is said that Zheng He's seventh voyage to the West was to find Emperor Jianwen, to ensure the stability of Zhu Di's regime and eliminate future troubles! ]

[Let's not talk about other things, just talk about the funding. Do you think Zhu Di would spend so much money? ]

[And even all the information about Zheng He's voyages to the West was destroyed by the Qing Dynasty. If you say this is not black, I'm afraid even dogs will shake their heads, right? ]

[The fifth thing: Zhu Di's life experience! ]

[The Qing Dynasty slandered Ming Chengzu Zhu Di as not being a Han Chinese, but a minority or Korean. ]

[Let's not talk about right or wrong. Let's check that Zhu Di was born in 1360. At that time, the Yuan Dynasty in the north was still 8 years away from its demise! ]

[Zhu Yuanzhang's base was still in the south at that time and his status was Duke of Wu. He didn't even get the title of king. Do you think he could have found a Goryeo woman in the north at that time as his concubine? 】

【Even if Zhu Di's mother was really Korean, there is no record in Korean history books that the Ming Dynasty was still worshipped after the establishment of the Qing Dynasty. 】

【But Zhu Di said that his biological mother was Zhu Yuanzhang's original wife, Empress Ma, who had big feet.

Zhu Di wrote this to prove that he had legitimately usurped his nephew's throne! ]

[Since we're talking about this, let's gossip a little more. According to some unofficial history, it's not a question of whether Zhu Di is Korean, but whether he is the son of Zhu Yuanzhang. ]

[Because these unofficial history say that when Zhu Yuanzhang defeated Chen Youliang, his wife had been insulted by Chen Youliang, so Zhu Di is actually Chen Youliang's son. ]

[Zhu Yuanzhang was cuckolded, he knew it, so he didn't make him the crown prince in the end, which led to Zhu Di's later rebellion. Of course, these are all unofficial history written by the Qing Dynasty. ]

Under the sky!

Zhu Di looked at Lao Zhu who was about to take action!

"Dad, wait a minute! Let me scold you first! I can't stand it!"

"You are fucking stupid, you idiot xxxx Ixxx your ancestor!"

And he said that he was not the biological son of Queen Ma? Did you see it or what?

The first thing Zhu Di did when he came to power was to destroy these materials.

"Your mother is Lego's son! Qing Dynasty, wait for you! If I don't destroy you, I'll take your surname!"

After cursing, Zhu Di exhaled and said to the old Zhu:

"Dad! I'm done cursing! Go ahead and hit me!"

After that, he lay on the ground obediently, facing the old Zhu with his size 40 big buttocks!

"Get up!"

Old Zhu kicked Zhu Di to the ground!

"Let's see what this rubbish Qing Dynasty can say about our Ming Dynasty!"

"When we go to the end of the Ming Dynasty, we'll tie up all his ancestors!"

Old Zhu looked at the sky with anger on his face.

Qing Dynasty!

"Isn't this all done by you Han people?"

"Want to face it, how badly did Li Shimin blacken Yang Guang? How can we say we blacken him just by learning from him?"

"We all learned from you!"

Qianlong said shamelessly with his yellow teeth bared.

Heshen next to him flattered him!

"Yes! Your Majesty is right!"

"This can't be called slander, we can only say that it is a more detailed description!"

Qianlong grinned!

"It's you! Heshen, you understand my mind!"

"Well done! You deserve a reward!"

"Your Majesty, every word I say is from the bottom of my heart. In my heart, our Qing Dynasty is the most perfect dynasty!"

"Your Majesty, you are the most worthy emperor of all time!"

"Haha... Well said, if all the ministers of our Qing Dynasty are like you, I will have less worries!"

Qianlong was very pleased to hear this!

Ji Xiaolan looked at the two of them like a crosstalk, one really dared to praise and the other really dared to believe!

He was speechless immediately!

"Family members, who understands! I am speechless!"

(Seeking support!)

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