The Great Qin.

"If it is according to what Tianmu said, this is a cruel killing, but according to Qin law, it seems that it can only be sentenced to tattooing and pounding rice!"

(It means that men build the Great Wall and women pound rice, and they are all sentenced to life imprisonment until they die of exhaustion!)

Ying Zheng frowned, he found that these punishments seemed too light.

It seems that it is still not perfect! It's a pity that Li Si was killed by himself!

"If it is according to what Tianmu said, I should have killed her with a knife!"

The emperors of various time and space planes realized at this moment that they did not seem to have any regulations for this kind of punishment!

After all, in ancient times, parents could be said to have the power of life and death over their children. If they killed an unfilial son, they would just kill him.

But the two children on the sky are obviously less than three years old.

From a legal point of view, they probably won't be sentenced to death, but from a human point of view, they should be sentenced to capital punishment!

At this time, the picture on the sky changed again!

Above the sky!

On a busy street, an old man suddenly fell down on the side of the road while walking!

There were many people on this road, but no one took the initiative to step forward.

They all took detours, and even if they couldn't bear it, they would only watch from a distance and let their companions call 120.

(If you want to ask why they didn't call, I don't know if you have ever heard a judge say:)

("Why did you call 120 if you didn't hit him?")

(So it's better to let your companions call and record the video.)

All pedestrians listened to the wailing of the old man on the side of the road, and they all avoided him until the wailing of the old man became smaller and smaller!

The emperor under the sky was stunned when he saw this scene!

Warring States.

"How can this later age be so indifferent? Is that old man a heinous person?"

Confucius suppressed his anger. He didn't understand why no one in the later age, the world of great harmony, helped the old man up?

Is this the decline of humanity or the corruption of morality?


"This old man is obviously injured! How can the pedestrians on the side of the road be so indifferent?"

"They don't even dare to get close. Is this... really the later age?"

Ying Zheng's eyes were filled with deep disappointment!

Others in the hall also looked at the picture on the sky with shock!

This is different from the later age they saw before? How could these people be so...

An old man who is powerless? No one saves him?

At the same time, the narration on the sky sounded!

[Would you help or not in this situation? ]

[Anyway, if it were me, I would probably walk away. ]

[If I go to help, who will defend me if I run into Judge Wang Hao?]

[So what will you choose in this situation? Will you help or not?]

Under the sky!

Warring States

"Of course I will help! Is there any need to consider this?"

"If we watch the old man slowly die on the ground, what will happen to our conscience?"

"It's a pity that I still think that the future is a world of great harmony, and I don't even help an old man!"

Confucius said with anger on his face.

The three thousand disciples behind him quickly echoed:

"Yes, yes! This is what Confucian scholars should do!"

"Is the heart of the future made of stone?"

Three Kingdoms.

"If my mother falls on the side of the road and no one helps her, then I won't let anyone on the side of the road go!"

"Brother, how can people in the future be like this?"

Zhang Fei asked Liu Bei with a puzzled look on his face.

Liu Bei pondered for a moment and said:

"I guess there are difficulties! But in my opinion, if I meet him, I will definitely help him!"

Thinking that Liu Bei has spent his whole life to support the Han Dynasty, who in the world does not know his reputation of benevolence and righteousness since his debut!


Cao Cao also stared at the scene in the sky and thought.

"Looking at the way people in later generations avoid him, I am afraid it is far more than that!"

"I would rather let the world down than let the world let me down!"

"If I were to choose, I would not help him either."

He felt that if he helped him up, something might go wrong! He might even have to pay a price!

Just as everyone under the sky was pondering this question, the sky picture changed again.

It was still the familiar street, and it was still the old man.

He lay on the ground wailing in pain, and a young man saw it!

He walked towards the old man without hesitation, carefully helped him up, and asked with concern if he was injured.

The old man groaned in pain, as if his legs were

Some discomfort.

Without saying anything, the young man carried the old man to a nearby hospital.

After a detailed examination by the doctor, the result was shocking: the old man's calf was actually broken!

So the young man contacted the old man's family!

However, something even more unexpected happened.

After hearing about this, the old man's family not only did not appreciate the young man's kindness, but instead falsely accused the young man of being the culprit who hit the old man.

They ruthlessly took the young man to court, demanding that he pay a huge medical expense of up to 130,000 yuan and a series of expenses such as the so-called mental damages.

[The young man was dumbfounded at the time! ]

[Isn't this naked extortion and fraud? ]

[Is it wrong to do good deeds? ]

[After the outbreak of the case, it attracted widespread attention from the society. At that time, the judge named Wang Hao said to the young man: ]

["If you didn't hit him, why did you go to help?" ]

[Why did you send him to the hospital? 】

【At this point, all the truth is unimportant. From now on, we will teach the next generation that if it is not your business, don’t interfere if you can! 】

【Once you encounter such a thing, if you help, you will most likely be bitten back! 】

(True story, I have experienced it myself!)

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