The old man was very happy.

Everyone under the sky curtain couldn't help but feel lucky after seeing what was said on the sky curtain.

The sky curtain said that this method was still relatively reliable in ancient times.

This shows that they can still continue to use this set of ideas.

At the same time, they were also quite shocked!

Shocked that people in later generations could live so long, and could live to eighty or ninety years old?

At the same time, the new video title on the sky curtain also appeared on the sky curtain!

"Do you believe that there are born bad people in the world? 》

Born bad?

Warring States!

Confucius looked at the title on the sky curtain and frowned.

"Born bad? That shouldn't be the case, right?"

"Isn't a person's goodness and evilness determined by his acquired experiences and upbringing?"

"A newborn baby is so innocent, how could he do evil?"


"Is it true that there are people who are born bad?" This time, Ying Zheng didn't dare to make a comment so early.

After all, he had basically not missed the videos played on the sky curtain before.

But he still didn't believe that someone was born bad.

You know, in his opinion, human nature is good, and the reason why people become bad is often affected by the environment and experience.

There is no record in history books that a person was born evil!

So he still doesn't believe it!

At the same time, the narration on the sky curtain began to sound!

[Confucius said: "When people are born, their nature is good", Xunzi said: "When people are born, their nature is evil, and those who are good are fake." ]

[So do you think people are born good or evil? ]

[Perhaps, we can't simply say a person's goodness or evil, after all, human nature is complicated. 】

【But there is a kind of people who have been confirmed to be born bad - people with "super male syndrome" are also defined as "born bad". 】

Warring States Period.

Confucius looked at the sky with a confused face. Is human nature good?

I wondered when did I say this? I don't even know it myself.

And what about the previous tooth for tooth and eye for eye, I don't remember saying it?

I have always convinced people with virtue, don't put anything on me.

Xunzi also looked at the sky...

"Did I say this? Why don't I know?"

Tang Dynasty.


"Super male syndrome, so terrible? What kind of disease is this? Is there a way to treat it?" Li Shimin couldn't help but take a breath.

"Your Majesty, this should be a congenital disease, I'm afraid it should be incurable!" Changsun Wuji thought for a while and said.

"And it seems that there are not many!"

Li Shimin nodded and believed this statement. Otherwise, if everyone gets this disease, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

At this time, above the sky!

[Next, I will tell you what "super male syndrome" is. This is a congenital genetic problem! It only appears in boys! ]

[Ordinary boys have xy genes, but super males have xyy genes, which are genetic defects. There is no cure for this. ]

[After investigation, this kind of boy is not only born with criminal genes, but also prone to develop "antisocial personality"! ]

[These fetuses with super male syndrome will secrete a hormone in the mother's body. This hormone will affect the mother's mentality and make her maternal love overflow. ]

[Even if the child's chromosome abnormality has been found, he is reluctant to abort his child. ]

[To put it simply, he knows that he may be aborted, so he tries to control the mother's body and his desire to survive is full! ]

[Just think about whether it is scary or not! 】

【This kind of child is usually tall, cold, cruel, cold-blooded and irritable since childhood, moody, violent, highly aggressive, and extremely prone to crime! 】

【In general, they are born to be warlike! 】

Three Kingdoms.

Zhang Fei muttered in confusion: "What xy? What does this mean? Why don't I understand, brother?"

Liu Bei pondered for a while and said: "Third brother, I don't understand it very well, but one thing is certain that the three of us brothers are definitely not that kind of super hero!"

Ming Dynasty.

"This... is this super hero? It's really awesome!"

"Isn't this a natural fighting body?"

Can fight, cold-blooded, isn't it a talent for being a general?

"But this kind of person is also extremely difficult to control!"

The more Lao Zhu looked at this, the more he looked like Lan Yu, the brainless guy.

Lan Yu was a famous troublemaker in the army before. If Lao Zhu was not more ruthless than him, it would be really difficult to subdue him.

At this time, the explanation was still going on above the sky.

[Of course not

It means that all superheroes are born criminals, but the probability is higher. 】

【Some superheroes become real soldiers after being trained and baptized by the army. 】

【If these superheroes were in ancient times, they would be generals who could defeat thousands of enemies, or demons who killed people without blinking an eye. 】

【For example, the Red Hare among horses and Lu Bu among men, there is a high probability that he is a superhero. 】

Lu Bu: ? ? I have already retired, and now you tell me that I am a superhero?

(Seeking support!)

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