The emperor was so angry that he was beaten.

Seeing this title, all the emperors and generals were not calm!


Xianyang Palace.

"Is this future generation not particular?" Ying Zheng looked at the sky with a shocked face.

He felt that these future generations had no moral bottom line?

They even didn't let go of the mausoleum.

He couldn't help but worry about his own mausoleum.

However, he soon showed a confident smile.

"Humph, I have confidence in the imperial mausoleum I built, and no tomb robber should be able to steal his tomb!"

And now he has the opportunity to live forever.

At the same time, Ying Zheng also believed that his mausoleum was strong and hidden enough, and would not be easily discovered and stolen.

After all, that was the place he spent countless efforts to build.


"I have a bad feeling!" Emperor Wu of Han sat on the dragon throne with a solemn expression!

He had a very bad feeling at this moment, and couldn't help wondering if his imperial tomb had been dug up!

What's going on? The person is still there, but the tomb is gone?

At this moment, above the sky.

The narration sounded!

[I'm sure everyone has heard of the imperial tomb, right? That's where the emperor was buried! ]

[Naturally, people would think that there might be countless rare treasures as burial objects. ]

[These treasures are really priceless. Just taking one of them is enough for people to squander for several lifetimes! ]

[Therefore, since ancient times, those tomb robbers have always regarded stealing the emperor's tomb as their ultimate goal! ]

[To say that the most tragic imperial tomb in history, it must be the Song Dynasty. ]

[Their imperial tombs were almost completely looted, and no one was spared. And following closely behind, it was the imperial mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty. 】

Song Dynasty.

"What!" Zhao Kuangyin roared, and the sound shook the entire palace slightly.

"No one was left? Doesn't that mean I was also dug up?" His face turned red in an instant, and the anger in his eyes almost burst out.

He looked at the sky in disbelief, his heart full of anger and confusion.

He wanted to see who was so bold as to touch his mausoleum?

Don't they know that this is a serious violation of the emperor's dignity?

Zhao Kuangyin clenched his fists tightly, his nails deeply embedded in his palms, and a strong murderous intent surged in his heart.

Qing Dynasty.

"What? What do you mean? My Qing Dynasty was also stolen?"

Qianlong sat on the dragon chair, and there was a hundred thousand disbelief in his heart.

Ming Dynasty.

"Hahaha, we are happy this time! "Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the sky curtain saying that the Qing Dynasty was visited by tomb robbers, and the anger in his heart finally got vented!

"You deserve it! You are the dynasty that drags down the progress of China, you deserve to be robbed!"

At this time, in the picture on the sky curtain, the desolate wheat fields were full of stone crafts.

The narration also sounded.

[As the Jin people invaded the Northern Song Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty perished, and the Song Tombs did not escape. Except for the tomb of Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, which was not dug by the Jin people, the rest were basically dug by the Jin people. There was no bone residue left.]

"Take a deep breath! Take a deep breath!"

"I am not angry! I haven't been dug yet! "

Zhao Kuangyin tried to calm himself down.

[But you can't escape the fifteenth day, and soon Song Taizu's tomb welcomed Liu Yu who surrendered to the Jin people!]

[Liu Yu, an emperor who established the pseudo-Qi by tomb robbing, organized a sand-digging army of 100,000 people, specializing in digging people's ancestral tombs.]

[Zhao Kuangyin's tomb was looted by Liu Yu and his men, leaving only the stone statues on both sides of the sacred road. Song Taizu was dug up and there was nothing left of his pants!]

Under the sky!

"I'm so fucking stupid, Liu Yu!" Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help it anymore!

His blood pressure soared when he thought about being smashed to the point that there was nothing left of his pants.

Looking at the desolate imperial tomb on the sky, Lao Zhao wanted to tear Liu Yu apart with his hands.

Another plane.

The donkey cart god of war Zhao Kuangyi was also numb at this time!

"Fuck! This Jin man... has no martial ethics! ”

When I thought about how I was dug up until there was nothing left but my bones, I felt sick.

It seems that it would be better to bury them separately in the future. They were all buried together.

The more I thought about it, the more this made sense. In the future, he and his concubine will be buried in the South Pole and the North Pole respectively!

At this time, the picture on the sky curtain changed again.

[Next is the Qing Dynasty. When talking about the Qing Dynasty, the first thing that comes to mind is the old witch Cixi who was a spendthrift.]

[This thing was not only extravagant and wasteful when she was alive, but also extremely wasteful after her death.

How luxurious! ]

[Her coffin was basically filled with jewels and other burial objects, and even her mouth and anus were filled with night-shining pearls. ]

[There were countless pearls as big as goose eggs, and her clothes were made of silk thread made of gold. ]

[It can be said to be extremely luxurious! ]

Under the sky!

Qing Dynasty.

Yongzheng looked at the jewelry on Cixi's body and the night-shining pearls that were stuffed full, and his heart couldn't help but feel a stab of pain.

He couldn't help but think of the days when he had been frugal and diligent in governing the country for many years, but he had never seen so many precious treasures.

These jewels exuded a dazzling light, as if mocking his frugality and hard work throughout his life.

Qianlong was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

He widened his eyes and could hardly believe what he saw.

These luxurious treasures made him feel extremely shocked and even a little jealous.

He thought: "How can this be called luxury? It's just a small treasury!"

He sighed secretly. His father had never enjoyed such treatment, but Cixi was qualified to have so much wealth.

Qianlong felt dissatisfied.

He couldn't help but get angry when he thought of this!

"Come here, dig up the ancestral tomb of Yehenara for me!"


Late Qing Dynasty.

Cixi looked at the various jewels on the sky with a zombie makeup on her face, and a smug smile appeared on her old face.

When she smiled, the rouge and powder on her face fell down!

"Hmph! Even if I am extravagant, I have the final say in the entire Qing Dynasty!"

"Even if this sky curtain slanders me, I am still extravagant both in life and after death."

At this time, Li Lianying on the side carefully reminded: "Empress Dowager, look at the picture on the sky curtain, it seems that someone is deliberately smearing you."

Cixi glared at him and sneered: "Hmph, you don't need a servant like you to worry about my affairs."

"Who in the world doesn't know that I like jewelry? I am just What's wrong with putting all these treasures in your own mausoleum? "

Li Lianying was so scared that he knelt down and kowtowed, and said tremblingly: "Empress Dowager, calm down. I just think the things on the sky are a little strange, and I'm afraid it will be bad for you."

Cixi waved her hand and said impatiently: "Forget it, get up."

"There is nothing in this world that can threaten me. The things on the sky are just some boring tricks."

After saying that, Cixi looked up at the sky again, with a trace of greed and complacency in her eyes.

She thought to herself that no matter what others said, she was the most powerful woman in the world, and no one could shake her position.

And those jewels will always accompany her and become her eternal wealth.

At this moment, the narration on the sky appeared again with handwriting!

[Although Cixi's mausoleum is extremely luxurious, it is just making wedding clothes for others! 】

【Twenty years after her death, Sun Dianying blew open the door of the old witch Cixi's tomb and stripped her naked. 】

【Even her underwear was not left, and the body was disfigured. Many people spit at Cixi, and then the body was thrown aside casually, and all kinds of jewelry were taken. 】

【Even the night pearl in the anus and mouth were pried out. 】

【Seeing this scene, the editor can only say that it was a great job! 】

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