The old man was very angry.

"Dad! Listen to my explanation! I have my reasons for doing this!"

"My reasons?"



All the emperors under the sky were cursing in their hearts as they watched their imperial tombs being exhibited like this!

Looking at the skulls in the museum, everyone was furious.

"This is the future? Haven't you seen skulls?"

"You're still collecting them?"

At this time, a new video title "No baby boy in the abandoned baby tower!"

No baby boy in the abandoned baby tower?

The ancients under the sky couldn't help but bowed their heads in shame when they saw the title on the sky.

They all thought of their daughters who they had killed with their own hands.

In this era of cannibalism, the concept of favoring boys over girls has been deeply imprinted in their minds.

At the same time, the narration on the sky curtain also sounded!

[There are no male babies in the abandoned baby tower, and no skirts in the school]

[I believe everyone understands the meaning of this poem! It means literally! ]

[There are only female babies in the abandoned baby tower, and there are no women in the school! ]

[In ancient China, there was a shocking phenomenon that drowned newborn babies were thrown into this tower, called the Baby Tower. ]

[The purpose of this tower is to drown newborn babies. ]

[Due to wars and famines, the phenomenon of drowning babies has become more common. ]

[These disasters have made people's lives difficult and unable to feed more children, which has led to more drowning incidents. ]

[Under the influence of the idea of ​​favoring boys over girls, almost all baby girls are abandoned or drowned. 】

【Throw the baby girl into the baby tower, and then the tower gets higher and higher to prevent the baby from escaping. When it accumulates to a certain height, it will burn, and there will be crying every time it burns. 】

【Abandoned baby tower on the mountain, and a temple for seeking children at the bottom of the mountain! 】

The emperors under the sky were silent when they saw the scene on the sky.

They had basically heard about this matter, but they just didn't want to believe it.


Ying Zheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm his anxiety.

"A tower for drowning babies on the mountain, and a temple for seeking children at the bottom of the mountain! What a irony!"

There was no so-called tower for drowning babies in his Qin at this time. Although women had a low status, doing so was indeed against the harmony of heaven.

Looking at the top of the tower with thick black smoke on the sky, and the crying of the baby!

Everyone couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling.

These voices seemed to be calls from hell!


"Is this really the case among the people? Answer me!"

The Emperor Wu of Han was trembling all over at this time, with two lines of blood and tears in his eyes.

He looked at the thick black smoke on the sky, clenched his fists tightly, and his nails dug deep into his palms.

"Your Majesty! Although there is no so-called abandoned baby tower among the people, the survival rate of baby girls is not as good as that of baby boys."

The official on the side handed over a civilian register tremblingly, and said in a trembling voice.

This civilian register records the living conditions and demographic data of the people in various places. The data on it shocked and angered the Emperor Wu of Han.

Liu Che took the civilian register and opened it. He saw that it was densely recorded with the family conditions of the people in various places and the life and death of the babies.

He looked at these numbers carefully and found that the problems were getting worse and worse.

On average, five baby girls died in every ten children.

This number was unacceptable to the Emperor Wu of Han. He widened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

What does this mean?

This means that countless innocent lives were abandoned and strangled, and the murderers were their biological parents.

"How is this possible? This is impossible!" Emperor Wu of Han muttered to himself. He couldn't believe what he saw.

He knew that there was a phenomenon of favoring boys over girls among the people, but he didn't expect it to reach this point?

"However, what is recorded on the list in front of him is true!

He knew the seriousness of this problem!

If no measures are taken to solve this problem, more baby girls will lose their lives, and the ratio of men to women will be seriously unbalanced by then. This...

Emperor Wu of Han closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm his emotions.

"Pass on my decree. From now on, anyone who gives birth to a girl will be given one stone of rice and one piece of cloth to help them raise children."

"At the same time, I will order severe punishment for those who drowned baby girls, and I will never tolerate it!"

Emperor Wu of Han opened his eyes and said with a firm look.

He wanted to use his actions to prove his determination on this issue and let the people of the world know that he would not tolerate this.

Such a thing happened.


The ministers knelt down to receive the order, expressing their willingness to fully support the decision of Emperor Wu of Han.

However, everyone knew that even so, there would probably not be much change!

Tang Dynasty.

"Abandoned baby tower? Why haven't I heard of it? Have you heard of it?" Li Shimin looked at the officials with some doubts and asked.

"Your Majesty, I haven't heard of it either!" Wei Zheng, Zhangsun Wuji, and Fang Xuanling all shook their heads.

But they also knew that the people really valued boys over girls!

But this is someone else's family affair, and they can't control it.

You can't go up and say that you are guilty of not giving birth to a girl, right?

At this time, the sky curtain is still going on!

The sky curtain is full of crying baby girls, and those who hear it are sad and those who see it cry!

"Woo woo woo..."

An official saw with his own eyes that the roadside in the place he managed was full of abandoned babies, most of them were baby girls.

"What's going on?"

"Sir, these are all baby girls who were abandoned shortly after they were born."

The official was heartbroken: "Too pitiful, too cruel."

It was really unbearable, so he directly wrote a letter to the court.

[All the baby girls also lost many female souls on the road to the underworld because of his appearance. ]

[The advantage in ancient times was that the preference for boys over girls in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was more serious. Once a baby girl was born, most people chose to drown her! ]

[In order to save baby girls, Yu Maojian, an official in the Ming Dynasty, forcibly introduced the order to protect girls. ]

[It is strictly forbidden to drown baby girls. Violators will be fined fifty boards, and families with girls will also be given certain treatment! ]

[Families with girls can receive three years of clothing and fabric as a reward. The number of newborn girls will be checked every month. Once any mistakes are found, the punishment will be increased. ]

[After raising baby girls for three years, the people will not have the heart to drown them again because they have feelings for them. ]

Under this policy, although women still have a hard life, the mortality rate has also been reduced a lot.

But the power of a single person is always limited.

This still cannot change the status quo.

Yu Maojian's action also accumulated great merits for him. In ancient times, the average life expectancy was 36 years old. Yu Maojian died of natural causes at the age of 92!

All the women under the canopy looked at the statue of Yu Maojian on the canopy and knelt down!

"Sir, you have great righteousness and merits. If it weren't for the pressure of life, who would be willing to kill their own children!"

"Sir, you deserve to be enshrined in the Imperial Ancestral Temple!"

Ming Dynasty.

Old Zhu looked at Yu Maojian on the canopy proudly!

"This is the official of our Ming Dynasty. Our Ming Dynasty lacks such a parent official who cares about the people!"

Zhu Yuanzhang turned to look at Zhu Biao and asked, "Biao'er, what do you think about this?"

Zhu Biao thought for a while and said, "Father, I think the most urgent task should be to follow Yu Maojian's example and promote the policy of protecting women throughout the country."

, Since the power of one person is limited, then if all people in my Ming Dynasty do this, the power must be infinite!

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said, "Very good! Our Biao'er has grown up!"

"I will immediately order people to draft an imperial edict and announce to the world that drowning baby girls is strictly prohibited. Violators will be severely punished! In addition, some rewards will be given to families with daughters to encourage childbirth."

As soon as the imperial edict came out, the world was in an uproar.

Although some people had doubts about this, under the deterrence of severe punishment, the behavior of drowning baby girls gradually decreased.

At this moment, the picture on the sky curtain suddenly changed, as if it was controlled by an invisible hand.

The new picture was presented to everyone, and with the background music (BGM) playing, the atmosphere instantly became weird and mysterious.

A line of words appeared on the screen: "One hundred families have daughters, one family keeps them, one family has daughters, and hundreds of families ask for them!"

Then, a familiar melody sounded, and the lyrics were like weeping: "The eighteenth day of the first lunar month, an auspicious day, sorghum is carried..."

This voice makes people feel a little creepy!

The song continued, Sora's voice echoed in the air, as if coming from the netherworld, with endless sorrow and desolation:

"She cried with a smile, guess how she cried with a smile, cried with a smile..."

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