The more hungry you are, the more you will die.

[Yuan Longping had personally witnessed people who lost their lives due to hunger. Their eyes full of despair and helplessness were deeply imprinted in his heart and he could not forget them for a long time.]

[This experience made him more determined: in his lifetime, he must ensure that the people of his country can fill their stomachs and every household must have enough food reserves!]

[From then on, he had an indissoluble bond with hybrid rice.]

[He knew that if he wanted to achieve the goal of everyone having enough food, he must devote himself to the research and development of high-yield crop seeds. ]

[At the beginning, he focused his research on sweet potatoes, and after unremitting efforts, he successfully cultivated a giant sweet potato weighing 18 kilograms, winning the reputation of "King of Sweet Potatoes". ]

[But he soon discovered that such results that only brought about changes in quality but could not achieve quantitative growth could not be continued through seed inheritance. ]

[After all, only heritable excellent characteristics can truly solve the most basic survival needs of the people. ]

[So he turned around again without hesitation and devoted himself to the in-depth study of rice! ]

[During the arduous and long research process, one day, a unique rice plant suddenly caught his eye. ]

[This rice plant was particularly special. Its rice ears were heavy, each grain of rice was very full, and the plant was tall and strong, which was amazing. ]

[He counted carefully and was surprised to find that this rice plant had produced as many as 230 grains of rice. 】

【This amazing discovery gave him an idea, and he thought: "If the rice grains on this rice plant can be used as seeds and planted in the experimental field, will it produce unexpected results?"】

【With full expectations, he quickly sowed the rice grains in the experimental field. 】

【However, things did not develop in the direction he expected. 】

【When the newly grown rice matured, the results were disappointing. 】

【These rice plants were far inferior to the special original rice plant in terms of both yield and quality. 】

【Faced with such setbacks, he was not discouraged, but fell into deeper thinking. 】

【He began to wonder whether it was possible to cultivate hybrid rice through artificial means. 】

【In order to achieve this grand goal, he was not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and resolutely stepped into the vast, steaming 140,000 rice fields. 】

【Under the scorching sun, he carefully completed the meticulous manual pollination work one by one. 】

【After searching in the rice fields for a long time, his skin was tanned by the scorching sun! 】

【However, he didn't care. He had only one firm belief in his heart - to find the wild male sterile rice that he had dreamed of. 】

【Time flies, and after long and unremitting efforts, one day in 1963, he finally found the first precious wild male sterile rice in the vast sea of ​​rice. 】

【This discovery marks the first milestone in hybrid rice research, but it is also the most difficult and critical step! 】

At this moment, the steady and infectious voice of the commentator came from the sky, accompanied by the realistic picture that seemed to be in a steamer.

Countless viewers crossed the boundaries of time and space, staring at everything in the sky, and empathized with the unbearable hot atmosphere.

When they cast their eyes on the tanned but still determined old man Yuan, they couldn't help but feel a sincere respect and admiration in their hearts.

Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period.

Confucius stared at the vast sky above his head with a gloomy face, and ripples appeared in his heart.

"It was the time when the sun was scorching and scorching, but there was a man who stepped into the hot fields like a steamer alone and searched for a full 140,000 rice plants one by one without any effort."

"Just such perseverance and determination are enough to make me admire and humbly follow!"

"Such extraordinary perseverance and grand wishes are really worthy of our generation of sages' admiration!" Confucius said with deep emotion.

The three thousand disciples standing behind him were all dumbfounded and shocked - when had they ever witnessed their beloved teacher giving such supreme praise to others?

Even Laozi, who taught the great truth, did not seem to have won such great respect as Confucius.


However, after everyone thought about it for a while, the doubts in their hearts suddenly became clear:

It seems that the brilliant achievements made by the person in the sky have almost reached the realm of deification!

Being able to fill the stomachs of the people all over the world, no matter what era he is in, he is absolutely worthy of the admiration and respect of the world.

Great Qin

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng also stared at the sky in front of him, his eyes filled with incredible horror!

He simply couldn't imagine that someone in the future would have such a shocking and tenacious perseverance that he could search one by one in the vast 140,000 rice fields!

This kind of tenacious spirit beyond the limit of ordinary people is unprecedented and unheard of!

For a time, the first emperor couldn't help but fall into deep thought...

If this was a merit to build a temple and deify him in his time!

[This amazing discovery made Yuan Lao refreshed and full of energy. 】

【He took out all the wealth he had accumulated over the years without hesitation and devoted himself to the experiment. 】

【In order to advance the experimental process faster, he lived in the laboratory for a long time, rarely returned home to visit his family, and even rarely saw his family a few times a year! 】

【After countless attempts and efforts, he finally made some remarkable progress by hybridizing the cultivated rice! 】

】However, unfortunately, when the harvest season came, the long-awaited high yield did not appear, but the number of weeds in the rice fields increased a lot more than before. 】

【For a while, all kinds of doubts and sarcasm from the outside world came one after another: "Don't waste time studying hybrid rice, just study those weeds!" 】


Zhu Di looked at those people who mocked Yuan Lao on the sky curtain, and was so angry that he slapped the table in front of him.

"Such a tenacious person, in order to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people, is willing to give up the time to accompany his family and bury his head in the fields to study hard!"

"How dare someone question this?"

"Someone even spread such rumors!"

"I really want to exterminate your ten clans!"

Zhu Di roared with murderous intent.

The emperors of all time and space were furious!

Not only the emperors and generals, but even the common people had red eyes.

In their eyes, people like Yuan Lao would not tolerate any insults.

He could have had a better life, but he chose this most difficult path so that the people of the world could have a full meal!

He did this for the people of the world!

Such a person is worthy of being deified!

How dare they be so sarcastic about the gods who are worshipped by the world for eternity?

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