The two tribes fought against each other.

【The Xianbei and Jie, these two tribes, never carried food and ate people. Every time they conquered a city, they would round up the people and make them livestock. 】

【They provided them with entertainment, and when they died, they dried them in the wind as food, and called the Han people "two-legged sheep". 】

【They also created various ways of eating them, and their methods were cruel and vicious. 】

【At that time, the Five Barbarians invaded China and entered the Central Plains. They killed Han men whenever they saw them! 】

【Young girls with no fighting power were called "two-legged sheep" and were slaves in their eyes. 】

【The entire Central Plains was in chaos, and the tragic situation was not recorded in history books. 】

【The most brutal person was Shi Hu, the emperor of the Later Zhao Dynasty! ]

[He was violent and cruel, regarded human life as worthless, was murderous, and was licentious. ]

[Shi Hu not only did this himself, but also issued an edict to the whole country: all women between the ages of thirteen and twenty, whether married or not, must wait for his favor. ]

[As soon as this order was issued, women in the folk suffered and the people were miserable. ]

[Shi Hu forcibly took away more than nine thousand wives from the people every year, and those men who dared to resist or committed suicide because they could not bear the humiliation were as many as five thousand. ]

[Such evil deeds are really infuriating to both humans and gods! ]

[Shi Hu's atrocities made people's lives miserable and the society turbulent. ]

[Shi Hu's son Shi Sui was simply a more cruel and immoral beast than his father! ]

[This guy had a perverted and twisted fetish for beautiful women - he often dressed up those young and beautiful women carefully to make them look gorgeous and charming. ]

[But then he mercilessly swung his butcher knife to cut off their necks, and made these bloody heads into bonsai as precious works of art for people to enjoy! ]

[Not only that, Shi Sui would go even further and mix the victims' incomplete bodies with cattle, sheep and other livestock meat and cook them into food to enjoy! ]

Warring States Period.

Confucius was so angry that his face turned red like a ripe apple, veins on his forehead bulged, his fists were clenched tightly, his nails were deeply embedded in his palms, and his whole body was trembling slightly with anger.

He stared at the scene in the sky with his eyes wide open, his eyes full of disbelief and endless anger.

This scene was so bad and cruel that it was simply unforgivable!

Confucius could not suppress his anger and grief. He looked up at the sky and roared:

"Oh, God! Why is there such a crazy thing? Is there really no justice in the world?"

The voice was deafening, as if it was going to tear the sky apart.

At this moment, Confucius had completely lost his mind. His emotions were surging like a volcanic eruption, and the anger in his heart was burning more and more vigorously.

He was completely in a frenzy, forgetting all etiquette and morality, just wanting to let the world know how hateful this behavior is!

The Three Kingdoms.

Cao Cao looked at the sky in shock, and the whole person fell into silence.

He didn't expect that the Five Barbarians would be so tragic.

Even Xu Chu and other tiger generals couldn't bear to watch it!

Cao Cao called the poisonous scholar Jia Xu overnight with a serious expression and talked all night.

Looking at the horrible scene in the picture, the faces of the people in different time and space were full of fear and anger.

【As the saying goes: "One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers"】

【In the end, Shi Sui was killed by Shi Hu. 】

【Shi Hu was even more cruel to his other son. He not only pulled out his tongue, but also dug out his eyes, and finally tortured him to death. 】

【The Five Barbarians Rebellion caused by the Sima family led to a sharp decline in the entire Han population. The original Han population of 35 million was reduced to only 4 million. 】

【The corpses of Han people were everywhere outside the city, which was shocking! 】

【Just when the Han people were facing the disaster of genocide, the great king Ran Min came out of nowhere. 】

【Ran Min was born into a family of generals and was adopted by Shi Hu as a grandson, but he never forgot his identity as a Han Chinese. ]

[Watching his compatriots being eaten to the point of only a pile of bones and dregs, and the imminent extinction of the race, Ran Min finally could not bear it any longer and resolutely stepped forward. ]

[He usurped the throne and overthrew the Later Zhao, and issued an order to kill the Hu people. ]

[For a time, those Han people who did not like fighting put down their farming tools, picked up sharp swords, and actively responded to Ran Min's call. ]

[In just one day, as many as 200,000 Hu people were killed. ]

[In the end, the most brutal and cruel Jie tribe among the Five Hu tribes was exterminated. ]

[After Ran Min successfully captured the Jie tribe's capital Yecheng, the scene in front of him was unbearable.

I couldn't bear to look at it directly - there were actually 200,000 Han women imprisoned in the entire city! ]

[These poor and innocent women were treated like livestock by the Hu people and imprisoned with them. ]

[Looking around, the incomplete bodies of Han men were lying everywhere in the city, and the miserable situation was simply unbearable to watch. ]

[Even those originally thin and weak wild dogs became as strong and fat as calves because of eating human flesh...]

Such a hellish scene made countless people watching the sky curtain cry.

[Later, Ran Min was defeated by the Xianbei, and only 150,000 Han women were saved. The remaining 50,000 Han people were taken away by the Xianbei. After Yecheng was captured by the Xianbei, it took only one winter for the 50,000 Han girls to be eaten by the Xianbei. Their bones were piled up like mountains outside the city, and there were dozens of mountains made of white bones. ]


Ying Zheng was trembling all over, not because of fear but because of anger.

Tears flowed down his cheeks. The scene in front of him made this ruthless man who destroyed the six kingdoms cry.

Looking at the mountain of bones outside the city, Ying Zheng seemed to see their desperate eyes.

As if he heard their helpless shouts.

An endless sadness came from Ying Zheng, and then turned into a strong murderous aura.

"Wang Jian, Meng Tian, ​​listen to my orders. Now gather the army and call the whole country to kill the Hu people!"


Looking at the sky, what he saw was full of war, collapsed houses, and corpses everywhere, many of which were Han men.

Emperor Wu of Han shed two lines of blood and tears.

"I swear here that I will destroy these Hu people in this life!" The voice revealed unprecedented anger.

Sui Dynasty.

Yang Jian looked up at the sky, staring at the various scenes on the sky, and an uncontrollable fear and pain surged in his heart.

He covered his head tightly, as if to block those unbearable memories.

Yang Jian, who had personally experienced that dark age, understood the cruelty and ruthlessness of that period more deeply than anyone else.

The world at that time was full of war, famine and plague. People lived in dire straits and countless lives withered in suffering.

At this moment, Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian's body trembled slightly, and his hands tightly hugged his head, as if trying to resist the memories that came like a tide.

His head was splitting, his eyes were bloodshot, and even bright red tears of blood flowed. This scene frightened the officials around him and turned pale as paper.

Empress Dugu walked to Yang Jian anxiously and hugged him into her arms without hesitation.

She comforted him softly: "Jian, everything is over, over. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I am here and will always be with you."

She gently stroked Yang Jian's hair and looked at him with loving eyes, her eyes full of pity. Tears slid down her cheeks and dripped onto Yang Jian's hands.

She knew that her husband was under great pressure and pain, and at this moment, she just wanted to give him endless care and support.

With the comfort of Queen Dugu, Yang Jian's emotions gradually calmed down, but he was still immersed in the memories of the past.

That dark age left him with too deep scars, and even with the passage of time, it was difficult to heal completely.

Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms plane.

Cao Cao stared at the hellish scene in front of him, and the anger in his heart was unstoppable like a volcanic eruption.

Wherever he looked, there were piles of bones, as if telling the world about endless grievances and sufferings.

Cao Cao was so angry that his face turned red, and the veins on his neck bulged. His originally majestic face became extremely hideous at this moment. He was furious and roared:

"These abominable beasts! I am so angry! Someone come!" His voice was deafening and echoed in the deadly battlefield.

Xu Chu on the side had already burst into tears, and the other counselors were also stunned by the horrible scene in front of them.

After hearing Cao Cao's shout, they woke up from their dreams, wiped away the tears from their eyes, and responded in unison: "I am here, and I will listen to the Prime Minister's orders!"

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