The first time, the last time, the last time.

Everyone in different time and space was stunned when seeing this title!

Warring States Period.

Confucius looked at the title on the sky and said!

"Only a strong body can better teach and impart knowledge, this military training is very approved by me!"

Among the six arts of a gentleman, there is riding and shooting!


"Student? It sounds like a student, but he is still in the army?" Ying Zheng was a little confused.

The same is true for all the officials below!

"In their opinion, aren't those sour Confucians just talking about war on paper?"

The Confucian scholars thought: "How can a scholar wield a sword and a stick! It's disrespectful!"

"Shouldn't scholars study hard? Are we going to let these weak scholars go to the battlefield?"

The six arts of a gentleman in the Warring States period have been completely dismantled by them!

In the sky.

[The camera slowly moves across the young faces of the students who are full of vitality and energy, and then the wide and flat playground comes into view. ]

[Looking around, I saw a group of students in camouflage uniforms standing densely on the playground! ]

[They are tall and majestic, as indestructible as the Great Wall of Steel. ]

[From a distance, dozens of neat and uniform square formations are scattered on the playground like a chessboard. 】

【Each square is composed of students. Although there are many people, the distance and movements between them are so coordinated, as if they have been trained countless times. 】

【Although there are thousands of people on the scene, there is no sign of noise or chaos. 】

【Every student is focused and solemn. Only the colorful flags fluttering in the wind around them are fluttering in the wind, which makes them look particularly majestic! 】

【As the host on the reviewing stand begins to introduce! This military training also kicks off! 】

"Attending today's meeting are the deputy commander and deputy chief of staff of the Guangxi Military Region, and the deputy commander and chief of staff of the Nanning Garrison District!"

The scene changes again!

"Report to the commander, the military training of Guangxi colleges and universities has been completed, please give instructions!"


【Start with an order from the reviewing stand! 】

"Students, are you ready?" Accompanied by the shout of the commander-in-chief of the military training!

【"Always be prepared!" 】

【Always be prepared! 】

【Always be prepared! 】

The voice is high and loud! It resounds through the world!

"We were born under the national flag and grew up in the spring breeze!"

"The people have faith, the country has strength, and the nation has hope!

"Everywhere you look, it's China."

"The five stars shine, all for faith!"

"I hope to defend the prosperity of China with my youth!"

"I hope to defend the prosperity of China with my youth!"

"I hope to defend the prosperity of China with my youth!"

"I hope to defend the prosperity of China with my youth!" "


Accompanied by the majestic and domineering BJM, the square formations composed of students walked across the reviewing stand one by one!

The movements were neat and neat!


Ying Zheng was shocked by the scene in front of him!

He couldn't help but praise loudly!

Although the faces of the students on the sky in front of him were immature, the momentum alone was enough to shock people!

Both their discipline and obedience shocked him!

As long as these children have been baptized by blood on the battlefield, the remaining ones can become an invincible army with a little training!

The Han plane!

Emperor Wu of Han looked at the picture on the sky!

He asked: "Wei Qing, Qubing, what do you two think of this team?"

Wei Qing spoke first: "Although they are immature, their movements are neat and uniform, and they already have some military spirit. With a little training, they can be called a tiger and wolf army!"

Huo Qubing also echoed: "This training method is the ultimate in military strategy! "

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin could not help but admire it!

"Everyone in the future is like this, I am very pleased!"

"Compared to the people in the future, everyone is like a dragon!"

Northern Wei!

Hua Mulan widened her eyes and asked in disbelief:

"Don't women need to hide their female bodies when they join the army in the future?"

There was a hint of doubt and surprise in her voice, as if she couldn't understand the changes in this era.

After all, in her time, it was an extremely rare and dangerous thing for women to join the army, and they had to hide their true identities to survive.

Hua Mulan remembered her experience of dressing up as a man and joining the army on behalf of her father, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of emotion in her heart.

At that time, she not only had to face the test of life and death on the battlefield, but also had to face the test of life and death on the battlefield.

Always be careful not to let others discover her secret.

And now, can women show their true faces openly and join the army?

Such a scene makes Hua Mulan both envious and curious.

Ming Dynasty.

At first, Zhu Yuanzhang did not have high expectations for these children.

In his eyes, most scholars are gentle and weak, so what can they do?

However, the facts have greatly changed his mind!

Now he has a new understanding of these children.

What surprised him even more was that there were girls among these children!

Their weak and petite figures are incompatible with the battlefield, which makes people wonder: Can these girls really withstand the baptism of war and go to the front line?

The sky changed its face.

On the parade stand, the commander-in-chief of the parade ordered calmly: "Next, conduct a practical operation exercise, start!"

The infantry phalanx rushed to the distribution point as fast as the wind.

The boys in front carried their own guns, ammunition and grenades!

A weak girl in the back picked up a rocket launcher thicker than her arm like a strongman!

There was also a mortar in the back.

A girl lay on the ground like a cheetah, holding a sniper rifle, her eyes as firm as an eagle.

Seeing this scene, all the emperors were puzzled. They thought to themselves:

"Don't they say that students are just scholars who are powerless?"

"How can these scholars have such a strong aura and power?"

If scholars are like this, then aren't the military generals against the sky? ? ?

What was even more surprising was that a boy pulled open a tank and sat in it.

In a blink of an eye, several infantry fighting vehicles slowly drove towards the simulated battlefield, and opposite was the infantry-tank coordinated exercise!

The scene changes again!

The charge horn, which is unique to China, sounds, and everyone is in their respective positions!

The students whizzed across the simulated trenches and rushed towards the opponent without hesitation.

The following scene directly shocked the emperors of all dynasties.

What tactical action drills, temporary pontoon bridge construction, firepower coordination by class, military unarmed combat, armed combat, tactical sign language drills, and even more excessive, there is armed swimming!

For a time, smoke rose everywhere!

The Great Qin Plane

The First Emperor was so shocked that he couldn't speak!

"It's careless, isn't this an invincible army?"

The Han Dynasty.

The Emperor Wu of Han was also shocked and opened his mouth!

"Is this the military training of later generations?"

"So hardcore?"

The Tang Dynasty!

Li Er was shocked and widened his eyes.

"Is this an exercise? You call this an exercise?"

"I'm afraid you are going to destroy the country?"

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