The battle was over, and the battle was over.

The narration also sounded as the screen changed!

【After this battle, our country began to devote itself to the research and development of a new generation of fighter planes! 】

【They vowed that there would never be such a shame again! We must have fighter planes that can defeat all the enemy forces! 】

【Finally, after several years of hard work, our country's fourth-generation fighter planes have been completed! 】

【It's nothing to invent an airplane, and it's nothing to manufacture an airplane, but it's not easy to test an airplane! 】

【Since the development of Chinese aircraft, each of them has undergone rigorous testing! 】

【And the test pilot is the last test of the aircraft! 】

【As of now, there are only more than 100 test pilots in China, and there are more than 30 who died on duty! 】

The sky screen switched again!

In the picture, a new fighter plane roared past and rushed into the blue sky.

The test pilots nervously watched the various data of the aircraft.

However, at this moment, an accident happened.

The plane suddenly lost control and fell rapidly.

The test pilot tried his best to control and try to save the situation, but it was too late.

"The left wing is broken, I can't go back!"

There was a dead silence in the command center, everyone held their breath, and their eyes were fixed on the screen.

"Eject! Eject!" The commander shouted hoarsely.

"Parachute immediately, parachute immediately!"

The test pilot in the cockpit said with regret: "Please tell my girlfriend that I love her forever!"

"I love him forever!"

The plane crashed to the ground, causing a huge explosion.

The scene was a sea of ​​fire and thick smoke.

Rescue workers arrived quickly and started the rescue.

But unfortunately, the test pilot had died heroically. He was one of the outstanding test pilots in my country.

He used his life to pave the way for the aviation industry of the motherland.

The picture changed again!

In the picture, a test pilot walked towards a brand new fighter. He walked firmly, his expression was focused, and he exuded a sense of mission.

The test pilot boarded the fighter, started the engine, and the plane gradually accelerated and slid.

He calmly controlled the plane and flew into the blue sky.

A silver-gray fighter rushed towards the boundless blue sky like an arrow from a string.

Everyone in the command center stared at the data that kept jumping on the screen with a tense expression!

At thousands of meters in the air, the test pilot was facing countless unknown challenges and extreme dangers.

But he was fearless. Relying on his extraordinary driving skills and extraordinary courage, he successfully completed a series of breathtaking and difficult actions without any danger.

Just as the test flight was about to be successfully completed, something strange happened.

——The plane broke down without any warning.

In an instant, the warning lights on the dashboard flashed wildly, and the plane fell out of control and began to fall rapidly at an alarming speed.

Faced with such a life-and-death situation, the test pilot showed extraordinary calmness and courage.

He tried his best to stabilize the shaky plane.

Unfortunately, the situation went against his wishes, and the situation became more and more dangerous. The speed of the plane's fall increased instead of decreasing.

"Both engines are out!!"

When everyone in the command center learned the news, they shouted in unison in a panic:

"Parachute now! Parachute now!!"

At this moment, the test pilot in the fighter plane looked ahead and found that there was a prosperous and lively city, and there was still a missile in the fuel tank of the fighter plane he was driving that had not been launched!

If he chose to abandon the plane and parachute to escape at this moment, then the missile would most likely explode in the center of the city, and the casualties would be countless...

This was the first time he disobeyed orders!

"I'm sorry, commander, there is a city ahead, I must drive to the no-man's land!"

"Please parachute immediately!" Everyone in the command center shouted into the intercom with tears in their eyes!

Finally drove to the no-man's land, but the fighter plane was already seriously damaged and the ejection system had failed!

"Brothers, I can't go back, tell my wife that I can't return!"

"When the son is born, call him Bayi!"

Then the fighter plane fell to the ground and exploded violently!

[This is the Chinese soldier, as a Chinese citizen, you can trust them unconditionally! ]

[Chinese soldiers have three lives: "Life plus mission equals the life of a soldier!"]

Everyone in the time and space planes saw this scene in tears!

"Oh my God, his child

"He died before his son was born!"

If everyone in the future is like this, China will be like this forever!

"If China does not prosper, it will be unforgivable"

Then, the screen on the sky screen kept switching!

[One fighter plane after another fell rapidly like a bird with broken wings!]

[One brave and fearless test pilot after another died heroically!]

[At the same time, their voices full of endless regrets and nostalgia were clearly heard through the sky screen!]

"I can't go back anymore! Dad, Mom, I'm really sorry! Son, I'm sorry..."

"I'm afraid I can't go back anymore, brothers, please take good care of my family for me! My wife, I love..."

"I can't go back anymore, but you must keep going!"

"Please keep going..."


At this time, the bullet screen on the sky screen passed by one by one!

"Why am I crying just by watching..."

"Salute to those heroes! ”

“Last March, a college senior died while testing a plane. He was only 25! He was going to marry his girlfriend in April!”

“There is no such thing as a peaceful life. It’s just that countless heroes are carrying heavy burdens and moving forward!”


[Accompanied by these last words that pierce people’s hearts like curved sharp knives.]

The various time and space planes became more and more tragic and solemn!

It seemed that even the air was frozen, making it hard to breathe.

Everyone’s heart seemed to be pressed by a heavy boulder, and their eyes couldn’t help but moisten!


“I am proud of my descendants of China!” Ying Zheng couldn’t help but feel a little sad when he looked at the scenes in the sky!

“At this moment, he no longer envied the powerful weapons of later generations!”

“It turns out that the powerful weapons of later generations were made of the blood of countless soldiers!”


“My descendants of China are like this, and we, the predecessors, can’t be too inferior. "

"Let's go fight the Xiongnu!" Emperor Wu of Han Liu Che said with a heavy heart!

Huo Qubing and Wei Qing behind him also said nothing, but the tears in their eyes were about to burst out!

Tang Dynasty!

In this prosperous Chang'an City!

"Come here! Quickly get my tribute wine, I want to personally send off the heroes of the future generations! "

Emperor Li Er shouted loudly with a voice as loud as a bell, but his eyes were full of tears.

These brave and fearless soldiers in later generations deeply moved the emperor with their actions!

And now the video has come to the end!

One photo after another appeared on the sky curtain!

The narration sounded!

[Salute to the test pilots and countless heroes who sacrificed for the development of our country's air force!]

(My writing skills are too weak to describe their greatness. A few words are their magnificent life. I am deeply sorry!)

When all planes were sad, a new video was refreshed on the sky curtain

["The Man Who Wrote More Than 40,000 Poems in His Life"]

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