The battle was over, and the battle was over.

[Due to Empress Dowager Cixi's birthday, she used the Beiyang Navy's military funds to repair the garden, resulting in the Beiyang Navy having no military funds to repair warships and upgrade cannons! ]

A few months later, facing the Japanese combined fleet that was running freely on the sea, the Beiyang Navy could only let it run rampant.

The sky screen changed!

[Ding Ruchang of the Beiyang Navy led the Beiyang Navy to fight against the siege of the Japanese army. When he ran out of ammunition and food and reinforcements had not arrived, Ding Ruchang refused to surrender to the Japanese army! ]

[He took opium and died heroically for his country, and left a last word! ]

"I will never abandon the great cause of serving the country, and now I can only die to fulfill my duties as a minister!"

At the same time.

Some people who were unwilling to accept the facts also died with Ding Ruchang!

Since then, the Beiyang Fleet, once the best in Asia, was completely wiped out!

"After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, under the instruction of Empress Dowager Cixi, Li Hongzhang went to Japan and signed the humiliating Treaty of Shimonoseki"

[According to the treaty, China ceded the Liaodong Peninsula, Taiwan Island and its affiliated islands, and the Penghu Islands to Japan and compensated Japan with 200 million taels of silver! ]

[ At the same time, four cities including Shashi, Chongqing, Suzhou, and Hangzhou were added as commercial ports, and small Japanese were allowed to invest and set up factories in China's trading ports. ”】

At this time, the bullet comments on the sky were overwhelming!

——You have money but no national defense, Cixi, you deserve to be whipped!

——Shame, this is a shame!

——Fuck, I'm so angry!

——I actually saw the words about Ding Ruchang's surrender on a piece of news

——If it weren't for Cixi, the Japanese would have been sunk long ago

——Cixi, give me back my two million!

The plane of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty.

Yongzheng was reviewing the memorial at this time, and the brush in his hand fell down!

Seeing the "Treaty of Shimonoseki" on the sky

I couldn't help but feel my heart bleeding.

"I have been frugal all my life, and you are spending these hundreds of millions of taels of silver!"

"You have spent all my life's assets in one go?"

"Gone in one go? "

The plane of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty.

Kangxi looked at everything on the sky and was so angry that he fainted!

The ministers beside him were so scared that they turned pale. They pinched his Ren Zhong and called the imperial physician!

It took a while to save Kangxi!

The plane of the Qing Dynasty.

Emperor Guangxu knelt in the palace dejectedly! He muttered to himself like a walking corpse:

"Whoever loses an inch of land shall not be included in the ancestral spirits. Whoever loses an inch of land shall lose 1,800 miles of land!"

"Ah! "

The miserable cry resounded in the Forbidden City!

However, the screen changed

"Cixi Announces the Winning List"

[On how much Cixi spent in her later years, if she was given a chance to be the empress dowager, she would pay 450 million taels of silver (980 million taels of silver including principal and interest), and if she was given a mouth, she would dare to declare war on twelve countries at the same time!]

The screen suddenly changed!

Cixi's face with zombie makeup appeared in the center of the screen!

Emperors from all time and space were stunned!

"Fuck! What the hell is this?"

Cixi was sitting on the dragon throne, her old face drooping, and her aura was very powerful!

She said with gritted teeth!

"Then issue a declaration of war to these twelve countries!"

"Let them know that my Qing Dynasty is not easy to mess with!"

"I want the foreigners to die!"

"I will bite them to death even if I have to bite them with my teeth even if I have to beat ten of them! "

Emperors from all time and space were a little confused. When did the Qing Dynasty become so tough?

Just now, they were paying compensation and ceding territory. What's going on?

"Declare war on twelve countries at the same time? Where does she get the courage? ”

Just when the emperors were confused!

The voice of Cixi, the old witch, rang out in the sky, and then foreign flags were erected in the sky!

[Declare war on England!]

[Declare war on France!]

[Declare war on the United States!]

[Declare war on Germany!]

[Declare war on Russia!]

[Declare war on Italy!]

[Declare war on Austria!]

[Declare war on Japan!]

As Cixi declared war on 12 countries, the Eight-Nation Alliance attacked Beijing with foreign guns and cannons!

"Cixi, who was beaten to no end, could only ask for peace. During the negotiation process, in addition to the eight countries that participated in the war, six more countries said that their property was lost in the war and asked Cixi for compensation!"

"In this way, Cixi successfully gained fourteen more creditors and was forced to sign the Boxer Protocol!"

"There are many treaties for compensation,

One of them was to pay compensation according to the population of the Qing Dynasty, 450 million taels of silver. How could Cixi afford such a large amount of money? So she arranged an installment compensation of about 980 million taels of silver, including principal and interest! "

[Among them, the compensation to Britain was the largest. If Cixi did not pay Britain so much silver, then according to statistics, each of the 1.4 billion people in my country would have 2 million RMB!]

[Not necessary, now everyone lives like a cow or a horse!]

(Don't ask why there were 12 Eight-Nation Alliances, because many of them did not send troops, but came out to ask for compensation at the end!)

[Since then, Cixi has been given the title of "Sister Talkative". The war was declared in the morning, the battle was fought at noon, and the money was transferred at night!]

During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty.

Kangxi, who had just recovered, was completely angry with Cixi's operation!

"Puff!" He spat out a mouthful of blood!

"Someone! Come, pass on the decree, and erect a stone tablet for me. Anyone who interferes in government affairs in the harem will be killed without mercy, especially "Yehenala clan!"

The plane of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty.

Yongzheng almost choked on his chest, as if his heart was bleeding!

"I can't earn so much silver in my lifetime!"

The plane of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty!

Emperor Qianlong had lost his mind at this time, his eyes were red!

He threw the things on the chopping board all over the floor!

Even Heshen next to him was kicked a few times by him.

The whole hall was silent!

Only Qianlong's roar: "How dare you?"

"You can't even beat a small country like Japan, how can you have the courage to declare war!"

"How can you face our ancestors!"

"Pass on my decree, and kill "Yehenala clan!" "Kill them all for me, don't leave even a dog, and crush the egg yolks for me!"

I thought the previous 200 million taels of silver was the limit, but I never expected that Cixi would come up with a "Winner List?"


Ying Zheng drew the sword from his waist and slashed it heavily on the table,

"I have seen through it. The Qing Dynasty is rotten from the inside out. I don't recognize you as the emperor of my Chinese race!"

"I am ashamed to be associated with you!"

"It's a pity for my descendants in the future!"

"You declared war on twelve countries at the same time. I only swept the six countries at my peak?"

Eastern Han Dynasty.

Cao Cao looked like he was played with!

"If he hadn't seen the Sino-Japanese War, he might have really thought that Cixi was a big shot!"

Guo Xiang next to him said: "But when that old witch declared war just now, I have to admit that she was really imposing, powerful, and imposing when she was beaten. She is really a top-notch person!"

Just as the discussion was going on in various time and space, a new video was refreshed in the sky!

"The Emperor Who Feared His Wife the Most in History"

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