At the same time, the screen on the sky changed again.

The voice mixed with grief and hatred sounded again.

[The evil deeds of those Japanese devils also completely aroused the blood in the bones of the Chinese people! ]

[Everyone knows that there is no army without Sichuan, but they don’t know that the Sichuan Army will not come out if the Anhui Army is not destroyed! ]

The screen on the sky changed again!

A striking title occupied the entire sky.

"There is no Huai Army after the Beiyang, and there is no Anhui Army after the Anti-Japanese War"

Seeing this title, there was a commotion in the chat group!

They had seen the Beiyang Navy before, and naturally understood the battle situation clearly. At this time, they all cursed the Qing emperor in the group!

Qin Zulong: "The emperor of the Qing Dynasty, stand up for me!"

Big Man Wild Boar: "Come out! Plus one!"

Tang Li Er: "Plus one!"

A broken bowl: "Plus one!"

Emperor Yongle: "Plus one!"

Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong in the group all tacitly said nothing!

After all, the previous one was too embarrassing!

At this time, above the sky!

A passionate narration suddenly sounded.

[One province fights against one country! How heroic and magnanimous this is! ]

[Time goes back to the year of Jiawu, that thrilling naval battle, the Beiyang Navy formed by the Huai Army, faced the aggressive Japanese fleet without fear, fought bravely, until all members died heroically, how tragic! 】

【As time went by, in 1937, the Battle of Shanghai broke out suddenly. The 44th, 55th, 56th and 57th divisions of the National Revolutionary Army set out from Anhui and rushed to various battlefields! 】

【General Cai Bingyan, a famous general from Anhui, led the Anhui Army composed of Anhui people to fight against foreign enemies without hesitation, and finally died heroically! 】

【Before his execution, he shouted: "There are only two ways for us, the enemy lives, I die, I live, the enemy dies!" 】

【This last word, like thunder, shocked people's hearts, showing his determination and courage to defend the country to the death. 】

Everyone in different time and space heard this sentence and couldn't help but applaud in their hearts!


The First Emperor was silent for a moment, then waved his hand and said firmly:

"I want to build an iron-blooded army, named the Chinese Divine Army! Take General Cai Bingyan's bravery as an example, sweep across the world and protect China!"

The ministers responded one after another, and the morale in the court was high for a while.

Han Dynasty.

Emperor Wu of Han looked firm and said loudly: "I have decided to reorganize the Han army, cultivate military talents, and develop new weapons. I will make my Han army the strongest army in the world!"

The generals responded in unison and vowed to follow and create brilliance together.

Tang Dynasty

Li Shimin said with high spirits:

"I want to learn from General Cai Bingyan's way of governing the army and train an invincible army. Not only to protect the Chinese territory, but also to expand the territory and enhance our national prestige!"

The civil and military officials in the court echoed one after another, willing to serve the Tang Dynasty.

Song Dynasty!

Zhao Kuangyin raised his arm and shouted: "I want to strengthen the country, recruit talents, and revive the glory of the Song army!" The civil and military officials of the whole court responded one after another, determined to make the Song Dynasty more stable.

In other dynasties, the emperors were also inspired by General Cai Bingyan, and successively issued edicts to reorganize the army.

For a while, a wave of strong army swept across China.

At this time, the scene in the sky changed again.

Time came to November 1937, and the Guangde Defense War officially kicked off.

This was a cruel and fierce battle. The people of Anhui Province were mobilized to participate in the war. Countless lives disappeared in the flames of war, and the battle was extremely tragic!

Faced with the enemy's powerful offensive, the defenders tried their best, but it was still difficult to resist.

In desperation, a special team was born-the first child soldier composed of 300 orphans in Chinese history!

These children are very young, with an average age of only 13 years old, but they resolutely took over the steel guns in the hands of their fathers and shouldered the responsibility of defending their homeland!

They hugged the steel guns that were taller than their bodies tightly, rushed to the enemy camp fearlessly, and fought bravely with the enemy!

In the hail of bullets, they took up the mission of defending their country with their tender shoulders, and wrote their own legends with firm beliefs and tenacious fighting spirit.

The sky screen changed rapidly, which was dazzling!

Above the sky screen!

"How can we fight this battle? There are only a few dozen of us, but there are hundreds of enemies!"

A young soldier was furious, his voice full of despair and unwillingness.

"Even if we use up the last bullet, we must not retreat!"

On the other side, a thin boy gritted his teeth and said, his eyes were firm.

However, facing the Japanese devils who were armed with sophisticated weapons and were as fierce as wolves and tigers, the child soldiers seemed so fragile and powerless.

They were ruthlessly slaughtered by the enemy, and their lives disappeared in an instant.

The children fell to the ground one after another!

"Mom! Baoer is in so much pain..."

"Mom, are you here to take me home..."



The miserable cries echoed over the battlefield, breaking people's hearts.

Not long after, all the child soldiers died heroically, and no one chose to surrender!

They defended the dignity of the country and the nation with their tender bodies.

They also became children who would never grow up!

Children's Day is a day to commemorate these brave and fearless children who will never grow up!

After decades of war, nine out of ten houses in Anhui were empty, leaving only women and children!

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Anhui sent 560,000 soldiers, 560,000 of whom died in battle, and 640,000 civilians were killed or injured!

Anhui lost a whole generation of people!

On the eve of the war, in an interview with child soldiers by a foreign journalist, a reporter asked the young soldiers: "Do you think China can win this war?"

"Yes! We will definitely win!" The children looked determined and shouted slogans in unison.

Then, another reporter from the United States asked: "So what are your plans after the war is over?"

Hearing this question, the children responded in their childish voices:

"I want to go back to my hometown to herd cattle;

I want to learn a craft,

and become an apprentice in the future;

I want to go to the big city to have a look..."

Everyone's answer is different, but without exception, they are full of beautiful visions of future life.

However, at this moment, a different voice suddenly came from the crowd.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and found that the person who spoke was one of the children who looked a little older.

He looked solemn, with a look far more mature than his age, and slowly said:

"China's war against foreign enemies will surely win the final victory, but by then, I may have died on the battlefield..."

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