The king of Qin, Ying Dang, was a stubborn and strong man who never gave in to weakness in his life! 】

Great Qin.

The First Emperor Ying Zheng, looking at the sky, was filled with emotion.

"It's over, my man is out!" the First Emperor muttered to himself!

He has brute force, but he doesn't know how to use it!

Above the sky!

[He was in office for only three short years. If he was willing to keep the throne of the emperor steadily, he could have leisurely overlooked the vast mountains and rivers! 】

[But fate is always full of drama. Ying Dang has a unique hobby - competing with others in strength. ]

[His personality is just like his hobbies. During his reign, he valued military power and despised culture. His greatest pleasure in life was to fight on the battlefield. ]

[Because of this, he became famous for his immense strength and bravery! ]

[One day, Yingdang suddenly had an idea and insisted on competing with Meng Shuo. The weightlifting event was the world-renowned Dragon-patterned Red Tripod, which weighed a thousand pounds! ]

[Meng Shuo tried his best, his eyes were bloodshot, but he still couldn't lift the tripod. ]

[However, Yingdang relied on his inner fighting spirit and strong desire to win, and he used all his strength to lift the huge tripod high like a miracle! ]

[Unfortunately, before he had time to show off, Yingdang couldn't bear the weight of the tripod, causing his bones to break! ]

[Although the imperial physician tried his best to treat him afterwards, he was ultimately unable to recover and unfortunately passed away. 】

【Yingdang's action was tantamount to personally booking a ticket for premature death in front of the Hades! 】

Yingdang stared at the scene in the sky with wide eyes, looking at the scene in disbelief - he would die in such a miserable way!

His heart was filled with shock.

"What? I was actually crushed by a tripod!" Yingdang screamed in shock, revealing uncontrollable astonishment in his voice.

He stared blankly at the huge tripod in front of him, and a wave of hesitation surged in his heart:

"So, should I lift this tripod today?"

Yingdang's eyes wandered between the big tripod and the people around him, and a hint of embarrassment appeared on his face.

However, when he looked around again, a stubbornness surged in his heart.

"Damn it! What are you afraid of? I have to lift it. Can't I really lift this broken tripod?"

Yingdang gritted his teeth and made up his mind secretly.

He took a deep breath and roared: "Ah hey!"

Then he hugged the tripod tightly and tried to lift it with all his strength.

However, after just a moment, he reluctantly let go of his hands.

"Hey! Damn it! I can't even bear this little weight!" Yingdang complained indignantly, then turned and left angrily.

Leaving behind the group of bewildered people, they stared at Yingdang's receding back in amazement, completely confused.

As Yingdang walked, he thought to himself: "Although I am very competitive, I am not a fool!"

"Knowing that I will be crushed to death, I still lift that tripod. Isn't it a way to seek death?" Thinking of this, his steps became more and more determined.

It disappeared in a moment!

The sky screen changed again!

[Fourth place: Emperor Xiaowu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Sima Yao, who was suffocated to death by his concubine because of a joke! ]

[Sima Yao had two great achievements in his life. The first was the "Battle of Feishui" where he defeated the enemy with fewer troops!]

[The second was the creation of the "king never jokes", which was the cause of his death!]

[As a thorough "hedonist", Sima Yao's greatest interest when there was no war was drinking and talking big!]

[He often enjoyed teasing others and making harmless jokes.]

[Once, Sima Yao was drinking happily with his favorite concubine Zhang Guiren. When he was in high spirits, he insisted on pulling Zhang Guiren to drink with him. 】

【However, after Lady Zhang refused several times, Sima Yao, who felt humiliated, became angry like a child and shouted at Lady Zhang: "If you don't drink with me, I will convict you!"】

【Lady Zhang was not the type to be manipulated by others. She immediately retorted: "I didn't do anything wrong. How can you convict me for no reason?"】

【Sima Yao responded with a smile: "At the beginning, I only conferred you the title of Lady because I saw that you were young and beautiful. Now your beauty is fading, and you are no longer worthy of the title of Lady!"】

【"Not only that, now you even dare to disobey my words. Tomorrow I will abolish you!"】

【Before he finished speaking, Sima Yao suddenly

Suddenly, she vomited and the dirt splashed all over the floor. ]

[This scene made Concubine Zhang angry and sad, and she couldn't help but burst into tears! ]

[After Sima Yao fell asleep, Concubine Zhang was still immersed in the pain brought by the words he had just said, and the pain in her heart was indescribable. ]

[The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She simply made up her mind and decided to take extreme action. ]

[She pulled up the quilt without hesitation and covered Sima Yao's head fiercely, as if she wanted to pour out all her anger. ]

[Then, she called others and ordered them to quickly bring heavy objects and press them heavily on the thin quilt, as if to completely suppress this resentment. ]

[However, no one had expected that it was such a seemingly frivolous action that led to an irreparable tragedy. ]

[Just because of an unintentional joke, the king of a country, Sima Yao, was suffocated to death by his concubine's quilt! ]

The sky screen changed again!

[Fifth: The emperor who fell into a cesspool and drowned, Jin Jinggong, I would like to call it the strongest way to die! ]

[According to rumors, one night Jinggong suddenly had a dream in which a fierce ghost came to him to ask for his life and soul. ]

[Jinggong woke up in fear and could not fall asleep for a long time. ]

[The next morning, he hurriedly summoned the then famous wizard, Sangtian Wu, and asked him to come and interpret his dream. ]

[After Sangtian Wu made a divination, he told Jinggong with a solemn face: ]

["Your Majesty may not live long, and I am afraid it will be difficult to taste the new wheat next year!" ]

[This statement was like a bolt from the blue. Jinggong felt like falling into an ice cellar, but he was unwilling to accept it. How could he believe it? ]

[So he relied on his tenacious will to survive and finally survived the long half year, and successfully survived until the new wheat harvest! ]

[When the wheat was ripe and harvested, King Jing was overjoyed and immediately ordered the imperial kitchen to cook fresh wheat rice to celebrate his birthday. ]

[However, before he could taste it, King Jing had an idea in his mind and said that the wizard's words were untrue. In anger, he executed the wizard. ]

[Just as King Jing was about to enjoy the delicious meal, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and rushed to the toilet. ]

[After a long time, the eunuchs and guards did not see King Jing return, and they were anxious and searched everywhere to no avail. ]

[Someone said: "Why not go to the toilet to check." ]

[When they arrived at the toilet, they were all shocked! ]

[It was found that King Jing of Jin had drowned in the toilet. The historian recorded that King Jing of Jin was about to eat, his abdomen was bloated, and he went to the toilet and fell and died. His abdomen was bloated like a drum. 】

People in all time and space were disgusted by this way of death!

This is really a disgrace for thousands of years!

At the same time, Tianmu also refreshed a new video.

"How to kill the emperor scientifically after traveling through time"

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