Watching the Dawn

Vol 4 Chapter 13: Occupy the airport

At this time, Annie, who was aware of the situation, launched an attack from a distance, helping Lu Yuan to attract firepower. The remaining three enemy wounded were relying on the bunker and Annie to shoot. Ding Mumu disappeared again, presumably preparing to ambush from behind. Lu Yuan struggled to climb to the edge of the roof, took out a fragmented grenade and unplugged the lead. After counting three, he quietly dropped it along the wall of the house. "Bye," Lu Yuan lay down with his head held.

With the sound of explosion, he received the prompt message of killing two militants and completing the mission. There should also be a leader in the room. Since the mission is completed, he should have been solved by Ding Mumu who sneaked in from the other side.

【Task 1: In the first stage, the airport has been occupied. A total of 38 militants were killed and 0 civilians were accidentally injured. It took 1 hour and 7 minutes and was evaluated as excellent. You can find a radio station and call the rebels to come and support. You can also wait until dawn, the resistance will take the initiative to contact you. 】

"I need help!" Lu Yuan shouted against the concrete platform on the roof, "I'm going to bleed to death. I think my hands and feet are sore, my limbs are weak, my eyes are black, and it's dark, I ... I seem to see two big peaches ? "

"Shut up for me! Asshole!" Annie, who was leaning over to check on him, snorted and hung him down with an emergency rope. The corpses were still everywhere, and Lu Yuan sat on the steps, watching Ding Mumu rescue him. Compared to his own treatment, Ding Mumu is undoubtedly much more professional. Picking up shrapnel, cleaning the wound, and then using the bandages and treatment needles purchased by the system quickly raised his blood volume to 80/100, and the remaining part took four hours to fully recover.

Anni took Chen Yuze to clean the battlefield, and moved all the things that could be used or not to the office. After getting rid of his disability, blood loss, and other negative conditions, Lu Yuan continued to search for his great cause. Here he took a flower pot, where he received a wicker chair and the like. Ding Mumu began to search for "treasure chests" everywhere. Lu Yuan had found usable mufflers in the dormitory area before. In this kind of treasure chests, you can find equipment that can be used by samsaras. Ding Mumu's own character building is more similar to thieves in online games. Stealth, traps, unlocking, backstabs, and so on. Finding treasure chests is her specialty.

The airport was not big. After a round, Lu Yuan started to carry a mission firearm for repair. The basic repair tool is bluntly, it is to clean up debris and gun oil. Doing both of these things can restore durability to five, and this is the limit. The mainstream firearms here are Thompson and AK47. Lu Yuan found several broken firearms and disassembled them into parts, and then assembled them into a good hand. The results still showed that they were mission items.

Lu Yuan threw the gun aside in frustration and turned around in the house twice, suddenly remembering the sniper's body on the roof, and wondering if they had found Annie. Lu Yuan went to a place and went to the roof again. This kind of two-meter house is like a flat ground for him. The Wulin people have always used this place as a path.

The body was still there. Lu Yuan rummaged up and down, picked up the sniper rifle, and looked carefully.

Stile Scout

Weight: 2.9 kg

Durability: 40/50

Bullet type: 5.56mm

Range: 450m

Damage: 35

Accuracy: 100%

Rate of fire: 500RPM

Elastic capacity: 10 rounds

Special effects: single shot, 8 times night vision sniper mirror

Description: Can be sold to the main god, priced at 2900 US dollars.

I bought a watch last year! Isn't this the legendary "bird sniper"? ! A shot almost knocked me out of the second, and the damage was only 35? ! Rumei! This kind of gun has appeared in many places. In fact, it cannot be regarded as a real sniper rifle. It can only be regarded as a rifle that can shoot accurately. The gun's 5.56mm small caliber bullet has low power. The advantage is that the shooting accuracy is very high within a distance of 300-400 meters, and the overall weight is less than 3 kg. There are Picatinny rails that can be equipped with various sights. It is for hunting and shooting competitions, and it is also used by urban special police who cannot use powerful weapons.

Is generally called "Steyr General Rifle" or "Steyr Scout Rifle". Everyone in the game is called "Bird Sniper". It was an absolute surprise when I saw it in the early stage.

Anyway, this is a usable firearm, probably the best prize in this mission. After getting a sniper rifle, Lu Yuan was still beautiful. The sniper also contributed a pair of fingerless tactical gloves that Lu Yuan put on. Carry a sniper rifle, pack the rest and jump. This is also a loot.

"There are 49 mission items, 49 large and small mission items, worth about 30,000 US dollars. We will sell them after we arm the militia. 114 armor types, worth about 10,000 US dollars, are handled as above. The loot we can use is as follows: One general purpose rifle (bird sniper), one AK47, one Thompson submachine gun, one HK53 submachine gun, four pistols of various colors, two weapon attachments. Three body armor, two of which have half durability. "

Said here, both women gave Lu Yuan a glance, meaning "you lost three grenades, and you blow them up." Innocent Lu Yuan shrugged and spread his hands.

"In addition, there are three groups of fragmentation grenades, one for each of the intermediate and advanced repair kits, one for the unlocked kit, two for the intermediate treatment kits, and countless bullets." Anne took Ray-Ban sunglasses and motioned to finish. Didn't you say sunglasses? That seems to be a trophy too! What about Lao Tzu's cigar? ! Besides, you wear woolen sunglasses in the middle of the night! Lu Yuan groaned in his heart.

"I have found the radio station and called the rebels. They will arrive in three hours. You can take a break first. I will be on duty." Ding Mumu saluted Annie and went out carrying the brown HK53. . Ding Mumu hasn't talked much, and Annie quickly showed her strong style. Hey, it seems that there is still someone missing. Who is it?

In fact, the loot has been allocated long ago. After satisfying the basic primary and secondary weapon configuration, it is basically carried out according to the default rules of who seized and used. Lu Yuan got "Bird Sniper" + "Piano" HKUSP; Ding Mumu is an accessory of HK53 submachine gun and "Laser Aiming" + own pistol; Anne got the gun of the local commander, a FNFive-seven semi-automatic pistol ~ www ~ Belgian famous gun + Steyr AUG that began to buy; As for Chen Yuze, only the leftovers were picked up, Chicago typewriter plus M1911, the American soldier of World War II.

Was originally suitable for a shotgun that does not need to be aimed, but the recoil of the shotgun ... for safety, let's sprinkle it.

Because the fighting in this world is dominated by infiltrations and ambushes, there is no way to fight in positional battles. The firepower usually requires high explosion and high precision. Therefore, firearms like AK47 can only be left out.

Excited Chen Yuze was holding a weapon, and accidentally fired a shot. Everyone was startled, and he ran to tears ... ran ...

Lu Yuan and Annie are relatively speechless.

"I think it's better to teach him how to shoot. Otherwise everyone's back is not safe," Lu Yuan suggested. Annie nodded deeply, chasing her out. Lu Yuan began his great work of exercise repair. After all the firearms were oiled and cleaned, I started to try to repair the armor. Armor repair is not complicated, it is nothing more than to throw away the broken pieces of nails and put them in new ones. Lu Yuan removed all the intact nails from the abandoned body armor and repaired the seized body armor one by one.

Although they are all quest items, after these things rise for a long time, the price will also increase, why not do it.

PS: It ’s over, it ’s over. For collection, for recommendation! Comrades who watched piracy also came to the starting point to give a click and just collect it. The text push is really weak, and the grades increase slowly.

PS2: The time of the latest posting is slightly delayed because I sent the manuscript box first, and only after seeing the system check for prohibited words, can I officially post it.

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