Watching the Dawn

Vol 13 Chapter 173: Fire Phoenix 2

"Bitch / children! I just knew he would do this!" Admiral Yang said with a sip!

On the electronic map, after being struck by the Star Alliance fleet over distance, the Batari fearless ship "Kashan", shamefully moved himself to the connection between the Star Alliance fleet and the Tovan Star satellite! ... According to the law of Shenbao, it is forbidden to use large kinetic energy impact bodies to attack habitable planets! Therefore, the Star Fleet cannot attack the "Cardigan" without guaranteeing that it will not hit the planet behind the "Cardigan"! On the contrary, the fearless ship "Cardigan" with its back to the planet can continue to attack the Star Alliance fleet unscrupulously!

Torfan is a huge gaseous planet, but its moon is a habitable mining planet with a population of 1.3 million at its peak. But now, as mining veins dry up and mining companies evacuate, this satellite has become a refuge for pirates. It is precisely because the Batari support pirates and slaves that the Shenbao has repeatedly refused to use the satellite and the Torval Star to defend the colony of the Batari!

But no matter what, at least the vast majority of the 100,000 people still stranded on this planet are Batari (the same is the source of pirates)! ——But the Batari warships that should have protected these Batari people directly regarded these people as human shields! Is there anything more shameless than this? !

"Spread it out, the whole fleet maneuvered into the c3 airspace!" General Yang said helplessly, since he could not fight, he could not stand on the spot and be beaten. The c3 area is already the side of the Intrepid ship "Kashan". This position can be completely closed with eyes closed, which means that it can't hit the planet, which is a line of pressure on the treaty.

General Yang will not really attack again in the c3 airspace, but in that position, he can continue to suppress the fearless ship! For the shameless Batari people, Star Alliance said no attack, do they dare to believe it? ! How dare the vile dare to place their expectations on the nobility of others?

really. After judging that the Star Alliance fleet maneuvered to c3, the Battari fearless ship did another thing of anger / anger-they chose to airborne and liveable planet! The fearless quality is too large, even if there is a core of mass effect. Landing directly on the planet will still cause natural disaster!

"Wang Ba eggs. Wang Ba eggs!" General Yang shouted angrily, smashing it on the table! His finger touched on the tactical map. Just now, the four Starlink frigates that followed the fearless ship into the atmosphere also disappeared from the tactical map ...

"Fortunately, I have prepared one more step." Yang Zhong, who was angry, touched his chin, and said to himself with some luck.


A battleship with a length of about kilometers and a mass of tens of thousands of tons (actually not large) directly landed in the atmosphere. Why would it cause a climatic disaster? ——Some people say that it is because of the large amount of charge accumulated on the surface of the warship during the voyage; some people say that it is a mass effect field; others say it is a large mass and high speed—the reason has not been studied so far, but it has appeared many times. Too.

The physiological system of the human body, the planet ’s climate and ecosystem, and the operating system of galaxies have always been a big problem in modern science ... the more research the more problems.

As the fearless ship "Kashan" headed straight down into the atmosphere, the planets shrouded in dark clouds seemed to be really shaken. The wind passing through the ground was gradually increasing, and the acid rain was suddenly changing in the blink of an eye. It was downpour! Near the ground. Whether it is a mine or an abandoned machine, it will be flooded within seconds!

The surface of the Intrepid Ship was rubbing the dark clouds, continuously pulling up a huge lightning of hundreds of kilometers! As it drops. In the dark clouds, a huge funnel-shaped cloud system gradually formed, and the atmosphere surrounding the hull of the fearless ship began to brew a hurricane that destroyed everything!

Batari ’s fleet commander can see the terrifying changes in the outside world, but he has no time to take care of it! Because there are four frigates shuttled around the Kazan, they flickered in the clouds, patrolling around the battleship like a pack of wolves, constantly consuming the shield of the Kazan!

The laser turret equipped on the Kashan was unable to return. The effect is very small-because after entering the atmosphere, especially in the cloud layer containing a lot of acid water vapor. The power of defensive laser is greatly reduced! It was originally hit by the Star Alliance Fleet for two rounds at a distance, consuming seven hundred seventy-eight shields. Since being bitten, it has never risen again!

"Drop to the base! Let those turrets help me solve those **** spaceships!" The fleet commander who regretted that he did not leave the guard force, and finally issued a frustrated command! He doesn't care how many people will die regardless of the forced landing of the pirate airport! The important thing is-the security of the battleship and the security of the base are tied together-then the pirates of the base will fight even if they don't fight! Now "Kashan" can only get rid of the tarsal maggots with the help of the fixed fort at the base.


"There is a pirate base on this planet! There is a perfect air defense system there!" Leona didn't know where she was hiding, but her voice rang again on the channel, "Don't let it land!"

"Yes, our previous style of play was too conservative! Lieutenant Lin, let's go first!" After hearing Leona's words, Shepard Yingwu raised her eyebrows and took the lead.

After the "Gatsburg" and "Guandu" circled half a circle, they traversed the clouds one after the other, and slanted toward the fearless ship "Kashan"! This time almost turned around, the double-ship formation fired at the fearless ship with all their might! Whether it is the main gun or the guard laser gun, all are dedicated to the fire! The dead don't care!

"Z! Ziz!" Two times, the beams emitted by the guard laser turret on the fearless ship hit two frigates one after another-what makes the Batari extremely terrifying is that the double-ship formation sprints towards the Kazan , Don't care about the shell of the spaceship heated by laser!

Although the atmosphere does reduce the power of the guard laser, as the distance decreases, the lethality of the laser becomes stronger and stronger! And after obtaining the shooting angle, the second and third lasers also kissed the hulls of the two battleships! But the two warships were completely unimpressed, just pouring their artillery on the "Cardigan"! This is simply mutual explosion, the hull and shield of both sides are lowering like diving ...

At this time, whether it was the "Gettysburg" or "Guandu", the bridge was full of harsh alarms, and the hull and shield were crashing!

At this time, the frigates "Tai'erzhuang" and "Waterloo" were like swords. Kill the clouds from the other side! "We're here!" The light whips shot from the two battleships were pumped fiercely on the outer shell of the fearless ship! The "Cardigan" had to separate several lasers to meet, which was a long time coming and going. The reduced attack intensity on this side slightly eased the crisis of Shepard and Lin Zhuxue.

"The shield is 10%. It is still lowering!" The Batari exclaimed, and the fleet commander even stunned his head, his face was incredible! "Are they crazy? They must be crazy!" This guy has no way to deal with it because he encountered an unexpected situation-after losing a heavy shield, a fearless class warship of nearly a thousand kilometers, and No more resistant than four 100-meter frigates-this is almost certain.

"Go!" Just when the "Gatsburg" was about to hit the "Cardigan", Shepard and Lin Zhuxue both raised the frigate, almost flinging to the hull of the fearless ship. !

"How much strength is left in your hull?" Shepard asked in the channel. The laser beam can penetrate the shield directly. Burning the hull is very troublesome.

"44%", Lin Zhuxue drove the ship in the rapid flight in the dark clouds, using water vapor to cool the hull of the ship, and the result was that a large piece of high-temperature steam rose behind him!

"My left is 32%," Sister Xue said. Intuitively, the appearance of "Gettysburg" is tattered and not far from the crash! But Shepard licked his lips and said in the channel, "Let's do it again ?!"

"Dare not obey!" Lin Zhuxue's brave text!

And at this time, the muyu surprise shouting came from the channel. "The shield is broken! The shield of the Cardigan is finished!" Then two frigates, which were also burnt, smoked and covered in black, soared into the sky, bringing up white smoke.

"Let's go!" Shepard shouted. "Gatsburg" and "Guandu" once again formed a double-ship formation, first dive and then upward! Suddenly appeared under the side of the fearless ship! Like a sword, it pierced the belly of the Dreadnought Ship!

Suddenly, Commander Battari, who seemed to be in trouble, shouted mournfully, "Don't mind the shield! Fight me those two warships! Be sure to stop them from approaching! Hurry!"

Six or seven laser beams hit the "Gettysburg" almost simultaneously! Then half of them were transferred to "Guandu" again!

In the moment, the "Gatzburg" hull smoked black smoke, and even started to catch fire! But Shepard looked blankly at the front. When she focused, the world seemed to slow down in her eyes, just the moment the battleship was about to pass by-Shepard pressed the main gun's fire button ! A hot steel projectile burst out of the muzzle. Slammed on the fearless ship!

The shield of the "Kashan" has been completely destroyed by the Muyu team, so this projectile hit the hull straight! The hull first appeared wrinkled with water waves. Then make a broken sound!

"The Gettysburg" and the Intrepid ship passed by, she was swaying. But after all, it was still intact and out of the range of the fearless ship! But the spaceship only flew a short distance in the air, and with a black smoke, it planted towards the planet ...

"It's time for me!" Lin Zhuxue shouted after him ~ ~ Ignore all the lasers are concentrated on his boat! Another round of bullets hit the previous impact point straight! This time, the thick hull of the "Cardigan" was finally torn open a big mouth!

The "Guandu", which had achieved its purpose, immediately pulled up the bow and was ready to fly away-Commander Batari suddenly became full of doubts at the moment-wrong, why should they fight with me for consumption? ! This is unscientific ... How hard is the hull of the Dreadnought, it is a well-known thing! Unless it directly hits the core of the battleship ’s mass effect, it would n’t make sense to just make a cut in the hull? !

Moreover, in the two rounds of white-bladed battles, the four frigates were almost half disabled, and one of them had crashed! It seems ... is the rhythm I want to win? !

But just when he was yy, the bottom deck of the "Guandu" flew suddenly, revealing a fighter plane attached to the belly of the ship-

And under the fighter, a big bomb was fixed!


ps: A lot of people urged, then add another one, 10,000 words today. (To be continued)

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