Watching the Dawn

Vol 13 Chapter 189: Trivia on board

[User: Miranda requests to communicate with you. 】

Lu Yuan chose "agree". He had changed the name of "lb" to Miranda before, but he didn't know if there was any need to use r for communication if the communication number had been changed.

Lu Yuan: "Hi, Miranda, not seen in a few days, how are you?"

Miranda: "Brother Lu, you have left me with an unforgettable ... mistake."

Lu Yuan: "Khan, I don't seem to have done anything. Why should I say that?" When they clearly separated two days ago, they also left each other with their communication numbers. Now they are directly accusing us on the r software. Even if you are a woman, I can't have a weak leg, at this time I will shock you with macho!

Miranda: "Really? You never told me that you belonged to that **** 'Lewis Child' organization ... I could have seen it, but my relationship with Mu Xing's friend blinded my judgment and it misled me This is a profound lesson, but I still have to say-well done, Brother Lu! ... Although you are watching me hire your boat, worrying about your life and risking your life to get what you want Something-and you didn't tell the truth from beginning to end-it was really good, Xiao Lu! "

Miranda's words were literally heart-warming, and Lu Yuan heard cold sweats. Lu Yuan: "Miranda, believe me, I really guessed it when I saw the goods in the back warehouse! Greyhound ... No, it's Cerberus, you always have a lot of actions, I don't think that Are all helping our organization. So this is a misunderstanding ... "

Miranda: "Misunderstanding ?! Bi Chi! And Mu Xing, I confessed to being the agent of Cerberus the first time I met, but she never told me your identity! Now it is revealed, even No communication ... it's all Bi Chi! "

Lu Yuan Waterfall Khan, "Mu Xing she is participating in a top secret project of the Navy, you should have heard about it. She does not receive my newsletter." In fact, because of the problem of the mother gun of Dawn Mothership, Mu Xing is currently no one Unreasonable ...

Miranda: "I really shouldn't blame the error on others. I need to calm down ... ok! Then you can explain another thing now, Brother Lu."

Lu Yuan: "The goods matter is indeed my problem ... but what else?"

Miranda: "You don't seem to have told me. Your" Broken Tail Falcon "Clipper has something to do with Cerberus ... In fact, it was originally registered under the name of Kowloon Logistics, which is Cyber Ruth-owned company. Now that the company has been forced to close for review, the navy turned it like a naval headquarters. "

Miranda's statement is very stable, but Lu Yuan can clearly feel that it is like a volcano that is about to erupt! But ... those things are really too long, to the extent that if Miranda does not mention it, Lu Yuan has forgotten it. This cargo ship was originally stolen from Wells, another senior agent in Cyberus-for the next two years. Constantly registering and tampering with materials in various places, changing the registration place many times in the middle, where Lu Yuan still remembers the original look like a horse!

So he really didn't expect that the Star Alliance Navy could actually find out the root cause-the head of Cerberus!

Lu Yuan: "Sorry, I said I forgot ... do you believe it?"

Miranda: "I believe in you ... that's strange! Bi Chi!"


Although Miranda hung up his communication just five minutes ago, it did not delay the business. Five minutes later, Lu Yuan received a new notice from the dock. Cyberus sent two containers, one large and one small, to the Dawn through a mass effect repeater.

Lu Yuan instructed some siblings to locate the large container with the Proxian beacon on an empty deck. He himself returned to his office, according to the secret key provided by Cerberus. Opened the very small safe.

A piece of wafer is solitary inside the empty box.

Lu Yuan inserted the chip into the spacecraft's reader, "Dawn ..." he called softly. "I'm watching it." Ms. Liming appeared beside him. Because of the people on the Dawn. It is known in advance that the reaper has a mysterious "education", that is, the ability to brainwash. Therefore, any research related to the reaper will be very cautious.

And after entering the world, Lu Yuan built a defensive fan lock composed of Ms. Liming and the central magic tower, and within the scope of the all-mother ship, completely shielded the influence of mental powers and brainwashing electromagnetic waves.

However, this time only some simple data was stored in the chip, and there was no such thing as Lu Yuan thought. The materials were sold by the Quiri together with the "abandoned" beacon to the Skirian pirate base. The Quillians stared at their death enemies in secret. Jie Si's every move. When they found out that Jas had carried out reconnaissance activities on an area several times, Quiley also chose to follow up-the data in front of him. It was after Quilly gave up the investigation and sold the results of the detection for a good price.

Lu Yuan opened one of the pictures with some disappointment. "Huh?" He could not help but yell in surprise. The most conspicuous content in the picture is a very huge planet with a horizontal stripe pattern. But the most amazing thing is the size of the planet. Even compared to the stars in its background, it seems to be not inferior.

Lu Yuan is now a half-year astronomy veteran, and he recognized this rare planet type at a glance, "Brown dwarf?"

Ms. Liming quickly said, "Judging by the stripe-like features, this is the brown dwarf located in the Falcon eta constellation, the Saone Galaxy, and Monet Mossene."

"I seem to know what this is ..." Lu Yuan said to himself, and he quickly scanned this two-meter high picture. After searching with purpose in mind, the target was quickly found-it was a horizontal shadow in the red light of the brown dwarf star. "We continue."

In the second picture, when taken from another angle, the shadow reveals a "twig" shape. The third and fourth ... Add up these photos, and then carry out data modeling, it can be vaguely seen that it is a broken spaceship captured by the gravity of the brown dwarf star. I do n’t know which era it came from, and it seems that it will crash towards the brown dwarf star.

"Locate its location! It was a reaper that crashed 37 million years ago! For us, the value is immeasurable! I think from it, we can understand more secrets of the reaper ..." Lu Yuan A series of excitement said. "Dawn, please help me prepare a spaceship ... I don't need any crew, I have to rush over as soon as possible." Lu Yuan remembered that the reaper battleship did not seem to have completely died.

His mental power has been strengthened to a point where it is substantive, and he can never shake his mind compared to the reaper. But if the crew with him ~ ~ then it is not necessarily, he does not want to shoot at his crew in the end.

Lu Yuan has always known that there is a crashed reaper spaceship in the Falcon eta constellation, these are written in the background information. But like he did last time, it took a lot of experience, but the search for "beacons" full of Eden stars could not be found-in a planet comparable to a star, surrounded by a large amount of stardust smoke On the track, looking for a crashed two-kilometer spaceship is like a needle in a haystack!

But now with the pictures of the Quillians as a basis, the Dawn can easily locate the location of the wreckage immediately, and the search difficulty has been reduced by hundreds of times.

But at this time, a researcher ran over excitedly and smashed Lu Yuan's office door. "Captain, the contents of that big box suddenly responded!"

Lu Yuanteng stood up at once, rushed out and grabbed the guy. After repeatedly confirming it, he finally knew that the beacon was "scrapped". When it was set up on the Dawn's deck, it suddenly began to emit a gleam of light, showing signs of activation!

"Damn, why did all these things get together ?!" He looked back at the huge picture of the brown dwarf star and complained. (To be continued)

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