Watching the Dawn

Vol 13 Chapter 198: Five years 183; on the lost battleship

Since Mu Xing left Gagarin Space Station that day, no one has seen their sister.

Because Mu Xing suddenly left, Starlink immediately faced the dilemma of paying high prices for various patents for her-not that Starlink could not afford it, but that there was no such fee in the annual budget-but no money was paid , They can only stare at the drawings in a daze! Under the full focus of Asari's "Brown Flower" law firm, if Star Alliance dares to touch Mu Xing's patent, even one finger, it will receive a punishment lawyer's letter of high price!

The departure of the talented scientist Mu Xing and the overspending of a large amount of money finally led to the continuous turbulence of the political structure of the Star Alliance, and finally it seemed that an earthquake-like collapse occurred. Before countless black deals about Mu Xing were turned over, more and more senior officials of the Star Alliance were involved, and the news was refreshing people's perception of politicians every day! Even in the end, even the parliamentary races of Ashali, Tu Rui, and Salarui were involved in this storm!

It seems that the public only knows that there are so many dirty deals and conspiracies around the genius girl!

They expressed sympathy and solidarity with the genius child, and then poured their anger on the head of the council! However, the real big men understand that the whole struggle has nothing to do with the public, or with the genius scientist who has left-there is always an invisible black hand behind him.

Eventually, when the dust settled, the most profitable land party became the largest opposition party in the Star Alliance Parliament. In the shortest time, they promoted and passed a large authorization payment to Mu Xing in the Parliament, and actively promoted the provisional budget for warship manufacturing. This time, although "Phantom Man" did not write the stupid announcement letter again, the extremely inclined human organization of Cerberus is still beginning to be known to all the upper class.

Ceberus finally got a foot to the front desk.

In the military, Hackett and General Yang, who messed up things, were excluded from the latest batch of promotion lists, losing the possibility of wearing the general rank in the short term. And the problem is not just this, the actual situation is more serious.

Some rumored rumors have led General Hackett to have a "famous reputation" on the side of the Naval Academy, so that most laboratories will avoid the Fifth Fleet when they choose to cooperate. After all, most ordinary people have their own families and have their own lives. They work for a career and to make money. If there is an opportunity to serve the country, most people want to be able to balance public and private interests.

Therefore, not everyone likes a person who is said to always be "a great arrogant seller of teammates".

In five years, the speed of Starlink's technological progress has stalled, and the progress of the new battleship research and development has also been like a turtle-especially the research and development project of the frigate cooperating with Sharp! After evaluation, it has been found that the performance of this ship is far from Muxing's frigate plan before it is produced! Perhaps it's not appropriate to use a big analogy, it is a scheme that has a comprehensive performance in addition to stealth!

Has clearly stated in Mu Xing's plan that her design is forbidden to be used in the cooperation program of the submarine frigate "that refuses me to participate". In the end, Xinglian could only pinch its nose and produce this R & D + manufactured large toy with a total of 2 billion stars, "Normandy" SR1! In the subsequent shipbuilding plan, the so-called "Normandy" class frigate is planned to manufacture only five ships ...

At this time, countless talents finally missed the benefits of Mu Xing. However, with the exception of new papers that occasionally appear in science and technology magazines, Mu Xing completely disappeared in people's vision, and has not appeared in front of the public since then.

Promised a lenient environment, and the original appearance of the "Gagarin" space station should be preserved to show sincerity. Mu Xing will eventually appear like an iron heart and never show up again. Perhaps the hints in the TV show, the full-page and full-page "Musing Return" appeals published in the magazine, the girl had never seen ...

Is like many people's impression of Mu Xing-she always chooses a comfortable place, then stays down completely, and completely ignores the outside world. Unless the environment starts to make her uncomfortable, she doesn't like to change.

Mu Xing deleted the contact number of almost everyone on the Starlink side-it seems that except Miranda can occasionally contact her, even Xu Zhengze and General Hackett's communication to Mu Xing can only receive a rejection Pick up tips.

Gradually, the story about Mu Xing became a beautiful memory of Xinglian. When people think of that short period of two or three years, they always call that period the "Golden Age", but it is just too short.

As for General Hackett, has he regretted it?

I am afraid only he knows ...


Falcon Eta constellation, Thorne galaxy, brown dwarf star Monet Mosinne.

A shuttle leaped into the galaxy and drove towards the brown dwarf with a clear purpose.

Brown dwarfs are massive planets that have failed to ignite. They failed to become new stars, but became a transitional brown dwarf. This planet has a solid hard core, from this point of view, it belongs to a planet. But there is a thick, hot gas layer on the outside. This gas layer is usually several thousand kilometers thick, and it is completely an extension of the planet, and cannot be regarded as an appendage similar to the atmosphere.

The shuttle flew in such an atmosphere with extremely high pressure and temperature, and soon the entire shell began to reddish and burned, and red lights and warning sounds were everywhere in the cabin.

"It seems that we can only choose to walk next." Among the shuttle passengers, only Lu Yuan and Feng Jian You Xiang are two non-human beings. Lu Yuan was driving the ship, while Youxiang was wearing a full set of personal armor and quietly looking at the deep red flame-like atmosphere outside the porthole.

"My staff is eternal!", With Lu Yuan's announcement, a curved staff appeared in his hand. Lu Yuan handed the Eternal Staff to his left hand, and his right hand extended towards Youxiang. Feng Jian You Xiang hesitated a little and stretched out his hand to hold Lu Yuan's outstretched palm.

The light door flipped, and the two left the shuttle in a blink of an eye, sending them hundreds of kilometers away! Behind them, the shuttle eventually burst into a bright spark in the hot atmosphere. Just before the high-temperature breath was going to engulf the two people, Lu Yuan hugged Feng Jian You Xiang's waist and hid in the secondary world. For the two non-humans, the external heat and pressure are not enough to fear-but it will burn out the personal armor, and Feng Jianyouxiang said that he does not like the untidy clothes (some people have exploded in every battle in the past Shirt is coming).

So Lao Lu had to find a solution ...

Yuxiang glared at Lu Yuan, who was in full measure. Eventually, instead of punching him, he shifted his eyes to other places. A dark shadow appeared in front of the two. Seeing the goal in Lu Yuan's prophecy appeared, Youxiang's eyes leaked some excitement.

"Let's go!" After Lu Yuan was slightly positioned, while pulling Yuxiang out of the secondary world, another light gate appeared and covered the two of them.

The next second, the two disappeared again.

The light gate flashes like a meteor in the deep red breath, stretching into a faint line. The two people jumped over and over again in short distances, quickly approaching the wide shadow. When the distance between the two sides is less than 100 kilometers, Feng Jian Youxiang finally recognized it-this object that floated in the breath of brown dwarf stars but never failed to crash is a super big battleship!

In addition to a few big frogs in front, this battleship also has two rows of fine claws distributed along the hull, which looks exactly like bugs. The material of the shell is more like metal and organic matter. It's just that these two-kilometer-long bugs are probably not found in the entire galaxy. A huge hole appeared in the center of the battleship, which seemed to be penetrated by an unknown mass effect gun!

Only caused a complete paralysis of this battleship, and then was caught by the gravity of the brown dwarf star and fell into the atmosphere.

The next time they flashed and teleported, they already appeared in the deep hole. From a close look, the wound caused by the shelling is like a huge cave. The black inside of the cave is only a few hundred meters away, and a little red light can see through.

Although there is no battleship staying at the opening, but looking at the traces of artificial widening around it, there is even a broken, battleship landing trestle. Obviously, the two were not the first guests to visit.

This paralyzed reaper battleship ~ ~ is one of the last gains from the pirate base. Lu Yuan knows more about this battleship. He knows that this battleship is a "overlord" reaper fearless ship. It was hit and paralyzed as early as 37 million years ago, and has been drifting here since. If it weren't for its mass effect core to be still in operation, I'm afraid this reaper warship would have crashed and burned in the brown dwarf's atmosphere.

And what he also knew was that although that one gun was extremely damaging to the battleship, it not only penetrated the hull completely, but also showed a broken glass hull, which almost divided the entire battleship to the point of disintegration. But even after a long time of 37 million years, this reaper is still stubbornly alive ... its "education" ability is still there.

In 37 million years, the Quillians were definitely not the first discoverers. It's just that those who discovered and boarded the ship were eventually "educated" and could no longer leave ... these creatures may have been transformed into reaper creatures, hidden inside this battleship.

"You said that it can enhance my strength?" Feng Jian Youxiang asked eagerly, she looked deep into the cave, and those creatures lurking in the dark could not escape You Xiang's sight. "It seems a little weak ... but it doesn't matter, I'll start first!"

Fengjian Youxiang clenched her fist in excitement, the sound of gas explosion sounded, and rushed out of Lu Yuan's arms at the next moment!


PS: The five years from 2179 to the beginning of the plot in 2183 will be titled a series of "five years. XXX" to tell the story of the development of Dawn in these five years. When this stage is over, it will directly enter the main storyline. R1152

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