Watching the Dawn

Vol 13 Chapter 207: Five hundred and eighty-three years; go home every day and see civilization ...

"History of the Planet" three episodes a day, every three episodes destroy a civilization-and enough positive in the front, sensational enough in the middle, and desperate enough in the end-several years ago, such a sad TV drama, actually persisted! And there are more and more die-hard audiences in "History of the Planet" ...

This Nima really "star history" abused me thousands of times, I treat "star history" as the first love ...... Do the current audience are shaking?

There are many professionals in the TV industry who are also chasing this episode. They easily summed up the three major success laws of this drama:

The first advantage is that the civilized design is really outstanding! I do n’t know why the screenwriter ’s brain is so big! Why is the level so high! In a short period of time, a race has been brought to life from the rise to the strength, portrayed as vivid! And whether it is a winged man living in the sky or a murloc race in the ocean, all aspects from technology to life are logically self-consistent, fully in line with the development of civilization, and people can't find any problems!

It is said that the Serrari people already have a research team that specializes in analyzing the biological development in this episode-no problems have been found at all! This screenwriter is 100% a great scientist in the evolution of civilization!

The second advantage is interesting! Although this drama is abusive, there are plenty of interesting plots in detail! People often see their familiar planets in the play without saying, and there are always some explanations that make people cry and laugh!

For example, in the forty-third episode, the Shenyuren detonated the star in the war against the reaper, and died together with the reaper! So ... you can now find the wreckage of the star explosion ... What's more, in fact, when you observe the drops with the ordinary optical astronomical telescope at the edge of the Milky Way, you will find that the star is still intact!

Another example is in the 97th episode, the ultimate cannon developed by the extraordinary race, for the first time, a seemingly invincible reaper battleship was sunk! However, the power of the shells was too great. The projectile not only destroyed the reaper, but also passed through the hull and hit the planet behind it. The powerful, uncast projectile hit the surface of the planet fiercely. Ripping the earth's crust into a ravine that runs through the planet-cough, this is the origin of the "big crack" canyon of the star ...

This **** explained that a star's "big crack" canyon tourists are so woven, almost squeezed into an explosion!

The third advantage is to portray the group portraits of heroes who emerged during the genocide!

Although every time when the reaper battleship comes unstoppable and begins to harvest, there are always politicians who are obsessed and still playing tricks until their deaths; who are divided and sold off from the inside after being taught; those who hate The meticulous life-savers and surrenderers; and even the mutual betrayal between the nations ... Such an end-time can be described as ugly and spectacle-ridden!

But no matter what era, when the nation is going to the end. There are always countless heroes standing up and carrying out a "knowledge that you can't do it" and "although thousands of people will go back" style of resistance! Even the rage of the man's anger will collapse your blood even if you die-you must block the car with your arm! Cricket shakes the tree too!

Although they are still dead, their spirits always hang high in the sky like Changhong! They slammed into the audience's heart! Let you cry for him, sorry for him, but deeply inspired by him! These heroes are so shining and awe-inspiring, they are involuntarily impressive, and they are full of hope for a new civilization!

With the above three points, why worry about low ratings? !

And this drama has endless topics to discuss. On an expensive buoy network. Tens of millions of topics related to "History of the Planet" are generated every day.

"Don't lie to me when I am a little student, can a civilization be born on a gaseous planet ?! The screenwriter's brain is comparable to the surface of the moon!"

"Where do the reapers usually live? How do they breed? Do they love love? Sorry, I have these big paws ..."

"Go home every day. I see civilization killing."

"The boss is venturing again today, I think he was educated! Can I call the police?"


If the "History of the Planet" is filmed like this for a long time, once every three episodes, one round after another, the harvest will never end. Even if there are many advantages of this play, sooner or later, the audience will feel repeated and tired.

The audience always runs out of patience, they are not too specific groups. Those who have invested in feelings will be desperate to give up in the end because they cannot see expectations ...

However, the screenwriter named Lu Yuan thought of this (this guy must be a master of fun!). In the process of continuous destruction, he created a "gradual" hope!

The dozens of episodes at the beginning of "The History of the Planet". It is desperate to harvest again and again! It seems to never change.

But in the forty-third episode, this reincarnated Shenyu people did two things-so much that they were consistently called the "greatest" civilization by the audience!

the first thing. Of course, it is the detonation star, and it is the same as the reaper. This incident caused great trauma to the reaper, disrupted the deployment of the reaper, and caused them to evacuate in a hurry.

The second thing is that the Shenyu people formulated a plan against the reaper, and then left this plan to the next civilization! When a single civilization cannot resist the reaper, God and man have discovered wisely that they can accumulate the power of civilization reincarnation in the destruction of time and time again! Pass on the Tinder from generation to generation, and finally rebel against the mode of the reaper!

At this point, in "History of the Planet", the first light appeared!

The name of the plan is called the "Fortress of All Gods" plan! !

"Hahaha! That's how the Shenbao actually came from ?! This story is so funny!"

In the depths of the Shenbao space station, Xing Yan with a shivering smile and an expressionless "catalyst" sat side by side on a couch. I do n’t know when the boring Xing Yan started chasing the drama “The History of the Planet” —she just found it interesting.

And whenever this episode begins to play, the main catalyst "Catalyst" will actually sit on the side and watch it, but just say nothing from beginning to end.

For a long time, "History of the Planet" is famous for all kinds of brain explanations! But today's explanation is too ridiculous! The reason why the Shenbao space station and the mass effect repeater appeared because of the Shenyuren's "Fortress of Gods" plan? !

This exhausted the power of dozens of generations of civilization, and completed a huge plan for millions of years, in order to achieve two basic goals-first, the Shenyu people believe that only by concentrating the power of the entire galaxy can we fight the harvester fleet. Therefore, the construction of the repeater network throughout the galaxy is to no matter which part is attacked by the reaper, it can quickly gather the power of the entire galaxy to fight!

Secondly, if it still fails, then all people can retreat to the Fortress of Gods-that is, the Shenbao Space Station! Inside the space station, there is a perfect circulation system and materials that can survive for millions of people. Moreover, the outer wall of the Shenbao Space Station is solid and abnormal, and it can automatically absorb material from the surrounding nebula for repair! The Shenbao is set as a space station that can never be broken after being closed!

Civilization can keep the fire here, and then continue to fight against the reaper with the next round of civilization!

Of course ... this plan failed in the end-the reaper had long been aware of the Shenyu people's plan! They secretly educate and control the planners in every generation of civilization. In the end, not only was the "Fortress of Gods" project ruined, but also the reaper had both the fort and the repeater in their hands!

Since then, the reaper has become more powerful, and the future of civilization has become increasingly dark, and I can't see a little hope ...

(Countless audiences vomit: Nima, this is obviously to make a few more episodes of the plot! Lu screenwriter, your morale ?! But after the change, more audiences are still willing to continue to follow, after all, everyone ’s hearts are I thought the final outcome would be justice over evil! Sure ...?

"That's how it is." Suddenly speaking, "Catalyst ~ ~" Xing Yan's laughter directly choked in his throat.

"Oh cough cough cough! What do you say ?!" After a hard cough, Xing Yan, the main **** who raised his head, was shocked by the words "catalyst"! "You said that the" Fortress of All Gods "plan is real ?!"

"It's not just the 'Fortress of Gods' plan, the whole plot is true," Catalyst frowned and said, not very happy. "Someone leaked it, and it's ... insider!" But all the reaper is his men, and they should be loyal to him, rather than destroying themselves and not leaking it ... where is the problem? "Catalyst" is puzzled! Things seem to be beyond his control ...

He pressed a button to pause the screen at the end of the episode, allowing him to study the subtitles conveniently.

For the source of this episode, "Catalyst" and Xing Yan are very clear. This is what the people of Dawn did! Xing Yan once suggested to block the series from continuing to play, but the meaning of "catalyst" is the opposite. He simply does not look at this kind of resistance. This will only make him feel interesting. In the past 50 million years, than This awakening was earlier, and the rebellion had been ten thousand times more intense-but there were fewer and fewer reincarnations that made him feel interesting.

Rebel! Shout!

Under the crushing of powerful strength, everything is nothing but a tribute to the car! Especially the Dawn ... 24,000 Reaper battleships are on the road, and the destruction of the Dawn is just around the corner. So he didn't put the Dawn on the chessboard in front of him at all.

It was just this development that made him feel a little new. In the screenwriter column, two people are written. In addition to Lu Yuan, there is a very strange name.

"Ai Ziyou ... Who is it?" (To be continued) R466

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