Watching the Dawn

Vol 13 Chapter 215: Five years one hundred and eighty-three; 2nd ideal township

Hearing Shepard's drunken words, Lu Yuan and Annie were stunned.

Just when Lao Lu was panicked, Annie suddenly raised her hand indignantly and “slapped” on Sister Xue ’s cocked hip! The full hill was beaten and trembling, which was very tempting!

"What rolls sheets!" Annie said bitterly, "Is he sitting on the sofa all night, are you rolling with sheets ?!"

"I hate it!" Shepard was half drunk and awake at this time, and was not exposed to shame at all. Instead, Annie slapped on her buttocks, making her soft and unable to bear to be ashamed Face buried in the quilt. "It's enough to be seen by him! If he dares to move me, he will certainly not survive today!" Sister Xue shouted in the quilt sullenly.

Suddenly, Sister Xue seemed to think of something, and got out of the quilt again, "Even a big beauty like me is not a bird / beast, is your man a Gay?"

"Gay your sister!" Lu Yuan hung up the communication directly.

Dare to look at it again, the scene was really fragrant. When Annie took the picture just now, Lao Lu's eyes were quickly recorded-this evidence will be the shame of Sister Xue's life!

Although the man of Lao Lu is full of flowers and often runs trains full of mouths, he hates to deceive people around him. He and Shepard met at the bar. Later, when they discovered the portable system, Lu Yuan and the people around him talked about it as a joke, so Anne knew the cause and effect.

...... Even so, Anne still used the trick to cheat Shepard to verify whether Lu Yuan said "reserved". If Sister Xue is a little smarter, she should have killed Lao Lu and gave her to the ring that day, leaving twelve "positive" characters on her body-then Lao Lu's future days can be imagined -Definitely a good ship with a hatchet and good news!

Now, he is lucky enough to pass the risk.


Although Yunsi continuously transported mineral planets, so that a large number of various metal materials were stored in the Dawn, even if all the docks were started at the same time, there was no problem. However, the Dawn did not officially start large-scale warship manufacturing.

The reason is that the first thing is stuck in the raw material. The material processing technology and capabilities of the Dawn Mothership will definitely top the Milky Way! The equipment needed by the warship, the production and sale of the dawn mothership, will not be a problem. But a clever woman is difficult to cook without rice-metal is easy to get, but "zero element" is rare.

Due to the special nature of this world-in countless reincarnations in the past, in most cases, a technology tree based on the "zero element" will be born.

Therefore, for tens of millions of years, the "zero element" has been in the state of being mined. This element only exists in planets that have been affected by supernova explosions, and the original production was very limited, plus it has been mined for countless years. At present, in the world known to mankind, the reserves of "Element Zero" are on the verge of being exhausted. On the one hand, various countries turn their vision to the dark galaxy to find new deposits; on the one hand, they strictly control the mining and circulation of the "zero-element" deposits in their own star fields as strategic resource management.

In this case, it is quite difficult to obtain the "zero element" of each unit of Dawn, and most of them must be obtained through "Lawn Military". In order to meet the needs of all warship manufacturing, the demand for the "zero element" is probably not enough to dismantle the three races of Shenbao! Because there are so many in existence now ...

Then there may be doubts that the "zero element" will not consume itself during the operation. So where did the "zeroth element" that has been extracted over the past tens of millions of years go? This is a good question-a mass-effect repeater that should be all over the galaxy. The mass-effect core of each repeater is a few kilometers in size, and the zero element used is countless!

Another one should be the infinite number of reaper battleships. The reaper has searched for tens of millions of years, and every ship built has a big heart ...

The mothership of Dawn is studying how to disassemble the mass effect core of the repeater-the core of this thing is so great! In the future, as long as Lu Yuan walks a few more easily, how many battleships will be solved! As for the trouble caused to others ... cares! Therefore, everyone is still working in an orderly way, not taking this shortage of resources as a matter of course.

The mothership of dawn has a powerful "double blue giant gravitational lens", which can observe extremely far away.

Most of the time, Lu Yuan focused the gravitational lens on the center of the galaxy, the Shenbao Space Station! The information observed by the gravitational lens is corrected by the computer chromatic aberration compensation system and fed back to the terminal in front of Lu Yuan. Every day, through the gap between the blades of Shenbao, he could even see the headlines of the newspapers in the hands of the people on the streets of the guard zone!

And with the help of supercomputers and hard-working workers like Yu Si, Lu Yuan is probably more aware of the situation of the Shenbao space station entering and leaving the port every day than the Shenbao Port Authority ... so the Dawn easily locked the main **** Xing Yan The trail, and then through the bait Xing Yan, accurately positioned the identity of the world's main god-"catalyst"!

Nietzsche said-"When you look at the abyss, the abyss is watching you."

So according to Nietzsche's point of view, when the Dawn observes the Shenbao, the main **** "catalyst" is also closely observing the mothership of Dawn! Although I don't know what means ...

Therefore, at the first time when the main **** Xing Yan was discovered, Lu Yuan closed the shielding of the mother ship of dawn by Xing Yan-Xing Yan knew the position of Dawn if she was at the Lagrange point of the spear galaxy Not being able to find the Dawn will cause their suspicion.

As a means of protecting the earth in the future, "Sky Screen System" is one of Lu Yuan's cards. In order not to let the "catalyst" find it now, and find a way to crack it, we can only temporarily sacrifice the concealment of the mother dawn. It can be said that the two sides now meet frankly-but overall, it is slightly disadvantageous for the mothership of dawn.

Because Lao Lu has done a lot of things to stimulate the main **** before-eliminate the enlightenment of the "Phantom Man", strengthen the star power, improve the level of basic disciplines, and the emergence of new materials ... including now "The History of the Planet" is being broadcast , I am afraid that the "catalyst" has been stimulated like an angry bull!

If he finds that the Dawn is building a warship again ... then it is estimated that "Catalyst" will drop the main line desperately, let's go to war! Lu Yuan did not know that 24,000 Reaper battleships were already on their way. In order to spend this awkward time before the official plot, Lu Yuan has been carefully walking the tightrope to avoid over-stimulating the local god.

But Lao Lu did ignore it a little bit-he didn't expect the local god, he was far less rational than he thought! It was an extremely self-confident and arrogant guy. Even if Lu Yuan sent "Xiao Yan" who was so clever, he could not change the idea of ​​"catalyst"! Instead, he was strongly forced to suppress.

Lu Yuan holds a card that destroys the main line, and he has shown it to the "catalyst"-this should have caused proper scruples, similar to the effect of "nuclear deterrence". But he did not expect that the main **** "catalyst" became arrogant and did not understand his hint at all! Because "Catalyst" is convinced that no matter what happens, the situation is under his control, so he doesn't care about fighting now.

But just like Lu Yuan did not understand the arrogance of "Catalyst", "Catalyst" did not know how careful Lao Lu was ...

If Lao Lu is really in this matter, even if he eats a little bit of loss (not taking advantage of it is a loss), then he is waiting to be chased by Lao Lu like a crazy dog!

Alas ... young people ...


It is said that if people are placed like fish in a can of sardines, then a 15-kilometer long rift in East Africa can hold the entire population of the earth.

Scientists estimate that they want to prove that the earth is still very empty ...

But now on the No. 1 dock of the Dawn, there is a 15-kilometre immigrant ship! The ship is 15 kilometers long, 4 kilometers wide, and 2.5 kilometers high. It looks like a standard cuboid!

The whole ship does not have any exposed engines and other devices, all wrapped under the thick armor plate. In addition to diagonally pulling the tensile alloy beams on each side, it looks like a square box.

The ship uses the internal force engine completely, and the "Tantaros" core system-but hundreds of times more complicated than the "Tantaros" engine that Normandy will use! The entire huge spaceship has 15 mass effect cores of different sizes connected in series along the axis! Without the assistance of any engine that generates heat, the gravitational wells they generate during operation can accelerate this large box to the speed of light faster than one day ~ ~ In addition to the complete In addition to being covered by the "Ceiling System", several magic devices are also built-in the event of danger, you can use up the power of the Dawn Magic Tower in a few seconds to "recall" this huge spaceship. !

Its "Tantaros" engine does not start when it is not necessary, does not generate heat even if it starts, the spacecraft always keeps quiet, and does not send any electromagnetic waves to the outside.

And its shape will be disguised on the rocky ground, making it look like a small meteorite. When it was lost in the asteroid belt, without using magic to locate it, Dawn could not find it by himself.

In its interior, in addition to the dormant cabin, the entire elite snake demon guard is placed here, just to protect the safety of immigrants, and deal with some small troubles-such as someone "wrong" boarded this Asteroids and the like, then evaporate directly!

Today, four million dormant cabins have been neatly placed inside this huge spaceship. This huge Yinmin spacecraft will be thrown into the depths of the galaxy by the Dawn through the repeater! At that time, due to the problem of error, it may deviate from the distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers ... God knows where it will be thrown.

Rest assured, the snakes will guarantee that it will not fly into the stars at least ... This is good news.

The armed transformation of the mothership of dawn is nearing its end. In the future, there will be battle baptism against the reaper and the Mona again and again! In order to minimize the loss of immigrants, this ship is their new ideal township-in theory, it is much safer than the Dawn!

Lu Yuan was very obedient to the public opinion and was very funny-named this ship ...

"Matrix"! R1152

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