Watching the Dawn

Vol 13 Chapter 220: Five years, one hundred and eighty-three; Jie Si turned around

I don't know when the mothership of Dawn has a wave called role-playing ...

Of course, those fish-lip matrix batteries, green skin and jisi ... and what the new Misaka people don't know is that all this is a conspiracy of the authorities!

Using some exciting stories that happened on this ship, recorded as a video to form the history of the mothership of dawn ... and constantly review through the role-playing way! This will greatly increase the sense of participation and ownership of passengers, and make them feel that they have become the protagonist of history (cannon fodder), which is very helpful to increase the cohesion of the passengers of Dawn!

Just like this scene in front of me ...

YF-533 waved his little arm and stepped a huge synthetic robot under his feet (Lu Yuan suspected how he climbed up), and then the cylinder solemnly announced, "I am YF-533 !!!"

"Wow--" Bgm accompaniment applauded around. "Thank you—thank you! I love you! It is because of your support that I can do all this ..." YF-533 gave a curtain call ...

Lao squatted in front of the robot lying on the ground and put an electronic version in front of him. "Hey, 533, according to this condition, help me to negotiate a deal with the Jessie ... Of course it is the Black Jessie! You know ... In fact, the belongings of the White Jessie, whether it is a battleship or a synthetic platform, We all have better ones. It ’s better to sell them to Hechs. They ’re better. It ’s better to return something good ... "

"Yeah!" The big robot also made YF-533's voice, "Let me see, hand over the colony ... hand over the heretic space station ... go to the dangerous death galaxy mining ... wow! These conditions are so vicious!"

"Do you have an opinion?" Lu Yuan slapped YF-533's shoulder with a smile, "I can't think of your sense of justice is so strong, are you an undercover sent by Heijisi?"

"No opinion at all! Sir!" The cylindrical robot slipped slidly from above and saluted a military salute. "According to your orders, I promise to squeeze their foundation!"

"I'm very optimistic about you!" The two laughed together, and began to whisper and continue to discuss around the list.

Oh, yes ... YF-533 is in his room, playing two corners in one person! Otherwise, it is estimated that his small arms and calves are probably no better than boxing. But strangely, despite this, YF-533 is not yearning, and even resists the replacement of a more powerful body-in a sense, he should have entered the stage of self-recognition earlier than all of Jense.

On the Dawn side, the composite platform made of new materials, that is, the new body of Jense, has a comprehensive performance that is more than ten times that of the past! After all, nowadays each platform must be equipped with hundreds of programs, and the hardware must of course be able to keep up;

The warship designed and produced by Dawn is not to mention, even the Star Alliance version is much better than Jense's own bug-shaped warship! Originally, Jie Si can also be proud of using expensive purple laser main guns-but since Bai Jie Si is about to merge into the Mother Dawn, Lu Yuan will certainly not hide it. Seven or eight kinds of main guns from the Mona are listed, instantaneous spike ...

Anyway, now in the heart of Bai Jusi, the moon of Dawn is relatively round, so the original belongings-synthetic robots, battleships, etc., are simply sold in large quantities to Salon and the black Juns who are in urgent need of combat power!

This transaction is to sell all the juniper bodies, warships, etc. that are no longer needed to Salen and Heijunsi; exchange them for hard currency such as planetary bases, space stations, stored rare metals, etc.! And it can also drive Hessian, and even the "overlord" reaper to mine the dangerous star field for Dawn-think of the reaper warship as a miner, that scene is really beautiful!

And with more warships and robots, will it be more powerful when Salen attacks the Shenbao in the future? !

The black junks knew that the white junks were changing, but the data links that had been isolated from each other made it impossible for them to know the bond between the white junks and the mother dawn. So on this matter, the Dawn has to hide behind the scenes for the time being and let YF-533 talk.

Whether to accept the future "catalyst", Salon, Black Hedges and the like is not easy to say, but the Shenbao is disabled, and the three races of the Parliament must hate the Dawn if they know the truth ...


Passing through the "material distribution area", the scene he saw made Lu Yuan stop. Because there are hundreds of juniors gathered here, and they are also arranged in a long queue.

"What's the matter? This is where the nuclear power plant exploded. Are you snapping up iodized salt?" Lu Yuan jumped off the ladder and walked in from the door.

Today, with vending machines all over the ship, this is the only manual sales shop on the Dawn. Just look at the name of "material supply zone" to know that in the past, materials were distributed free of charge. Later, after Lu Yuan made a fortune from the pirate base, the whole ship was changed from the material distribution system to a sales system.

But to his surprise, in the "material distribution area", in addition to the original manual sales store, actually opened another store! And the owner of the shop is Jise? ! It's so interesting ...

After he entered, he found that all the groves were ranked in front of the shop opened by groves. Both orderly and silent selection, picking up, and payment-because the entire process was through the groves network in one thousandth The interaction is completed in seconds, so the scene looks quite strange.

"What's the situation?" Lu Yuan chuckled and asked Lu Mingyang, who was the manager and sole clerk in the artificial shop.

"I didn't see it ?!" He looked like he was so painful, he made an exaggerated gesture, "This is a commercial dumping aimed at crushing our store! Well ... another tragedy of machine eating people."

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes—Lu Mingyang did look a little annoyed, otherwise he would n’t say anything like “machine eats people” that is suspected of discrimination.

"Perhaps because you are too arrogant to do business?" Lu Yuan Tucao, the price of the products that this group of guys sold to Jiansi could not be darker! As the behind-the-scenes boss, every time Lu Yuan counts his profits, his face can't help but be red-this is red but heavenly face! You know how dark ...

"How is it possible?" Lu Mingyang made an unbelievable look, "I tell you, Captain, this must be the means used by Jense, and he is not competing for competition! You must know, that guy buys from me and then increases the price. Selling! I ca n’t be more expensive than what he sold ... "After he finished, he held a sign of" Im geth ,! "and shouted at the long queue," Compatriots! In fact, I am Jise too. Everyone wants to support domestic products, it is the same to come to me to buy! "

A gust of wind blew past, the voice curled, the team was still ...

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooing! Seeing! It's !! It's! Lu Mingyang shouted frantically," Totally unfair competition! By the way ... you ... you are that ... paint! Yes, you called Paint! I know you! "Lu Mingyang suddenly grabbed a jiesi who had just retired from the team and pointed at the rice cooker in his hand." You just bought it from me a few days ago. " One ?! Actually buy it! Even if you support domestic products ... you are too arrogant ... you ’re crying like this! It ’s easier for me to live in the matrix ... "

Finally, Sisi happily left with a new rice cooker ~ ~ and Lu Mingyang slouched listlessly on the ground, looking like he was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Lu Yuan touched his chin, and things were indeed a bit strange. First of all, Junsi had no purchase channels. After they bought the goods from Lu Mingyang, they sold them at a higher price, and there was no advantage in price. ... most of them don't need it, just for curiosity. So, it ’s enough to sell one rice cooker, why not buy another one? !

Speaking of this, it is indeed a bit like the joint of Jie Si, the taste of improper competition ...

But ... this is the human mind. If you change to Jense's idea ... Lu Yuan compares the goods in the two stores, and after looking at them, she pulls the thoughtful land to Mingyang and aside.

"I'll ask you a question," Lu Yuan whispered to Lu Mingyang, "You said, in the eyes of Jie Si, a black and bright rice cooker priced at 55 yuan, and a black and bright rice priced at 57 dollars Is the pot ... an item? "

"..." Lu Mingyang froze for a long time, and suddenly banged the counter with his head "咣 咣"!

After the collision, he quickly rushed into the counter regardless of his big green bag, and then rushed into the counter for a while, and then all the goods increased by 5 stars!

…… Now there are two queues in the “material distribution area”.


PS: I do n’t know if you have a wood and you want to understand the logic of Jense ...

PS2: After deleting two chapters, I suddenly got stuck here. R1152

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